Monday, July 8, 2013

Sweet Potato Pancakes

I had a leftover, baked sweet potato in the fridge that I needed to do something with, so I decided to make some pancakes. These are good, and the only sweetness comes from the potato—unless you drizzle them with honey or syrup, which I chose not to do. I topped mine with a little butter and found them very satisfying. So the next time you are baking sweet potatoes to go with your steak, throw in an extra one for pancakes on Sunday morning. This recipe makes about 12 three-inch pancakes.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grain-Free Coconut Flour Muffins

These coconut flour muffins remind me of an English muffin.

These grain-free muffins are made entirely from coconut flour. I have wanted to try baking with coconut flour instead of almond flour, and I finally got around to it. The typical muffin recipe using coconut flour calls for ½ cup of flour to 6 eggs. So you get a higher protein content, and the ratio of flour to eggs makes for a lighter muffin than does almond flour. I have to admit that these are not as wonderful as my Carrot Banana Muffins, but these aren't meant to be a treat. I don't want to be tempted by these in any way. I just want the option of having a piece of toasted "bread" with my breakfast. And these fit the bill for that without having to worry that I will eat them all before sundown.