Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm Back

A female cardinal just as the snow began to fall.
photograph by Jack Culpepper

This will be quick. I got stranded at the cabin over the weekend due to the snow storm so I am behind on everything. I am back at home now, but two or three days of "out of the ordinary" has made my normal routine seem like it's in a parallel universe. I'm working on getting back to normal and catching up at work. I could not afford to miss work today, but it was unavoidable. So now I am in serious catch-up mode.

I hope you all are doing well. I'll catch up with you again here as soon as I can.


Rachel Nye said...

Pat happy you are back from your snow "adventure"! Glad you made it back safe and sound! Hope to see you soon!

Byron said...

I hope you were able to enjoy the beauty of the snow at the cabin. Everyone's pictures were beautiful, and I love the cardinal in today's post. Cardinals are one of my favorite birds to spot. We saw not a flake in Savannah, but we got the cold weather. My blooming azaleas are in pain!

Glad you are home safely. Hope you feel a bit more "caught up" soon. I know how stressful feeling behind can be. I seem to live there lately! :-)

Sheryl McCalla said...

What a beautiful picture.

Glad you're back and safe Pat.