Sometimes a big salad is just what you are craving, and when this happens I'm always glad to be craving something that I can eat without guilt. I had a salad the other day at Panera that you might want to try. It's their Orchard Harvest salad. It includes field greens, romaine, dried cherries, fresh pears, gorgonzola, toasted pecans and comes with a cherry balsamic vinaigrette on the side. You also have the option of adding grilled chicken, depending on how hungry you are. You can do a full or half portion, with or without chicken. I had the full portion with chicken because I was really hungry, but I omitted the dressing. This version of the salad, without the dressing, came to 400 calories, 34 g protein, 28 g carbs, and 27 g fat, (9 WW points). The dressing would have added another 140 calories, so I chose not to use it since this salad has plenty of fat with the nuts and cheese. You can find nutrition information for Panera's full menu at http://www.panera.com/.
Warning: if you go to Panera for this salad or anything else, beware of the tempting goodies in the pastry case. It's best to have your mind made up before you walk in the door. Or don't go alone!
Regarding the so-called "Fat Van" that was discussed by some of you on yesterday's blog--I think Kath is the one who started this--anyway, I will not be participating in this activity. I don't need to know my exact percent of body fat. I'm okay with just having a rough idea of my percent of body fat as reported by Shana's body fat machine at the gym. I will not be donning my swimsuit to jump in a big tank of water monitored by some fitness freak with 5% body fat, even if it is inside the privacy of the "Fat Van." Thanks, but no thanks. =o)
Pat that is funny about the fat van! Okay good laugh for the day! I am proud of myself this week, I have relinquished my old habit of cooking and preparing my food! After I got home Tuesday, I went shopping Wed, I came home and made a crustless quiche to have for breakfast, a bunch of grilled and marinated chicken and these yummy little what a call power nuggets! I have been good about not eating a dessert after a meal. Last night all I wanted was a small salad and a protein shake so I ate them together and figured that was enough calories for a complete meal. The power nuggets were from a treat I found down in FL. They were ground cashews, a diet trail mix, two scoops vanilla protein powder, honey, and a little all natural omega butter. I put them in mini muffin tins and baked for maybe a little too long, but they still turned out good. I ate one for a snack inbetween meals, and I really did not ever get too hungry all day, which was nice. I plan on making a chili tonight any ideas on how to add more vegetables to it let me know, so far only green peppers come to mind.
I frequently add carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, squash, and celery to my vegetarian chili. I have added corn at times, too. You may have inspired me now! I think I shall start a pot tonight! HGB: Steaming bowls of chili on a cool Autumn night, followed by a long bike ride on Saturday morning and an afternoon napping on the beach! Only in Savannah! :-)
Happy Friday!
Byron, I'll be there for chili tonight...wish I could. Sounds yummy. Thanks for your post from last night!
Rachel, congrats on the cooking. I've enjoyed cooking and staying in this week too. I had the chicken chili that I made last weekend for dinner last night. It was good. And the nice thing is I have several more servings in the freezer.
I love the "FAT VAN" name. I would like to know my body fat percentage because I often think that those little hand held thingies are too high. I guess I want to prove it wrong. So, sign me up for the VAN please.
Shana~ I'm not sure I understand that whole thing with the Level 2 cert, but I hope you will get to go.
Believe or not people, I actually have some work to do today, so I won't be here selecting refresh all day long! :o)
I'm actually happy to do what I'm doing. THey made me a job offer on Wednesday and I've been a bit hesitant to get excited about it because every time I do, I get stuck by a "Hiring Freeze". The work I am doing today is part of my new Job position. I am also doing some training later on today, so it all looks good.
Miki, why don't you comitt to keeping a food journal for the challenge with an emphasis on eating in response to hunger rather than emotions. You could include a note about your level of hunger when you start eating and how full you are when you are finished. I can share you the hunger scale (1-5) that WW uses. The goal is to be moderately hungry when you eat (not starving) and satisfied when you are finished, but not stuffed. You could include this info in your journal so that you start to become more aware...and simply tracking it will help you improve.
Miki, what if you commit to measuring what you eat in your meals. What might seem like a reasonable portion (2 slices of bread) can actually be high on the glycemic index and be more blocks than you thought (FOUR blocks!!)
Or trying to stick to eating at scheduled meal times only. Or commit to 3 block meals, etc...
Get creative, Girl! You got this!
By the way, Pat, great topic today. Salads are my savior on this Paleo diet. 6 CUPS of romaine lettuce is 1 block!
Thanks for all the well wishes on the L2 you guys! I know I'm going to be there!
Miki, I can talk with you more about this at the gym if you are interested.
Yes, I'll be there at 5:30. I have some information I can give you to read that may help you regardless of the exact goal you settle on.
So, my dinner plan didn't work out so well last night. I ended up eating leftovers, which means I didn't have anything prepared to bring lunch to work today. I am going to the cafeteria!! I'll be good though. :o)
I'm forcing myself to finish my first liter of water before I go down there. It seems that actually working has gotten me behind on my water and tea drinking. I'm usually on my second liter of water by now and would've already finished one cup of green tea. Well, at least my breakfast was good enough that I really didn't have to have a mid morning snack like I usually do. But now I am HUNGRY!
Congrats Melissa! That's great news. I'm going to visualize no hiring freeze just as I'm going to visualize Shana at the Level II.
Miki, I feel ya. I haven't come up with a nutritional goal for the challenge. Not sure that I will. Other than possibly keeping a journal (and drinking more water - which I thought was a great goal but already has been rejected :o/) I can't think of a sincere 9 week goal. So, alas, I may not have the pleasure of being photographed naked behind the C2 rower and photoshopped to perfection.
I can't believe y'all can't come up with a nutritional goal. If you keep a journal, and be honest about what you are eating, for the duration of the challenge, that would be very informative and helpful. Come on, Sheryl, I can't be in this calendar without you!!
I think keeping a journal, if you're not used to doing it, is a GREAT nutritional goal. You wouldn't even need to make any adjustments food-wise, you just need to write down EVERYTHING...bites, tastes, meals, snacks, etc.
Thanks Sheryl. So far so good. i am a little scared to get too excited, but I've had other managers, human resources, and staffing all congratulate me. They are supposed to be putting together and offer package today. So, it's looking good for now.
Food and I have a good relationship at the moment. We love being together, but we're also willing to give each other space. On most days I'm cool with how my body looks with all of its glorious flaws and most recently I'm feeling good physically (energy, attention span). Vitamins may have a lot to do with it. But I know how fragile this state of being is so I don't want to screw it up with a contrived goal. However, if a journal suffices I may be in.
On the other side, I'm FEELING like making the rings my beeeotch. Nothing contrived about that. Muscle up here I come!
Hah Sheryl! You go get those rings!! That muscle-up is all yours!
After running the 5k last night, I'm a little worried that I might not be able to get under 35 minutes, which is my goal. I really felt like I was running more. I even ran up that damn hill on Derrydown, downderry/ whatever you call that street. Anyhoo, I ran up it...then had to walk for a minutes. I started to run on the down hill, but legs must've still been a bit tired because I tripped and nearly fell on my face.
Anyhoo, so now I'm nervous about both the pull-ups and the run!
I'm doing another 5k on the 11th. I think I'm going to try and do one at least once a week. Also plan to run to the gym on the weekends to get better at running. Hopefully that will help.
Melissa - I would love to get my running happening a little fast - so let me know if you want a running partner. We could start at your house, go thru that path at the park and around the neighborhood or something - I think we could encourage each other to push through when we wanted to walk...just let me know.
Okay Gnomes, I'll let you know. Last night was on a Whim after the WOD. The one on the 11th is at the Candler Park Festival. Believe it or not, I have lived in those condos for 2.5 years and have never been to Glenlake Park. I've walked over to look at it, but never gone in. Is the path through the graveyard??
5K on a whim. Interesting concept.
5k on a whim? Geez!
The path does go thru the graveyard, but prior to CFED, we would start at the base of the graveyard steps and go down the path, to the neighorhood (never going into the graveyard). I will figure out that map my route thing and come up with some routes. On days I can't make it to the gym, I would love to job in the evenings, but with no one waiting on me or reminding me, I often get distracted and never make it out the door....
I might look into this Cander Park run.
Time for some tough love... I think some of us are having commitment issues... it's 9 weeks, ya'll, not a lifetime. And it's a CHALLENGE!! You're supposed to CHALLENGE yourselves.
Don't know about everyone else, but I am surely "Challenged" in all the categories. Not so wrried about the food/no dairy part. BUt those exercise goals are gonna whoop my butt!
And yes...5k on a whim! I was actually pissed off at the Clean-n-Jerk WOD and my preformance, so I thought I would run. So...I did.
My knees are a little upset today, but they'll get over it. I'm gonna take a rest day today and then run to the gym in the morning. I don't dare set foot in that graveyard alone, so I go the long way past SONZ. I think it would actually be much shorter if I did go through that graveyard...but it's not gonna happen.
Forgot to give some HGBs:
1. The feeling of taking off my heels yesterday after a reception and remembering how nice it is not to wear shoes like that on a regular basis these days. (They looked good though ;-)) Woo hoo! for happy feet.
2. Listening to my son practice a song for play tryouts. He was soooo serious it was comical (only a 9 year old can take a song from the broadway play "Tarzan" that seriously)
3. Seeing my daughter look contemplative as she unknowlingly struck the thinking man pose this morning ... on the toilet.
4. Now that I'm paying attention, realizing that many of the things that make me smile throughout the day are cmmical or satirical. When I was in H.S. I wanted to be a satirical writer. Thought I'd lost my ear and eye for satire.
Miki, I think that can easily happen. Re-read some of my posts from the last two weeks. I've learned that I can't focus on food and then be surprised when all I think about is food. Thinking about food all the time and then trying to resist it is like holding your breath. You can only do it so long. I've learned that I have to fill my mind and my life with other things. That's what I've been trying to write about -- I can't ignore the food piece, but I also can't focus on it to the exclusion of everything else. What are you grateful for? What are your hobbies? What do you want to do this weekend that doesn't have anything to do with food. You're allowed, and encouraged, to blog about things other than food. If you're thinking about something else, you can't think about food.
Sheryl, love your HGB's! Thanks for sharing them.
So...I have the OFFER Letter in my hands. Woo-hoo. Assuming I have no problems with the Background check, which I don't think I will, then it is a GO! Yay!
Byron, I am jealous, I want to bike ride on the beach !!!!! It will be a good mental picture while I enjoy my chili tonight, mmmmmm!
I ventured out at lunch and had the Fandango Salad from Panera! Thanks, Pat, for the inspiration today! I asked for the Blue Cheese Crumbles to put on the side, and I ate a limited amount. Overall, I was thrilled with the choice.
HGB: 1. The little girl waving to me from the the horse drawn carriage as her parents enjoyed a tour of the city, and
2. The University of Georgia flag waving in the breeze over the roof of Lady & Sons (Paula Deen's Savannah Restaurant) as the tour groups wait in line to dine at the Buffet. (I will not even tell you what I have decided the letters of Buffet stand for! Let's just say that the word "FAT" is involved so I avoid them at all costs!) LOL!
Congratulations, Melissa! That's fantastic!
Byron, good job avoiding Paula Deen's restuarant! Love your HGB's! It's nice having someone on the blog from a different city to mix it up.
Congrats Melissa!
Thanks Byron - now I am trying to figure out what the letters in buffet may stand for....
Wow, I have missed a lot! Been a busy week, and I am so glad it's Friday. And I freaking LOVE October, fall, this weather. It makes me so happy.
Melissa, I am glad you mentioned stone mountain a few days ago...I forgot how much I love to go out there and run around it. It is so peaceful. I'm going to do that very soon.
Miki - the quote you posted about "somedays being shit and somedays being it" is brilliant! I wrote it down. It totally is in your head. Neither fat nor skinny are real "feelings," though we say "I feel fat" one day and "I feel skinny" the next. It's not possible to be fat one day and skinny the next - so we need to keep our minds in check! It happens to me too...but I wrote down this quote because I think it's a great reality check.
Miki - I also think that you have hit on something really important, and you should trust your intuition. Maybe you think TOO much about food, and writing it all in a journal will just perpetuate that, rather than let you forget about it until you are truly hungry. And committing to eating only at mealtimes may also backfire...your mealtimes should be determined by your hunger, not by the clock. So what if you are truly hungry between meals? You should eat. Maybe you would be better off challenging yourself to NOT think about food/eating. I think Pat's advice is right on.
*It's beautiful outside
*I am going to see some wonderful friends tonight
*One of the friends I am going to see tonight has been trying to get pregnant for 4 years is finally pregnant! I am hoping and praying with all my being that this goes well for her.
*Pat's writing. It's calming and very wise.
*Sheryl's attitude toward food/eating.
OH! And Congratulations Melissa!
Miki, love the visual of Sunday morning with the kitties and coffee! You're doing great, and all of this is a learning process. Different approaches work for different people, and I think you are finding what works and doesn't work for you. Have a great weekend. I'll be at the gym this evening so will see you then if you are there.
Thank you everybody. I'm very excited. I'm still a little hesitant to be too excited just yet.
I too love the visula of the Coffee and kitties. I LOVE kittes. Thank god mine doesn't jump on my head though. He's a BIG boy.
Miki, I responded to your post by email...
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