Objective: To eliminate the craving for sugary foods that often follows a meal.
Description: Eliminate refined sugar and artificial sweetners from your diet for the duration of the Crackdown. Do not feed your sugar cravings, even with fruit or other naturally sweet foods. (You can eat fruit; just not in response to a sugar craving). Click here for specific guidelines and details of the Crackdown.
Timeframe: Tuesday thru Friday (9/23 - 9/26). Erica says 3 days is really the minimum time required to break the cycle, and she often recommends following this program for two weeks. But for now, try it for 4 days if you need to curb sugar cravings. Of course you have the option to continue after 4 days and to use this tool in the future whenever you need to get a handle on sugar cravings.
Blog About It: Be sure to post questions, comments, crys for help, whatever, to the blog. Let us know how it's going.
This is 100% optional. It's just a suggestion to help those who struggle with sugar cravings. If sugar cravings are not a problem for you or now is not a good time for you to do the Crackdown, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Remember, this is a no-pressure, no guilt forum.
Erica Lesperance is a Registered Dietician, Research Nutritionist amd CrossFitter. She is passionate about nutrition, healthy living, and the power of positive thinking. Erica crossfits at CrossFit East Decatur.
I woke up HUNGRY this morning. Between the Filthy Fifty workout last night and keeping my late night eating in check, I re-discovered the meaning and purpose of breakfast. :-)
I was very hungry this morning as well Pat!
Miki~ Yesterday I was eating so many vegetables that I just felt like I was chewing ALL DAY LONG! Really was a good way to make me tired of eating.
Not that any asked, but I am sort of proud of my menu from yesterday, so I hope you don't mind if I post it.
1/2 cup plain unsweeted soymilk with 2 cups of coffee and 2 splendas.
100% whey protein powder, 1 tbsp powdered greens (blue green algae, wheat grass, etc.), 2 tsp almond oil, 1 container fresh raspberries, 1 cup of water and some ice blended into a smoothie.
1 small apple
1/4 cup raw pistachios
1 cup green tea
2 cups raw spinach
2-3oz portion salmon
1/4 cup left over mixed veggies
1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 strawberris, 1/2 avocado, squeeze of 1/2 a lime and tossed with a 1/4 cup raw pepitas (seeds from pumpkin)
2 cups green tea
3 oz chicken breast
2 cups mixed veggies (broccoli, red pepper, onions, cauliflower, shitake mushrooms)
Filthy Fifty
Dinner: (trying to finish up these items)
3 corn toritllas
2 eggs scrambled
1 slice 2% cheese
taco sauce
1/4 cup ff refired beans
*I also had 12 cups of water throughout the day*
Dessert: 4 squares dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts.
Okay, sorry so long. Now you see why I was sooo tired of chewing.
The first thing I noticed yesterday is that I did not have my usual afternoon slump at all.
Man, that reall was long. Sorry about that.
Melissa, thanks for sharing your menu from yesterday. It's easy to get stuck in a rut so I like to hear about what other folks are eating.
9:41 AM and I have not responded to any sugar cravings. :-)
Yay Pat! And about your comment yesterday... You are NEVER whimpy!
I really like this blog.
In response to the scale thing yesterday, I usually weigh in about once a week on Thursday mornings. Sometimes I peek earlier in teh week and all looks good. However, by the time I weigh in on the day that it counts, I am usually disappointed.
As I mentioned previously, I have been toying with the same weight range or same few pounds since late last year. I have toned up some with all the exercise, but the diet part is never consistent and is my downfall.
So, I am realluy focusing on getting that part on track. Plus, I feel so much better when I am eating correctly.
Okay. So, I am not sure what to do about this challenge. When I committed myself to the Paleo trial, I decided I would not try to give up coffee (I gotta keep something!)
I don't know if I can do coffee without sugar. I can do unsweetened iced coffee, so I might try that tomorrow. (I'm done with my coffee for today.)
I have not had "dessert" since I ran out of apple slices last week. Erica, it works! The compulsion to eat dessert is really fading.
I'm definitely seeing results and feeling different. I've done 7 workouts in 6 days with no rest and am still wanting to do the shoveling today! Usually, I can barely make it 3 days without a rest. Now I want to do 2 workouts a day!! I'll stop rambling now.
Make sure you check the CFED site today for details on an upcoming challenge...
So who is doing the Crackdown?
Shana, I think you've been 'cracking down' for a while now.
And one more thing, Shana....I think going Paleo is a major challenge. So maybe ignore this sugar crackdown because you are basically already doing it...if having your coffee with a little sugar keeps you on Paleo which is the most important to you, then stick with what's working. Not everything posted here will apply perfectly to everyone.
Shana~ Am I missing it? I don't see anything about a challenge. Is it not there yet?
Pat~I'm not sure I'm gonna do the challenge. I always have splenda in my coffee in the morning. I drink all my tea without any type of sweetener. ANd I rarely have dessert. Last night was a rare occassion. I've already had splenda this morning. I'm afraid with changing my diet already, that if I try and cut out everything all at once, I might go crazy and get something not good for me. Does that make sense?
Maybe I could try it on my own next week, or after I get used to all this fruits and vegetables? Hhmm, I don't know.
Melissa, it's there now. See it?
Shana and Melissa, I'm sure Erica and Pat agree that the Sugar Craving Crackdown isn't for everyone. Right? Sounds like both of you have the sugar thing well in check. And our job is to support Shana in sticking to paleo, Melissa in sticking to her new semi-paleo regimen, Miki, Pat and others in the crackdown and others as needed. I don't know who all got to see my post from yesterday, but one size does not fit all -- figuratively and literally. Do what's right for you and don't feel that you have to do everything. I know I'm not an expert in diet, health or nutrition, far from it, but because of my life experiences I'm a strong believer in balance.
Yep, I found it. I posted a comment.
Yep Sheryl, I agree. I did see your posts yesterday. I am now finished with eggs in my house. I do not plan to buy anymore. I ate the last two last night. So, that's one thing down and out.
I am loving the fruits, raw nuts, and raw seeds. Just need to get used to chewing the veggies. Ugh!
Sheryl, only do the challenges if it feels right to you. You don't have to do it... it's just a good jumping off point, a little structure for the week - maybe a little extra motivation to pull you out of a rut...
I need menu planning help/guidance. Do you all sit down once a week and plan out all your meals and then head to the grocery? I would think you do - and I need to do that, I know I need to force myself to, but I am not a planner at all.
Gnomes~ When I did Body for Life, I planned and wrote everything out the night before. But now, when I go to the store, I just buy a bunch of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and protein sources. I cooked up 2 very large chicken breasts and 3 small pieces of salmon on Sunday evening. I made a huge stir-fry of mixed fresh veggies. The chicken breasts give me 4 servings total, 3 servings of salmon, the veggies were about 2.5 to 3 servings. So, that gets me going for meals during the week. I also bought large bag of raw spinach. So I am able to mix and match meals, different seeds, different nuts, etc.
I bought a flank steak and will be cooking that tomorrow, maybe in the Crock Pot, or maybe on the Foreman.
So really, for me, I didn't have specific meals planned out. They're kind of boring meals really. But, they get the job done.
Everybody is correct! Only do the crackdown on sugar if you need to AND think that it will help you at this time.
Miki~ You posted it in yesterdays comments. You are doing it correctly, just make sure you;re selecting to add a comment for the current day. That's all. :o)
I will try to participate in the crackdown, so far I stayed away from another bday cake at work today ( you have no idea how much food comes in and out of a dental office!) and after my lunch I am having some green tea, although I did have to Fiber35 chocolate chews, so I know I am only half way there, no protein pudding today though! Boy was I hungry after the filthy last night, had two scoops of protein pudding, not good. I blame it on school though, I find myself getting frustrated and taking a break and eating restimulate my mind.
So... I know you guys probably think I talk WAY too much but...
It is still early in the day. I've eaten my lunch. Usually about now I get the slump, but nope...NO SLUMP Whatsoever.
I have already finished 9 cups of water, 2 cups of green tea, and 2 cups of coffee for the day.
I am sore from the WOD yesterday, but other than that, I feel great!! I am even noticing that I feel like I am in a better mood. Hot DANG!! :o)
I was just thinking that Miki! What are you eating for lunch, if you don't mind me asking?
Before, I would have some sort of protein with veggies and a grain. I would get the slump and want something sugary to pick me up. Really it was with anything like pasta, corn, peas, potatoes. I can feel my blood sugar change immediately when I eat those things.
Yesterday and today, I haven't had any of the above mentioned, and I haven't had a slump.
You see what yesterdays lunch was in an earlier post.
Todays was just a small piece of salmon and mixed veggies (Broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, onion, and shitake mushrooms).
Later on I will have some chicken breast and a mix of pineapple and strawberries with raw sunflower seeds.
But for now, I am not hungry, not too full either, and definitely NOT sleepy or craving sweets. YAY!
Yay Rae for staying away from that cake!! You don't need it. :o)
Sorry I am just now chiming in! Been swamped with my "regular" job today - darn that need to draw a salary! First, Pat, you are extremely talented at doing this website/blog thing. They way you posted the challenge is brilliant. I am so impressed.
Second, if you don't have sugar cravings, then the sugar craving crackdown is not for you! And if you can't tackle one more thing, then that's okay too! I usually recommend this for people who are constantly nagged by the sweet tooth gremlin and feel that it is one of their greatest barriers to reaching their goals. If that is not you, you still may benefit from the challenge but you may be better off spending your energy elsewhere. Also, there is flexibility in this challenge. The guidelines are set for those who are "rules followers," like myself. But you don't have to follow it exactly to benefit. The only real rule, is that you don't eat something sweet in response to a true sweet craving. Putting sugar or splenda in your coffee is fine - as I have said before, I am a realist not a purist. Shana, it sounds like you've already succeded in this challenge since you've noticed the cravings fade...that's the whole point. They fade and even go away if you don't feed them. But it's not about going hungry. You must feed yourself, just don't feed the craving. Any diet/challenge that results in you being hungry anytime other than before a meal will not work for you long term.
Naomi, At some point I'd be happy to help you with meal planning if you'd like to meet one-on-one sometime.
It sounds like you are all doing awesome with all the challenges you are taking on!
Way to stick with it, Miki! Now let's work on that mind of yours....when it goes to think about sweets/sugar, make it stop. You ultiimately have the power to stop negative or unproductive thoughts. I recognize is much easier said than done, but it can be done. When your mind wanders to what you wish you were eating, stop it from going there and think about something else. It helps to have some things planned out in advance that you can think about. things that make you happy. Like think about your most recent crossfit workout, or something you are looking forward to, or what you're going to do this weekend.
one more thing. I completey agree with Meeks' 80% approach. You can really learn to enjoy that 80% of the time, but you also need to allow yourself some luxuries that may not ever fit into your diet plan. The surest way to set yourself up for failure is to expect perfection.
I take the challenge! (of the crackdown) -- but I'm going to modify it a little to include NNOOOO vending machine crap (it's the pb cheese crackers that get me).
Honestly, I KNOW I'm an addict and moderation doesn't work for me. So not eating desserts and not eating fruit or fruit juices is fairly norm for me because I know ONE bite could start up a whole roller-coaster effect. So right now, I don't have a problem w/sugar persay but I love to drink my carbs lol (beer & scotch)
I truly believe cutting out coffee and over-indulgence in caffeine & diet-drinks, and reducing SALT things has reduced my inexplicable cravings.
(I could never have one cup of coffee -- it was always 3 double-depth-charge espresso shots, ya'know?!)
When I eat the salt stuff, that's what seems to set me off -- when really I know my body's probably craving WATER.
(I'm trying to beat Melissa in dissertation lol)
So I'm saying for the crackdown I'll commit to no sugar (refined or hidden), no alcohol, no white-stuff (rice, pasta, bread.)
Really -- y'all should switch to stevia anyways, all-natural calorie-less, high in fiber & it's not synthetic-ish. It doesn't taste that bad.
I like Stevia and meant to buy when I was at Trader Joe's on Sunday but... I forgot. )o: So, until I can get some, splenda it is. 2 packets a day.
Hey, There are days when I would knock someone over for a piece of cake or pie.
That meal sounds healthy. Actually sounds like something from :You Are What You Eat". :o)
For me, those carbs would make me want sugar in the afternoon because it makes me sleepy immediately. However, everyone is different. I am just really sensitive with carbs.
Y'all can get stevia at publix & sometimes Kroger too.
I just read Sheryl Mc's post from yesterday -- I really liked it. It truly IS all about BALANCE.
...One of my favorite concepts (in addiction) is: it's not how often you DO something... it's how you feel/deal-with being denied it.
Think about it.
I think my primary focus in desiring to revise(be more AWARE of) what I ingest is to affect my mental & emotional disposition. Does that make sense? To remove the obsession and/or compulsion (waste of time). What started it was the zone book suggesting to liken what you put in your body as a prescription "drug". Maaaan was I wigged out on crack LOL. Mood swings, performance issues, irritability, pms. So by my paying attention to certain possibilities (and frankly, toxicities to ME) -- I feel more leveled out. The more centered I am, the less "cravings" I seem to have. Cuz like Miki says... nothing seems to set off my want to raid the vending machine than coming to my day job HAHAHA.
Mmmm...savory. I'm thinking of Yorkshire Pudding with gravy. Mmm. My mom makes that during the holidays.
Wow, everybody is doing great.
I just want to reiterate that the Crackdown is totally optional and the 'rules' are just guidelines. I added a disclaimer to the main post, reminding everyone that this is 100% optional. Do what is best for you...or do nothing at all if now is not a good time for you. I support you in whatever you choose.
I completely understand the boredom at the job and being stuck somewhere all day where you don't want to be. I'm really surprised that my chair doesn't have a perfect ass print on it. I guess with all the liquids that I am drinking, I am up about every 20 minutes, so that must help the chair.
Boredom is a terrible thing.
These boards help me. Between this Blog, CFED, and WW site, and a little bit of work here and there, I can usually keep myself pretty entertained.
I've been told in the past, you tend to crave the foods you are most sensitive too. I'm not the expert though. Maybe Erica can give a little more insight.
I know for my food allergies, I was tested, so i know exactly what I am allergic too and it turned out to be the thing I loved most...CHEESE.
Miki~ You might try just reducing the carbs a little and maybe adding some more tofu or a veggie burger with beans instead of the rice and beans. Then see how you feel. Also as they said earlier, write down what you are eating and how you feel within an hour or two afterwards.
Just try a few changes here and there and see if you fee any better. Even with your breakfast you might try an get in a bit more protein. I don't know, I know protein is ALWAYS the key for me.
I'm sure when Erica gets a minute, she make a few more suggestions.
Miki, your friend is welcome to participate in this blog. Regarding your question about carbs and whether you are 'addicted', I'm not going to try to answer that. I'll let Erica respond. But I encourage you to read the Soy Zone or any of the Zone books that explain what having too much carbs does to your body, your mood, etc. for me, I have found that I feel much better when I have protein with every meal/snack, and when I stay away from the refined carbs.
Maybe you could use quinoa or millet as a substitute for pasta, bread etc. At least those have more protein.
The knowledge-base on this blog is amazing. Kath, I am so with you on using nutrition to support the positive emotional disposition. And, for me, mental agility. Some days I feel like I'm thinking through a fog. Miki, like you I am starting from scratch trying to figure out what's less than ideal for me and what lifts me up.
I WILL start the food journal today. I will not let the fact that I don't have time to record everything stop me from writing something.
By the way, it's clear that many of us need a career change! But we'll save that for another blog ;)
Last, Melissa, LOVE you comment about your chair. I'll spend the next 30 mins. thinking about clever things our chairs might say about what they see and feel. Could be a comic strip.
Miki~ Just GOOGLE millet or quinoa recipes. You'll come up with alot of options.
Really the cooking process is very similar to cooking rice.
You could also do a millet or quinoa porridge and add your fruit to that. That should give you a great breakfast.
Also, are you Vegan or just vegetarian? Do you eat eggs? If you do, you might try and add those to your breakfast.
Sheryl~ Glad I can entertain you. :o)
As sore and stiff as I am getting by the second, I think I'm gonna need my chair to give me a push so I can get up out of it!!
Miki~ I an bring you a notebook if you'd like. It's nothing fancy. Just a composition book.
Yep, I'll be there. i'll bring the notebook for you. I get to leave in 3 minutes. Woo-hooo!
Re: the carb addiction thing/cutting carbs. It's not easy to comment on this without knowing each individual's history and current intake. But I will say this. Carbs have gotten a bad rap from this ridiculous low carb craze that, thankfully, our society is finally getting over. Carbs are the most important fuel we take in. They should always be the main source of your calories. You all know that there are good choices and not-so-good choices when it comes to carbs, and it really is important which ones you choose. Yes, you can fall into a "carb addiction" - not my fave phrase but we'll use it here - from eating too many carbs - especially refined carbs. BUT you can just as easily fall into a carb addiction from not eating ENOUGH carbs. Personally, the 40% level of carbs in zone will throw me into a complete tailspin of migraines and jitters. You have to figure out what balance works best for you. It takes some trial and error. Miki, you too hard on yourself! Soy-based veggie burgers and veggie sausages don't feel like a meal without carbs because they are not! You should add a good carb source - like a whole wheat bun, brown rice, roll it up in a whole wheat or corn tortilla, or have a small sweet potato with it (yum+superfood!). Just make sure you watch the portions (using the zone blocks makes this easy) so that you are balancing your carbs, fat and protein.
I SO wish I could join you all at the gym tonight. Back is still not strong enough. Argh.
Please blog responsibly. (Anything you post here can be read by anyone, including your manager.) I know you all really LOVE your jobs! You've told me so many times. ;-)
Dinner was grilled salmon, broccoli and brussel sprouts. Had some unsweetened iced coffee this afternoon and it was delicious.
Feeling like progress is slowing a little, but I think I'm still on track. I had to FORCE myself to rest today. That wod looked awesomely AWFUL!! Those are always my faves!
Maybe I'll do it tomorrow...
Pat, I got a peak at tomorrow's post and I love it! One of my favorite lines from a favorite movie.
Yeah, Sheryl. I was inspired by comments on today's blog & our conversation tonight. You got a peak because I forgot to schedule it to post after mid-night. oops.
Shana, I'm glad you let yourself rest. You're doing great!
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