Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Fifth Wish Fulfilled

Sheryl & Pat
Business Partners!

Last spring, Sheryl and I shared a ride to CrossFit North Atlanta for a Saturday workout. This was during the park days before CFED opened. On the ride home, we had an opportunity to get to know each other a little better. We discovered that we both shared a dream of owning a CrossFit Gym. I told Sheryl about how I had approached Shana in late 2007 about the possibility of opening a gym--only to learn that she was already in the early planning stages for CFED with investors in place. Sheryl shared how she also had pursued opportunities to invest in a gym. But the right opportunity had not presented itself for either of us. Over the next few months, Sheryl and I discussed various scenarios for pursuing our dream, and we determined that we would make good business partners. We decided to keep our eyes and hearts open for the right opportunity.

About mid-November, the right opportunity came knocking. The original investors in CFED wanted to sell, and they were looking for the right buyers. Sheryl and I immediately jumped on this opportunity. We didn't need to think about if for long because we had already been dreaming about owning a gym for months. From the day it opened, even before it opened, I felt invested in CFED. I had always loved it. And now I had the opportunity to be an owner in the best little gym in the universe! With two awesome women, Shana and Sheryl!

The weeks since we first learned of the opportunity have been challenging. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of details to work through. Dealing with Chuck's bittersweet decision to move on and focus on his CFHQ role. Finding the perfect fourth partner in Tommy to join our trio. Trying to do things thoughtfully and carefully. It wasn't easy.

But now the deal is done! Sheryl and I are owners in CFED along with Shana and Tommy.

The fifth wish is not only revealed; it is now fulfilled.


Meeks said...

Incredible Ladies!!! It's amazing to watch dreams fufilled. Having gotten to know you over the last year I know y'all will make great owners.

It will be awesome to have 4 people who are committed to CFED being the best it can be.

Pat said...

Thanks, Meeks. I am very excited!

Rachel Nye said...


It is wonderful how your dreams have come full circle! Congratulations to you both, I am both proud and ecstatic to have you ladies as the owners of one of my favorite places to be. I think CFED better be prepared for an incredible 2009!

The Orkins said...

Congrats and YAY!! So exciting to see what 2009 will bring for CFED. I can't believe how much has changed in the past year. What an exciting adventure and a great opportunity for all involved.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Thanks guys! It really is something. Thrilling!

myesha said...

I am so happy for you both. Words just cannot describe how I feel. When I think CFED, you both stand out as foundational elements. I know the gym is in fantastic hands. to an amazing start!

Shana A. said...

What a team of strong chicks we have (and Tommy can be our little rooster HAHAHAHA!) I know CFED is going to thrive and flourish like never before, as will it's owners, new and old!

Congrats to you two! Can't wait to get this show on the road!

MelissaR said...

Awe, YAY!!! Congratulations to you both!! That is wonderful news!!

Pat said...

Thanks, Melissa!

Worked out with one of my business partners this morning (Sheryl)and got yelled at by another (Shana). It was great.

Byron said...

Congratulations, PatC and Sheryl! What a terrific way to start 2009 - having the Fifth Wish Fulfilled! No doubt CFED will be the best, and you will have a line just waiting for the opportunity to workout with you! I am so happy for all of you involved! Enjoy your new venture!

Pat said...

All, Byron is in town, and I am trying to persuade him to come at 8am tomorrow and do Murph with me. Please pressure him to join me!

Sheryl McCalla said...

Is there even a question?! Byron, surely you don't think you can become one with us on the blog and then not make an appearance at the gym when you're in town. See you tomorrow at 8.

MelissaR said...

Does Byron even know what Murph is? That might be a rude awakening. Either way, you should definitely join in the uuum fun? :o)

So, is anybody Paleo-ing or Zone-ing for the New Year?

The Orkins said...

I am still too sick to workout (really hoping to get over what ever it is I have soon), but if Byron is still in town, I want to meet him! Someone call or email me if you go out for breakfast post-Murph. Too sick to workout, but not to eat :)

Happy New Year!!

Byron said...

Well, I did take a look at "Murph", and it does sound like fun. However, yesterday, I went out for a run and took a tumble. I survived, but I did suffer injuries to my hands and knees. I am not sure that I could manage to do much in the pull-up or push-up area with my hands the way they are today, and my knees might not work for a run. Otherwise, I would be there. I am convinced my running partner pushed me down yesterday. Otherwise, I have no explanation for falling flat on my face while running. I refuse to admit that I am a clumsy mess!


Pat said...

Byron, sounds like an excuse to me. All these women want to meet you. You need to get your a$$ to the gym tomorrow morning. =o)

Sheryl McCalla said...

Thank you to all recent Losing It bloggers for my gifts. You've each influenced me with something of great value.

Pat - first, thank you for the gift of this blog. Second, thank you for self-acceptance. You've helped me realize that just because my circular (spiral? zigzag? swirly?)thought pattern is different, doesn't mean it's wrong. It's effective and I'm going to embrace it.

Rae - thank you for your kindness. You have got to be one of the most thoughtful people I know. You have got to be one of the most positive and uplifting people I know. It's your gift and I'm so glad you've shared it with me.

Shana - thank you for your unfiltered laughter. I was in the nail salon the other day and as part of my manicure the woman started punching my arm. It felt good, but I found it hysterical. I stifled the laughter for a minute, and then thought, why? I let it out. And it felt great...despite the stares. :)

Meeks - I can only imagine how busy you are and I can't imagine how intense and emotional your work is. And you always, always wear a smile. Thank you for that. I am so impressed by your credentials and ambition and I'm more impressed by your demeanor about it all. Talk about no excuses - I have no excuse not to smile.

Melissa - thank you for your constant, never-ending quest and your independence. Whether it's finishing a workout through tears, or educating yourself about proper food choices. You keep going. I also love that you don't wait around for anyone to go have some fun at the pub on a Friday night ;)

Gnomes - yours changed in the last couple of days. Thank you for helping me to remember footy pajamas. I too had footy pjs beyond the time that most might find it normal :) My mom (deceased) bought them for me. And you've helped me remember that fun, care-free time.

Kath - thank you for not believing in social boundaries. Wait, that doesn't sound right :) Fictitious, societally-imposed boundaries? What I mean is, you are not restricted by age, culture and unreasoned expectations. You define youself by what you feel at your core, what you want and what the universe has in store for you if you're open to it. And none of this in a selfish way. Step by step I'm getting to that place.

Myesha - Thank you for sharing a small part of your story with me and for being confident enough, sure enough, free enough to make a career choice that is right for you in this moment. It helps me on my constant journey to the professional IT.

Byron - thank you for your wit and insight. I absolutley love your posts. Can't wait to really meet you one day (we glimpsed each other in the gym once, but that doesn't count).

Pat said...

Sheryl, wow. Thanks for that post. I enjoyed reading what you wrote about each person. That was a gift.

The Orkins said...

Thanks Sheryl. I have been feeling really down and under the weather (with another sinus infection). I am just sick of being sick, so reading your post really brightened my day. I am glad my jammies brought happy memories to you.

Byron said...

Sheryl, what a terrific and thoughtful post! I really enjoyed it. We may have to plan a blog party on my next trip to Atlanta so we can all get together. I really would like to meet everyone.

I hope you all beat "Murph" to a pulp this morning. I would have liked to have tried. However, I cannot keep up with all you terrific athletes when I am healthy. I know today would have been a disaster for me, and I would have left feeling like a complete failure! I think it best I stayed home to nurse my wounds! I still cannot believe I fell flat on my face! I have never done that . . . well at least not sober! :-)

Meeks said...

Sheryl-well said!

it was great to see the newest 2 DCFs "working" in the office after Murph. I don't know about y'all but it is going to take a week for my hands to recover.

Pat said...

DCF = designated control freak

Sheryl McCalla said...

Yep Meeks. The last thing I needed was another excuse not to wash dishes, but last night...ouch.