Saturday, September 20, 2008

Keep Monday in Mind

"…but whenever Monday comes, you can find me cryin’ all of the time.”
from “Monday, Monday” by the Mamas and the Papas

Aah, it’s the weekend, and not just any weekend; it’s a beautiful fall weekend. It’s time to kick back and relax. I’m going to my cabin this weekend. I’m looking forward to spending Saturday afternoon at the cabin and then heading over to my parents in the evening to watch the UGA-Arizona State game. Honestly though, I have a wee bit of anxiety because I don’t want to “blow it” this weekend. I’m on a good roll, and I want to keep it going. I don’t want to undo what I’ve accomplished this week. So I’m keeping Monday in mind. How will I feel on Monday morning if I have a major food-fest this weekend? I’ll feel terrible; I will be full of regret. I know this feeling well, and I don’t like it! On the other hand, if I make good choices this weekend, I’ll feel GREAT on Monday morning! I’ll have more confidence in my ability to make changes and reach my goals. The Monday WOD will not be nearly as painful. I won’t have to post a confessional update to the blog; I’ll be able to share my success with all of you rather than my shortcomings. Hmmm, let’s see, which will I choose? Which will you choose?


Pat said...

Have a great weekend everybody. Look for a new post from me on Monday morning. I'm working with Erica and Shana on the sugar-free challenge. I hope to post that maybe Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. It will be a 3 or 4 day challenge aimed at curbing our sugar cravings. Of course it's just meant as support for those who want to try it...if you aren't ready to try it or the timing isn't realistic for you, don't feel any pressure to participate.

I'll try to comment over the weekend on how it's going and see how everyone else is doing.

Meeks said...

I'm sitting here having my 2nd cup of black coffee and enjoying it. Maybe giving up diet coke is going to happen I just have to put the energy into getting the coffee together the night before.

While y'all go off sugar next week I'll be continuing my push to get off of sugar substitutes- I have very little problem with sugar itself.

Have a great weekend!

Pat said...

Meeks, in case you didn't see my comment last night...I changed a setting. Hopefully this will give you access to the blog from work.

Shana A. said...

Hang in there, Pat! Maybe knowing that all of us are dealing with the same thing this weekend will help you be stronger!

Pat said...

Reporting in from my mom's house... We're getting ready to watch the game in a little while. My eating is going ok. I had a salad for lunch, and I snacked on some peanuts in the afternoon but did not go overboard.

Shana A. said...

I'm not hungry. I'm bored. Jonathan is working and I'm home by myself. I want to make brownies, but I will not. Today, I've had about 7 blocks so far. Still on track and staying the course. Weekends are hard.

Shana A. said...

Oh, and Meeks, I always get my coffee together the night before... it saves me 3 minutes and I can sleep until 4:39 (I hit the snooze once.)

Naomi said...

Just wanted to say; way to go :)

Pat said...

Shana, good for you resisting the brownies. I did ok last night. It's going ok today.

Shana A. said...

It's been a good day. I did have 2 cups of coffee instead of 1 but am still under 6 blocks and it's dinnertime! Jonathan told me I'm really looking leaner and Kath commented on my arms! I'm really excited! Also, got 3 consecutive MU's earlier! Woohoo!!

Pat said...

Shana, that's excellent. I'm very impressed and encouraged by your determination and motivation. That's interesting that Kath commented on your arms because I also noticed your arms on Friday evening and thought they looked leaner.

I didn't escape the weekend unscathed, but I've had worse weekends. It's behind me now, and I'm back home.

I had a neat conversation this afternoon with my mom about exercise and fitness. She's 67, and has had a stroke so she's not real steady on her feet, but you'd never know she's had a stroke unless she told you. Anyway, she commented that she wanted to do some exercises that would strenthen her legs and make it easier for her to get up from the sofa. I showed her a modified squat using a dining chair. Then I showed her a modified pushup on the wall. She did a few of those and said she felt it in her abs...she got excited about that.

Shana A. said...

Pat, I used to train a man who had suffered a stroke. It took a lot of patience, but he was so sweet and worked really hard. He got a LOT of benefit from exercise ... and that was pre-crossfit!

Pat said...

Miki, I responded to your question under today's post.