Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back to Basics - Grocery Shopping

"Grocery Shopping"
~by Norman Rockwell ~

Yesterday I tossed out the few remaining items in my refrigerator. There was nothing edible in it, really. Except for soy creamer and some broccoli I bought as a result of last week's discussion about the joys of roasted broccoli, I had nothing to eat. There was a carton of cottage cheese past the expiration date and a container of mushy mixed greens. Several bottles of salad dressing. And mustard; don't forget the mustard. It was sad. I raked it all in a big trash bag. Then I wiped the fridge clean--a gesture both necessary and symbolic of my fresh start. It's hard to eat right if you don't have food in the house.

Next I made a shopping list for healthy, nutritious food. After my workout last night, I went grocery shopping and bought everything on the list. It really wasn't such a terrible chore. I don't know why I make such a big deal about it. And now I have what I need to honor my commitment to healthy eating. It feels good.


Byron said...

Quiet blog today! Where is everyone? I am impressed with the fridge cleaning and the grocery shopping. I hate to go to the grocery store! I put it off until the last possible minute or until I get Martin to make the trip!

He went to the grocery last night and brought home some delicious vegetables and other healthy items. Now, I just have to get the courage to follow you in throwing out all the "bad for me" snacks, including that ice cream I did not eat! However, I refuse to empty the bar! What would I do with all those empty shelves? LOL!

MelissaR said...

Just dropping in to say hello. Still can't get on CFED site at work and haven't really tried to get on from home. Been checking the WOD on the CF site. Haven't been doing it though. Obviously.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Pat said...

Byron, great to hear from you as always. And you too, Melissa! I miss you at the better get back in there soon!

The Orkins said...

I love grocery shopping! My dad was in the grocery business so it was just a part of life for me I guess. When I turned 16 and got my license, I went to the store all the time so Mom could do other things. I go at least once a week, sometimes more. Just send me your lists and I will do your shopping!

Been having a rough week. Spent a long weekend with my sister, her husband and my adorable nephew. Sister and I have a rough relationship, so it was really tough. I think as we get older and our lives established in our respective cities, it gets harder. She does not travel - except from her house to their ranch (30 minutes away from home). I feel like I am on a plane all the time - going to see friends, working, just any excuse for an adventure. Anyway, I asked her if she would come see me when I have a family - no response. She has been here once to see me and it was so stressful on her to travel. I even offer to pay for her flights, take her to nice restaurants and shopping and she still won't come. Just dealing with the revelation that I might not see my nephew as often as I would like and that she is never going to come around is pretty painful. The good news is I am not turning to food - rather sleep. I am just exhausted, but can't seem to sleep.

I am hoping I can get thru this week and weekend and things will start looking up - right?

Sorry that I totally went off topic, but I just have not really felt like myself lately, and it is rough....going to try some yoga this weekend to work on re-focusing.

But really - I love the grocery store!

Pat said...

Naomi, thanks for sharing what's going on with you. I think that is really healthy. I have missed you recently and figured you were just really it's good to know what's going on. So we (I) can support are always encouraging me. I think yoga sounds like a good thing for you right now. I hope you can make that happen this weekend.

I didn't mind the grocery store at all once I got there...I actually enjoyed it. I took my time...bought a starbucks coffee before I started and just made it a fun, relaxing outing.

Rachel Nye said...

Naomi, I hope your situation gets better, but try not to let it get you down, I appreciate your honesty as well, I am having one of those ho hum days (combination, family, wedding, work), and being able to relate makes things better. Let's hope for brighter days and R & R!

Kath said...

I'm glad you shared your heart about your sister Gnomes...that might lessen the "weight" a little, even if it doesn't necessarily change the situation. I can relate, one of my brothers I'm close to, the other I'm not so close -- but we're all mellowing-out & trying, and I hope it's an encouragement to say things can change, they have with my one brother.

That is awesome about the cleansing, Pat -- I did it last weekend too and it was very cathartic, like a clean slate.

I am getting my bodyfat% tested tonight w/the hydrostatic dunk-tank thingy... I'm excited but also nervous. I want the TRUTH yet sometimes I freak-out a little when I step on the scale... My workouts are going good, my eating is on track, I am making the effort to socialize more... I just feel like I'm getting ready to do Fran or something! haha
AAGGGHH whateverrrrr. At least I'm going with a friend, and we plan on also hitting the wod -- so I'll have someone to talk me off the ledge if needed lol.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Naomi, thanks for sharing. It's helpful to me to hear about others' sibling struggles. And I hope it helps you to share. I spent some time over the holidays with my brother and his family. It was good. Not perfect, but better than some recent times.

We're here for you. And yes, things will start looking up. Sleep is an amazing thing too. Once that happens you'll feel refreshed. Or, come by my house. I just bought a happy light (for winter dulldrums). You're welcome to bask in it if you like! :)