Saturday, August 24, 2013

Banana & Almond Butter Pancakes

Back in February, Brent from Classic City CrossFit in Athens told me about a recipe for banana & almond butter pancakes from Mark's Daily Apple. The MDA recipe includes two bananas, one egg, and a heaping tablespoon of almond butter. I wanted a lower carb pancake, and here's what I came up with. This makes about six 3-inch pancakes. I love this recipe. And if you end up eating the whole batch in one day, you've only had ONE banana, not TWO. Better yet, if you have a friend or family member or a dog (well that's a family member) to split the batch with, then you've only eaten one-HALF of a banana.

Banana  & Almond Butter Pancakes
(makes six 3-inch pancakes) 

2 large eggs
1 ripe banana, peeled and mashed
1 heaping tablespoon almond butter
fat of choice for cooking (coconut oil, butter, ghee)

In a bowl, crack the eggs and whisk together. Add the mashed banana and almond butter. Whisk together so that all ingredients are combined.

Preheat a skillet on medium-low heat. Add your fat of choice. Drop the batter by scant 1/4 cup measure onto the pre-heated skillet. A 1/4 cup measure makes about a 3-inch pancake. (The ones in the picture above are on a small plate so they look bigger than they actually are, and there are only four on the plate because I already ate two of them!) Cook like you would any other pancake. I don't top these with anything. They are slightly sweet from the banana and hold together very nicely. I like these a lot. I hope you do too.

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