Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tasted Like a Smile

Pancakes and Bacon

Having eggs for breakfast every morning gets old so I'm on a mission to find some other healthy, low-carb breakfast options. This morning I made pancakes using a recipe I found on Mark's Daily Apple. Here it is:

1 cup of almond meal (simply ground almonds)
3 eggs
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp cinnamon

Just mix it all up and cook as you would regular pancakes. I added a little water to thin the batter. This batch makes 5 or 6 three-inch pancakes. I topped mine with butter, strawberries, and the tiniest bit of raw honey. I have leftover batter; I'll let you know if it keeps and works for a second batch. Next time I'll experiment with cutting the recipe in half.

So here's my critique. I enjoyed these, and I will make them again. It's a nice way to have an old favorite occasionally, without resorting to eating wheat flour. But Sheryl, your children would likely stage a revolt. I think these may be an acquired taste. Acquired after a lifetime of eating sugary nothingness. Acquired about the same time you acquire type II diabetes, or in my case, shortly before. So to me, these tasted like good health, freedom, and sobriety. They tasted like a smile.

Almond Meal from Trader Joe's.

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