Monday, September 15, 2008


One-hundred, fourteen days from today is my 48th birthday. Yikes! It's time for me to get serious again about losing weight. My weight loss has stagnated in recent months. Complacency has set in; I have lost my motivation. I've exchanged what I really want for what I want at the moment. This blog is my attempt to get re-motivated and re-energized. My hope is that it will help me garner support to move forward and at the same time serve as support and encouragement for others.

I'm currently working on going Sugar-Free. I have a real problem with sugar so I have decided to lose the refined sugar altogether for a while. I have one sugar-free day under my belt; I managed to make it through yesterday without having any refined sugar. Can I make it through today with no sugar? That's my goal for today. What's yours?


Byron said...

Okay, so I will not acknowledge the timeline for your birthday as I am right behind you, and I like the idea of not growing old gracefully. WE MUST FIGHT IT EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! Together, we can reach our goals! I want to make it through the day and get to Kathy's this afternoon for a workout. She was just voted Best Personal Trainer in Savannah by the readers of Savannah Magazine! She's a celebrity! LOL! GO DAWGS!

DaniB said...

Great idea, Pat! I love your blog! I'm guessing that not only will it be an extra source of motivation for you, but it will also help motivate others to reach their goals, too.

My goals for this week:
1.) to make it to the gym every day.
2.) to stay away from french fries.

As always, thanks for inspiring me, Pat.

Pat said...

Byron and DaniB, thanks for the comments. I appreciate your support! I think we can really help each other reach our goals.

Shana A. said...

PatC ... great goal. My goals: to go Paleo full-force before my Level II.
This means I will have to add meat to my diet and eat only fruits, vegetables, meat and nuts.
The hard part is that I know I cannot eat cows, I've spent too much time with them. Pigs are out. Chickens are dirtier than pigeons.
I'm considering bison and ostrich but they are such beautiful animals, it makes me teary just thinking about it. What to do!?

Pat said...

Shana eating meat?!?

I just finished dinner...I had a nice salad. I was a 'good' girl. I have been sugar-free all day -- I've almost made it through another day without giving in to my sweet tooth.

Rachel Nye said...

Pat, yeah! Day one no sugar for me too, we can do it!!!

Shana, you know Organic meat is healthy, it is such a wonderful source of protein, I love my sliced organic turkey. Maybe if you thanked them for what they have given you in nourishment you can get passed the feeling guilty part? Good luck to all anywho!