Jospeh Pullman Porter
Crispy air and azure skies,
High above, a white cloud flies,
Bright as newly fallen snow.
Oh the joy to those who know October!
Colors bright on bush and tree.
Over the weedy swamp, we see
A veil of purple and brown and gold.
Thy beauty words have never told. October!
Scolding sparrows on the lawn,
Rabbits frisking home at dawn,
Pheasants midst the sheaves of grain,
All in harmony acclaim, October!
Brown earth freshly turned by plow,
Apples shine on bended bough,
Bins o'erflowed with oats and wheat,
And satisfaction reigns complete. October!
Radiant joy is everywhere.
Spirits in tune to the spicy air,
Thrill in the glory of each day.
Life's worth living when we say, October!
It's 6:30, and I've already had my first happy grateful bit for the day. My dear friend, Byron left a wonderful comment on the blog late last night, and I just read it. Thank you, Byron.
These are my "Happy Grateful Bits" from yesterday.
1. Freshly shaved legs.
2. Clear blue fall sky.
3. Pumpkins & mums at Sherry's Produce Stand.
4. A perfectly ripe pear.
5. Melvin asleep, curled up in the footwell of my desk while I work.
Great pictures Pat. As another summer ends your blog from yesteday reminds me to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. I often find myself caught up in the rat race of academic medicine and don't look for the HGB's. My favorite HGB from yesterday was that my good friend and mentor, who is on sabbatical and not expected to be around 'til January, made a surprise appearance in my office yesterday! Also joined 3 good friends for a zone friendly dinner! All around a great day! Here's to another one today.
Pat C. thanks for putting this blog together it is awesome!
Thanks Meeks! I can't take credit for the collage of pictures. It's a stock image that I found on the internet. My brother is a great nature photograher and lives on a wildlife refuge! So I wanted to use a picture from him, but had trouble last night finding the pictures I had in mind.
My fitness goal for the "Pin Up" challenge is to run the mile in under 9 minutes. My plan is to run it 3 times per week. This morning I ran a 1.1 mile loop around my neighborhood in 11:10. I thought it was a 1-mile loop so I started to panic thinking that I would never shave 2:10 off my time in 9 weeks. But I drove it, and it's 1.1 miles. Phew, what a relief. This course is similar to the CFED course of 4x400 run. There are 4 pretty good uphill stretches in the run, about the same as in the gym route so it will be good for training.
Good morning everyone. Is the CFED website down? I can't get to it. Anyone else having a problem?
I can't believe it is October already!! My goodness...this year is FLYING by.
Uuum...happy BITS for today so far:
1) My leg doesn't hurt as much and my bruise is a huge smiley face.
2) Still happy about my new couch.
3) I'm excited about my dinner. I'm making stewed skinless chicken legs. Which just means that I sear them in the pan until they are brown. Then add one onion and one green pepper chopped plus a 1/2 to 1 cup of water and cover and cook for about 20-30 minutes. It is great and moist and tender. I'm making collard greens to go with it. Yay!
4)It's already Wednesday! Woo-hoo.
5) Gas situation seems to be getting better.
Uum, I think that's good for now.
Yep, the CFED site is having problems.
The site is down - been having problems since last night. I am suffering from withdrawl.
HGBs so far:
-went to CFED this morning and it was an AMRAP - yippee!
-going to lunch with an old friend to meet a new friend
-I did DB swings with 40lbs (heavier than usual)
-I love this weather!
-I wanted a snack a few minutes ago, but then realized I was not really hungry - just thirsty, so I did not have one.
Gnomes~ I think I am having withdrawl too. Hmmph! I want my CFED BLOG!!
DB Swings? Really? I hate those damn things!! What is the AMRAP??
Thanks for the "shout out", Pat! I also appreciate you being the first signature on my petition for Willie Martinez to update his resume! At least, he has a week to think about the consequences of his actions!
I am going to skip the workout today in hopes of recovering from this junk that has taken hold of me since the weekend. I thought I was going to topple over last night trying to get through the workout, and I do not want to risk it again tonight. I will be back at it Thursday, I hope.
My happy grateful bit at the moment is looking at the sun glimmering off the gold dome of city hall over the tops of the giant oak trees as I sit at my desk reading the blog! I do love October!
One of my favorite little poems follows:
"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band."
- George Cooper, October's Party
HQ WOD is "Nate": AMRAP of 2 Muscle Ups, 4 handstand push ups, 8 DB swings with (I think) 1 Pood (36 lbs?). Something like that. Don't know what the CFED Alt WOD is.
Thanks Sheryl. I saw that one too. Just was curious to see what the subs were.
Love the poem, Byron!
Off to the chiropractor.
CFED Modifications:
2 Muscle Ups (sub 3 pull-ups, 3dips per MU (so 6 and 6)
4 handstand push-ups (sub pike pushups)
8 heavy DB swings. 50# for ladies, 70# for men.
The good news is that it is all over in 20 minutes.
Thanks Gnomes. 50#?? MAN that's seems heavy!
But it's only 8 reps on the DB swings.
Yes Pat. Thank god for that. Usually the 35# are hard for me, but they usually have more reps. I think I can handle the 8 reps.
How was your Chiropractor appt.? Are you all cracked up?? HAhh!! I'm funny!
I did 40#. I have a hard time with my form if I go too much over 35#, and was trying to use my arms on the 50#, not pop at the hip, so I went to 40# so I could work on form as well as a heavier weight.
HGB's for me today:
1. Mid-day naptime is SO delicious.
2. Granny Smith Apples.
3. My two dogs curled up back to back like bookends napping in the sun.
5. I feel skinny today, woohoo!
Paydays and skinny days are GREAT days!!
Shana~ What's up with the CFED site? Is it a Decatur thing? SONZ site is down too.
Melissa, you are so busted. Quit looking at the S*nz site! We share a web guy and his server is being updated. We're looking at early evening before it's up. Sorry, ya'll.
Hah! I rarely do, but someone who works out there asked me to check what their WOD is for today.
Man, this board seems S-L-O-W today. WHere is everybody??
I been swamped with having to freaking WORK at work (sheezus, these people)
Had a set-back last night, suffice it to say I fell off the wagon lol but I'm back, and I'm here, and I'm relatively happy today -- sh!t happens, restart (shrug).
Melissa I hope you don't mind me saying whenever you write intricate details of menus it only makes me HUNGRY (hehe)
I don't have too much to say but I wanted to "show up"
Okay. I hope we're not restricted to only saying happy positive things because I am in a mood (lol) and I just have to say SOMETIMES I really hate seeing pictures of myself. (!!!) I love being strong... but I am so fed up with looking like a moose.
(sigh) And no, I'm not fishing for reassurance -- I'm just hoping I'm sick&tired enough of being sick&tired of being on that 7-lb edge. I want to cut the crap and get on the stick.
I know when I feel zesty & sexy and I'm not there right now AAGGHHH.
Okay I'm done (hehe) I just had to say it outloud and be honest on this blog.
Kath, you need to go see Carson Kressley on that How To Look Good Naked show. If you think you look like a moose you are completely insane!!! You are beautiful, crazy girl.
Kath, thanks for keeping it real. Maybe we had too many HGB's today. I've already done the post for tomorrow...if not I would make it something on the "bitchy" side. Maybe Friday.
Of course I think you are zesty (I love that word to describe you) and sexy right now. Just yesterday when you popped in the gym in your real-life clothes, I was thinking how good you looked in your jeans and t-shirt. You got it going on girl...I want to be you! You look fantastic, but do what you need to do to feel fantastic too...and I don't mean lose 7lbs. I mean "cut the crap." love you, girl!
Update on my progress: I'm doing well, sticking with the menu I planned. Tonight I ate a little more than I had planned, but I was really hungry so I don't feel bad about it. Staying away from the sugar so I'm pleased about that.
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