Friday, January 7, 2011

Seems Like Only Yesterday

I cannot believe I am fifty years old!  It seems like only yesterday I was a little girl living on a dirt road in rural middle Georgia, riding my bike, building a playhouse under the giant old pine tree, and wanting desperately to grow up. Seems like only yesterday I was in high school, well-behaved and studious, and looking for the road out of town.

Seems like only yesterday I was a scared young woman at UGA, working hard, pulling more than a few all-nighters, and following all the rules. I was focused on getting that degree that would land me that job that would take me out, and keep me out, of the rural south. Seems like only yesterday I landed my dream job right out of college and began my career. Not long after, I discovered my knack for getting things done and bossing people around. ;-) These skills served me well. And burned me out.

Seems like only yesterday I left corporate America for a different life. I went back to school. I changed careers. I got a dog! I bought some land and a truck. I built a cabin.  I sought to bring some of that simple rural upbringing back into my life.   I found the balance.  And the joy.

Seems like only yesterday I found CrossFit and discovered my inner-athlete.  But more important than that, I made new friends - friends for a  lifetime. 

These have been a fabulous fifty years, graced by a loving family, dear friends, beloved pets, good fortune, and health.   I am grateful for these fifty blessed years and look forward to what more is in store.

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