Monday, October 5, 2009

In Defiance of the Gray Day

I love pumpkins!
I spotted these lovelies in front of Whole Foods last night.

I was grumpy and negative all last week. I'm tired of being grumpy and negative. Life is too good, too sweet, and too short to spend one minute of it being pessimistic. So today's post is a slap on my wrist and a kick in my rear - a reminder that I have so much to be thankful for. When I look for the negative in myself and the world, it's easy to find. But beauty is all around, and with a slight mental adjustment, it comes into focus. Coddle it just a little and beauty overtakes the darkness and warms the heart. It's a choice. I choose to be grateful, hopeful, and optimistic.

In the past, I have written about what I call "happy grateful bits" - small everyday happenings that are easily overlooked, but that can change your whole outlook if given a chance. Here are some of my recent happy grateful bits. Share yours if you like.

Pumpkins on display outside Whole Foods last night.
Perfect fall weather over the weekend.
Two deer running through the woods on Sunday morning.
Hardy Ageratum and Ryan's Pink Chrysanthemums blooming together.
Seeing an old friend at the gym this morning.
A red rose blooming outside my window, in defiance of the gray day.

Ryan's Pink Chrysanthemums and Hardy Ageratum

1 comment:

Erica said...

Beautiful post. ahhh...happy grateful bits. so many of them lately.

*an unsolicited hug and kiss from my niece
*saturday's fall beauty
*finding a good deal on ebay
*spontaneous gatherings with friends
*finding my calling
*a neat and clean living space