1 Tootsie Roll Pop contains 60 calories.
5 pieces of Candy Corn contain 32 calories.
1 Hershey Kiss contains 26 calories.
To put this in perspective, just remember how many calories you burn/earn in one minute of rowing during Fight Gone Bad--and how bad it hurts!
We have a pretty scary week ahead of us. There will be candy everywhere. We don't even have to go looking for trouble. It will be in every office, on every desk, and displayed in every store we enter. It will be packaged in tempting little autumn-colored foil wrappers, in the shapes of ghosts, goblins, and jack-o-lanterns. It is available in the cutest miniature sizes right now, perfect for handing out on Halloween. (One for you and two for me). And of course we want to buy it early so that we can take advantage of the best selection. Never mind that we will just have to buy more after we have eaten what we purchased early. And of course we want to buy the good stuff, the miniature Snickers and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups...even though the kids would be just as happy with Twizzlers and Sweet tarts. Not me, when I was a kid I preferred Snickers and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, but I've heard that most normal children like gummy worms, sour candy, and other stuff that I would never be tempted to eat.
Yes, we have a scary week ahead. And just when you think you have survived it, everyone will bring their leftover Halloween candy into the office next Monday. (I never understand these people who have leftover Halloween candy!)
So it's time to buck-up and be strong! Find your steely resolve! Remember what you really want! (What I really want is some candy). Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels! So just say "No" to the candy. Blah, blah, blah... If that doesn't work, you can follow my approach...don't bother coming to my house; the lights will be out. I'm not participating this year.
I am thankful I live right on Clairmont Rd, so hopefully I do not get any trick or treaters, if I do I will call HRS!
Well, I am not "feeling fit" and I am disappointed in the weight gain I have experienced in the past week, could it be not being as active, slipping back into some old habits, PMS, who knows, frustrating! I have decided to get back on a program I was on during the summer(Isagenix), I know nothing compares to real discipline, but with holidays and than a wedding I need all the help I can get!
Thanks for posting this Pat, it will help remember when all the junk comes rolling into our office the week!
Good morning everyone. Looks like I missed some great topics over the weekend. Pat~Loved the broken hearted one. Not that you went through it, but that you shared it.
Shana~ I am EXACTLY like you, or at least I was. Held on too long and ate my way through the relationship, loved to cook, blah, blah, blah.
Sheryl~Loved the little song quotes. I'm gonna have the, "I believe in Miracles..." stuck in my head all day long now!
Anyhoo, regarding the topic today, I think I'm good with the no candy thing. At least for the chocolate candy because they all have dairy.
I haven't gotten any trick or treaters in the last two years and I really don't expect any this year, so I will not be buying candy. And, you're sooo right about the candy being everywhere. It was already out last week here at my office. Now the decorations are up, so I can just imagine all the candy that will be spread around here in the next few days.
Rae~Sorry you are not feeling "Fit". )o: You are very fit from my point of view. What is this Isagenix stuff you speak of? Shall I just "Google"?
Rae, what is HRS? And what is YDFM? Sometimes you keep me guessing with the acronyms. =o) I'm sorry you had a bad week and that you aren't feeling good about things this morning. You'll feel better once you have a day back on track. And you look fantastic...I was just thinking that yesterday....I think that every time I see you.
Melissa, it's good to have you on the blog bright and early today. I hope you have a less stressful week this week...and can be in touch with us a little more. What's your workout plan for the week?
I'm very frustrated with myself...so much so that I feel like giving up...like it's hopeless. Seems like all this self-discovery and sharing is making me binge. I have to get a grip..I'd hate to end up stuck in my house because I'm so huge I can't get thru the door...you guys would have to keep in touch with me via some special on TLC. I need a miracle...I believe in miracles...
Good morning Pat. I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Just take your own advise that you gave Rae. "You'll feel better once you have a day back on track."
Just get to it. Go grocery shopping, plan meals, whatever you had to do to just get it started. If you have to be out of the house, than do that. Go to Java Monkey or the park. Maybe a walk at Stone Mountain??
Regarding my plan for the week, I just signed up for 6:30p sessions all week long. I'm hoping some of the days I can make it earlier. But at least if I am signed up, than I will go. I'm hoping to have a less stressful week at work as well.
Anyhoo, you'll be fine Pat. You know exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it, etc. Just do it. Get it started, hour by hour, one day at a time.
Pat, YDFM=Your Dekalb Farmer's Market
I hate Halloween. It's stupid. I never buy candy. I turn off all the lights in the house and on the porch and pretend no one is home. I hate dressing up in stupid, itchy, smelly costumes and hanging around drunk people at parties.
Can't we just go somewhere and talk about CrossFit instead?
Thanks, Melissa. I needed that.
Phrase for the day: Halloween is Stupid!
Rae - stress hormones (cortisol/adrenaline) make you retain water. Try to find a way to "cool your core," sister! And you are ridiculously fit.
I can't believe people bring sugar to the dentist's office!
Hah! I went to a Halloween Party on Saturday night. Wasted too much money on a flippin costume that took me two hours to actually find one that fit and covered my ass! I bought it because I liked the shoes! Meh! I changed after two hours of being at the party.
Oh, and I've already been offered chocolate cupcakes at 9:30 in the morning! Ugh! I'm eating an apple and some raw almonds! Much better. :o)
I love the bitchy tone of today's blog. It's what I need.
Melissa - what was your costume?
I bought candy but will not open the bag until we pour it into the candy basket and leave it on the porch. No one comes to our house - so I will have to bring it to the office on Monday for other people to eat. Why did we even bother buying candy?
Rae - I don't think you should do that Isageniz stuff. I just googled it and it sounds scary. You are better off eating right and working out.
Pat - don't even get to talking like that. This journey of self discovery is not easy. It is not supposed to be easy. Just figure out other ways to cool your core. But if you do end up with us having to getting stuck in your house, you might get on Oprah..and if that is the case, I would like to meet her. (please know I am kidding - I just hope that made you laugh a little).
Gnomes~ The package thing said sexy aphrodite. I wanted to be a ninja, but the outfit didn't fit. Well, certain pieces didn't fit. I really wanted to be Lara Croft, but apparently it is trademarked and they can't seel it as a costume?
So, i found the gold shoes and and decided to try to find something to go with it. It was basically a flowy kind of material dress that went to the knee with Gold straps at the top. The shoes were strappy sandles, but had different straps that went all the way up to the knee. I have a picture of them on my My Space. Anyhoo, I just liked the shoes.
Yeah, Gnomes. Oprah is better than TLC. I saw on the news this morning where the world's largetst man got married over the weekend. He recently lost 500 pounds. So he's down from his high of 1200 pounds, but still had to be chauffeured to his wedding on a flatbed truck. I don't know why I'm sharing this sick/sad story except to remind myself where I could end up if I give up!
You are not giving up..just in a funk - and we are all here to see you through it.
Hey ladies...been a while. Man, i have to get something off my chest and out there in the world so I don't get scared and run away. I have been spending 8 hours a day for the last 3 days bascially taking an intensive workhshop in self-discovery. Gnomes - I love what you said about the journey of self discovery not being easy. It is so exhausting, and so not easy, and never-ending, and yet SO exhilirating. The workshop was about learning another level of life coaching. And perfecting your skill as a coach means learning how to really see and hear people, and feel what they feel, and in turn you have to open yourself up to beeing seen, heard, and felt. Exhausting. And while I have taken these courses in the past with such a clear vision - to better help people reach their goals around health and wellness - it is becoming so much more. My goal was never to be a life coach -just a dietitian that can really make a difference in her clients. But now I feel compelled, or called, to coach more than just someone's health goal - but rather to coach people toward success, fulfillment, and balance in all areas of their lives. To help people really see their own magnificence, and live in it, rather than being controlled by gremlins or a negative inner voice that tells them they don't deserve success, happiness, and total fulfullment. And before I let all my gremlins come in and tell me I'm not smart enough our courageous enough to actually do this for people, and that I should stay where I feel safe and have a steady income, I have to get it out there that I know that this is my calling and that I'm damn good at it. And I have to pursue it. I don't know yet what that will look like immediately - maybe just starting a small coaching business on the side, with an emphasis on wellness. But I can see that the future holds something so different from me than what I ever thought - that my career will not always revolve around my training and experience as a registered dietitian. Someday life coaching will be my career. Yikes. That is the first time I have ever said that. Thanks for letting having this blog as a safe place to throw this out there. And please don't let me take it back.
Sorry this is totally off topic! I actually do love halloween...but understand all the reasons why it is kind of a silly "holiday" and agree the candy is an uncessary temptation. I love getting cute little trick-or-treaters though - so I usually just invite myself over to a friend's house to give out candy so the leftovers aren't left with me! Because "fun" size isn't so fun after you've eaten 6 of them...
Pat your right perfect tone today! HRS, maybe its not here in GA, but is is for parents who neglect their children, ie letting your kid walk up and down Clairmont road for Halloween, Shana got the YDFM.
Gnomes I have done 3 months of Isagenix in the past and even with all the "healthy" eating I do now, which is mostly organic, I find it the easiest and most filling. Crossfit actually has some articles on it( good and bad) and I have found some Crossfit gyms that include it in their diet plans. I just think it would be easiest for me in the approaching months, and I can bring it with me on all the vacations I will be taking and at least know that some meals will be healthy through out the trips I take.
And Shana you would not believe the amount of crap that is in our office! For example Bosses day which had to last all week : choc cheescake, choc cake, bagels unbelievable, and everyone there looks down on Debbie and I when we are trying to east healthy, it is tough!
Erica that is fantastic, Life Coaching has always been interesting to me, I am actually going to be working on a project for that in school. I want to focus on Life Coaching for offices, much like my own, your work becomes your family and I feel that an office needs as much coaching as a family does, but many neglect that aspect.
I had a salad for lunch. Now I'm craving something sweet...but that's just because I've been eating too much sugar lately. I know if I don't feed the craving, it will go away. So I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee and leave it at that.
Pat, I am guessing that giving up is not part of your genetic code. How's the coffee?
Erica - you already are a life coach. We sat and talked about my eating last week and I left with a new eating plan and budget and social plan - going on walks with friends instead of eating out, etc. I am sure your business will be a great success and how wonderful to be able to tie nutrition coaching and life coaching together in your practice.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement today. I'm not giving up of course. But I need to have some victories because victory is so much more fun than defeat. =o)
Erica, The coffee with skim milk is good. My craving is gone. Now, that was so easy. Why can't I do that everytime? A little voice inside me just said, "you can...it's your choice." I could barely hear it for all the other voices in my head...but I think it's getting stronger.
Shana has given me an assignment for the day (she emailed it once she read my comment about giving up). It may turn into my post for tomorrow. It's another hard one!
Erica, thanks for sharing your goals with us. It's scary to make big career changes, but you can do it. And like Gnomes said, you are already doing it.
Love the blog today. Where have I been?!
Pat and Rae, you each know your patterns best, but what if you completely let yourself off the hook for about a week? For me, bad eating behavior sometimes is rebellion and if there's nothing to rebel against then I actually do better -- sometimes. Ultimately it all goes back to Shana's exercise - why are you eating what you're eating?
Erica, how exciting to find a professional calling! You will succeed.
Thank you all so much for your encouragement! Naomi - thanks for offering that perspective on the work we are doing together. You are absolutely right and it felt great to hear it.
Pat - so glad to hear the coffee did the trick! It is your choice..and you can. And it is not always easy because it is never the exact same set of circumstances twice. Sometimes the voice will be loud and clear, other times you'll have to strain to hear it. But you know it's there, cheering you on. And I agree with Sheryl...sometimes it's good to let yourself off the hook.
Ok. So I just looked at some pix from the world's largest man's wedding. I didn't go looking for it, but there it was. C'mon!! If that doesn't teach us that so much of this is a matter of our perspective then I don't know what does.
First, we (ladies) tend to believe we "are not ready" to pursue a relationship until we shed a few more pounds. Clearly that's just in our minds. Second, there's a picture of him shirtless, holding up his breast that probably weighs more than one of my arms. And yet we are skiddish about wearing shorts because of a dimple or an extra roll??!! We are complete foxes ;)
(On another note, wow, he seems really flexible.)
Hah! That flexible comment made me laugh out loud! I don't know why.
Is anybody going to the gym tonight?
Well, I think I'm gonna make it to the 5:30p session today if anyone wants to join me. Getting ready to leave work now. Yay!
REEEAALLY wanted DQ today after leaving the chiro... am really fighting off a potentially NASTY cold or something... I resisted and had coffee. That seems to work. =o)
I just finished dinner, and I'm craving something sweet. I won't succumb. Maybe I'll make some coffee. That seems to be working for us today. And I'll get to work on tomorrow's blog, and before you know it I will have forgotten about it.
I needed to make coffee too I guess....one Dots, one lime flavored Tootsie Fruit Roll and three fun size peanut M&Ms...this is not like me. I am thinking the candy might be going in the outside trash that gets picked up tomorrow. I did not even savor each bite!! EEERRRGGGG.
I'm right with you girls tonight. I really want some chocolate. Going to try tea.
Yes right there with you girls, but school is so stressful I did succumb to some dried fruit and a little chocolate protein powder, I can not wait to be finished with school, this last part is by far the most stressful!
Pat I think you and I are a lot alike! We both need to remember our good points and the fact that we are both so dedicated to being healthy, I like Sheryl and Ericas point that even some slip ups here and there are okay, and may be better for our overall well being!
Had my post-dinner sweet snack. Won't say what, but not too terrible. I do NOT feel the slightest bit guilty either.
I'm happy to report that I just had the coffee. Not that there is anything wrong with having something sweet after dinner, but I wanted to go sugar-free today. So it's good to be living up to my goal for the day. That's a good feeling. I needed a victory.
WOW! I was in hearings most of the day, and I did not get an opportunity to check-in on the blog. I have missed some powerful statements by everyone today! I approach Halloween as an opportunity, and I hope to share some of the reasons this week. I agree that the candy can be difficult! I guess being in Court where food is not allowed is not always a bad thing! No candy being offered in the Courtroom!
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