Monday, September 28, 2009

Eternity in an Hour

The Beautyberries at Mama's house were gorgeous yesterday.
Botanical name: Callicarpa americana

It's going to be a beautiful fall week! Clear, sunny days and temps in the 50's at night. Perfection! It started yesterday with a clear, mild, breezy day. I drove to the cabin for the afternoon and dropped by Mama's and stepdad Lamar's house on the way home. My sister and I call Mama and Lamar "LaMama" for short (and for fun) when we are referring to both of them. :-)

LaMama's garden had me snapping photo's left and right. The Beautyberries, pictured above, are awesome right now. I like them best when the berries have turned that outrageous, screaming purple and before the leaves drop. And before the birds get all the berries!

Hopefully you are fortunate enough to have some mums and asters in your garden. Mine are just starting to bloom, but LaMama's were in full swing. I snapped this photo of Aster 'English Countryside'. That's just one little plant. It was this big after one year. Awesome plant. I have it in my yard too, but it is only just starting to show color.

Aster 'English Countryside'

I don't have a cultivated garden at the cabin. Just nature at it's best. I noticed the dogwoods are starting to turn, and the fruit has ripened to a bright red. Golden rod was blooming all along the dirt road that leads to the cabin. And the oaks have dropped tons of fresh, bright green acorns.

I love fall. I hope you won't wait for the one or two weekends that are deemed "peak" for fall foliage. Savor this season. Take time each day to slow down and appreciate the beauty of autumn. In the words of William Blake, "...see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour."

Ripened Dogwood Fruit

Fall Still Life of Golden Rod, Fresh Acorns, and Fallen Leaves


Meeks said...

Great Pics Pat C. I finally got out and enjoyed the sunshine and temp yesterday. It's amazing how much better it makes you feel.

Pat said...

Good, Meeks! So glad you found a few minutes for yourself! Thanks for the comment.