Wednesday, January 7, 2009

48 Reasons

Yep, that's me!

Today is my birthday. I thought about not posting anything. I thought about posting something completely un-related to my birthday—I mean how full of yourself do you have to be to wish yourself a Happy Birthday? And then I thought, no, this blog is about keeping it real and taking care of yourself. Ignoring my birthday is not taking care of myself. It’s appropriate that I pause and acknowledge my 48th birthday. And what better way to celebrate than with 48 reasons for gratitude.

1. I have to thank my sweet Mama for everything I have been able to accomplish in life. She grew up poor, dropped out of high school, and got married because that was the family script. By the time she was 20 years old, she had three small children, and all her dreams had given way to despair. In the midst of her own depression and loneliness, with no money to pave the way or ease the pain, and with no idea how to make it happen, she told me that I could be or do anything I wanted. It is a rare person who can imagine something completely different, radically different from what they have always known. She did not have a coach or a teacher or even a friend to help her cultivate this vision. Just a voice from within, a faint voice saying it could be different; the negative family script could stop with her. She listened to the voice and gave it life through what she taught her children. And so, for my sweet Mama, I am grateful.

2. My Daddy died back in 1998. I’ve mentioned him on the blog before. His birthday is January 2. He would be 78 years old now. While he didn’t have the vision for change that my mother did, once he figured out that she was right, he was supportive and proud of his children. A loving father is a great blessing in life, and I am grateful for mine and for his memory.

I am also grateful…

3. … for my entire family and for the love we all share.
4. … for my job with McCorkle Nurseries and for the good-hearted McCorkle family.
5. …for my boss, Tony…the best boss anyone could ever have.
6. …that I no longer work in typical corporate America—for the freedom and flexibility I now enjoy.
7. …for my home in Decatur and the blessing of living in such a great little city.
8. …for the cabin and for my brother Jack. Without his dream and persistence, the cabin would not exist.
9. …for my truck which faithfully takes me to the cabin whenever I want to go there.
10. …for animals, especially dogs. And most especially, Melvin.
11. …for CrossFit and CrossFit East Decatur.
12. …for my coach, Shana, and all she has taught me.
13. …for the opportunity to be an owner in CrossFit East Decatur.
14. …for three great business partners: Shana, Tommy, and Sheryl.
15. …for good health.
16. …for all my great friends, especially Byron who has been with me as long as I can remember.
17. …for my education and my degree from UGA.
18. …for my career in MIS and all that I learned during those years managing software projects.
19. …for my horticulture degree and the ability to return to school at 40 years old and do something completely different.
20. …for the knowledge that it is “never too late to be what you might have been,” and for the energy and desire to keep reinventing myself.
21. …for coffee which I love and which has no calories.
22. …for Dancing Goats and Java Monkey.
23. …for technology and all that it makes possible.
24. …for Leela, who loves Jack.
25. …for being able to get a haircut last night on short notice.
26. …for the rain.
27. …for the howling wind.
28. …for my chiropractor and for chiropractic.
29. …for this blog.
30. …for writing.
31. …for the art of Duy Huynh
32. …for Sue, my Weight Watcher leader who believes in me, along with Shana, and waits patiently for me to spread my wings and fly.
33. …for a night off.
34. …for America.
35. …for the hope of peace.
36. …for better days ahead.
37. …for our new president about to take office.
38. …for finding an accountant.
39. …for the new running shoes I will buy for my birthday.
40. …for my snowman pajamas.
41. …that I found the postage stamps!
42. …for my brain which serves me well when I let it have a little rest.
43. …for the victories to be realized in 2009.
44. …for the love I will find.
45. …for letting go of the need for perfection.
46. …for self-acceptance.
47. ....for the wisdom and experience I’ve gained in life.
48. …for 48 years and many more to come.


Byron said...

Happy Birthday, Pat! I am grateful to have you as a friend! I hope 2009 brings you health, happiness, and success! No one deserves it more!

Rachel Nye said...

Impressive list and the most adorable picture ever, awwww!
You should be so proud of yourself, you are an awesome athlete, I work and know many people in their 40's who would not touch a Crossfit work out with a ten foot pole, but you go full force and are such a great athlete! Hope this year all your dreams come true, seems like you are on the right track!

Anonymous said...

I also want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
While I have many things to be grateful for in this world you stand out as being one of the top for me and my family. Your advice, excitement, honesty, friendship, knowledge, loyalty, trustworthiness and downright kindness and caring have been and will always be an important part of my life. Have a great day!

Sheryl McCalla said...

Happy birthday to you Pat. And what a great way to begin the celebration - acknowledging that you deserve to be acknoledged and listing such wonderful things in your life.

Sheryl McCalla said...

For those who haven't seen today's CFED quote it's: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?
If you had no birth certificate, no records, no memory of how old you were (like the slaves then and many immigrants and people living in country-poverty now), what age would you realistically pick for yourself? Hmmm.

Pat said...

Thanks all for the birthday wishes! I do feel a little full of myself...sorry. Hopefully it is not too annoying.

Kenny! Welcome to our little blog! Our first straight man with the courage to post. Thanks for your kind words! Tell Sonya I said hey.

Kath said...

Happy b-day PatC! When I grow up I wanna be just like you! haha (considering you only got me by 3 years lol)

You should wear a tiara today. That's what I do when I feel special. So people can see it on the OUTSIDE.

The Orkins said...

Great list Pat. I am glad you acknowledged your birthday and embraced it.

Oh, and if you are ever looking for stamps again, just let me know. We have lots at our house.

MelissaR said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Pat! Wonderful idea and what a great list. You've made me think twice about being depressed or trying to ignore my birthday. I'm not quite sure I'm exactly where you are with the Self-love and appreciation, but you have helped me re-think my thought process.
I know you will have a wonderful year full of great accomplishments!!!

MelissaR said...

Oh, and I SHOULD wear a TIARA today! :o)

Rachel Nye said...

Birthdays are to celebrated, with out a doubt, there's a lot that could go on in a year and I am always happy when my bday is here, it means I made it!!! Pat I too think you need a tiara!

myesha said...

Happy Birthday Pat! Your picture is sooooo beautiful. Thank you for sharing your list with us. You have been such an inspiration. From your career changes, your perserverance, and your ability to tell me to "stop talking and get on the bar", you ROCK!! I hope your year is fantastic!

Meeks said...

Happy Birthday Pat! While your age in years maybe increasing your age that your body looks/feels is going the opposite direction. You have accomplished so much in the ~18 months since I first saw you at the other gym. Here's to another year.

Sheryl McCalla said...

I forgot to say WHAT A CUTIE PIE!!

Shana A. said...

Adorable pic!
I'm impressed you found so many things to be grateful for!! Excellent!

Byron said...

Pat, I agree the tiara was a great idea! I hope we get to see the pictures of you wearing it in a future post! :-)

Pat said...

jackie, you did it. You were able to post!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday once again, dear Pat! ...

What a lovely picture of such a sweet and daring little girl! ...

It is such a delight to read your words and feel enriched by this display of gratitude! ...

You made me cry, you know why ...

Be blessed, be happy and ... just be!!!



Pat said...

HGB: Baby girl in a stroller sporting light blue socks with built-in mary-jane design. No shoes, just the socks that look like she's wearing mary-janes with blue socks. Too cute. I want a pair!

For new-comers to the blog: HGB=Happy Grateful Bit

Sheryl McCalla said...

We should get socks like that for the gym for weightlifting days!

The Orkins said...

Oh Pat - those are my favorite! They have them to look like Crocs, Cowboy boots and Converse too!