Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh My

"Moth Mother"
by Duy Huynh

Oh my. I submitted the article I wrote about Shana, ("Come On", February 16) to Lisbeth for consideration for the Affiliate Blog. The neat thing is that she published it. The scary thing is that she published it on the same day that the topic is "outstanding female athletes over age 40." And she sort of included me in that category. I panicked when I read it and thought, "oh no, did I misrepresent myself? She has me confused with some other PatC. Is there anyway I can get a retraction printed before anyone reads it?" Then I thought, no she's not talking about me. Her reference to "outstanding female athlete/affiliate owner" is a reference to Shana. Please let it be a reference to Shana. I am as uncomfortable with that description as I am in jeans that are two sizes too small.

Silly me. I'm working on fitting into those jeans and into that image--outstanding female athlete. I've got the female part nailed.... The rest will come.


Byron said...

PatC, I think you are already there as a truly amazing athlete over the age of 40, AND you do not look a day over 29! Both you and Shana are an inspiration to the rest of us! I am truly blessed to call you a friend! Hope you have a thoroughly thrilling Thursday!

The Orkins said...

I second Byron's post.

Unknown said...

Pat, I was on the affiliate page and reading it as a complete stranger ~ it sounded like you were promoting your coach Shana :-) I wandered around your blog and found the self acceptance post.

Shana A. said...

Very interesting insight there, PatC. Interesting how hard you hit it in the gym every day and can manage to NOT think of yourself as an athlete is very telling. Congrats for having the detective skills to dig out that limiting belief. Now you can change it! You are an athlete... now OWN it!

Rachel Nye said...

You are an athlete Pat! And on a side note, just reading the CFED "About Us" Page, probably needs to add some more folks to it... You, Sheryl, Tommy :)

Sheryl McCalla said...

Rae, it's in the works.

Kath said...

I think of you as an outstanding female athlete over 40. And since I'm in that club too, my opinion COUNTS haha.