Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back to Basics - First Things First

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."
~ Stephen Covey ~

Getting back to basics [for me] absolutely means a return to taking care of myself. And by taking care of myself, I mean putting some basic priorities back in place. Getting enough sleep is critical. I need to get in bed at a reasonable time. That may (will) mean that some things go undone sometimes. It will mean that I have to step away from the computer. Everything doesn't have to be finished today. It doesn't have to be perfect, and it doesn't always have to be done by me right this second. I need to limit the time I spend at the computer each day. My job as an analyst requires that I sit at a computer most days and crunch numbers. I keep the books for CFED which requires the same. I love this blog, but it also ties me to my computer. I must put some limits around this and honor those limits.

Keeping healthy, nutritious food in the house is a must. This means I need to grocery shop once a week or so and give some thought to meal planning. Stopping to eat before I'm starving is important.

I need to take care of Melvin and play with him everyday. Taking care of Melvin is the same as taking care of me. He needs me to walk him and make sure he gets exercise everyday. When I take care of him, I benefit from this as well because it gets me outside, away from the computer. And his joy and love of life is contagious.

I need to quiet my mind for a little while each day, breathe deeply, and just be. Ideally, I will dedicate a few minutes to this each morning and each evening.

That's what I need to do to put first things first. What about you?


Kath said...

Sleep is a biggie that falls to the wayside. I THINK (fool myself) that I'm giving attention to me by staying up late & playing on my computer or reading -- but I'm learning that I'm wrong (lol.)
I put lotion on every day & after every shower... it's nurturing I give to myself. Hey if nobody's touching me, SOMEONE's gotta do it HAHAHA
My food is getting to be more of a priority with every passing day -- the QUALITY of it, the preparation & preparedness.
I wish I had a pet... I miss giving affection.

MelissaR said...

Hello everyone. Went back and read the blogs for the past few days and they were all GREAT!!!

I'm still not able to get on the CFED website from work anymore. )o:
I can still check regular Crossfit and other sites, just not CFED. Suck!

Anyhoo, I definitely NEED to get back to basics. This past weekend was a bunch of New Orleans people and musicians that flew down to Orlando for a private party. It was awesome, but the food? Lord help me!! Very creole, southern, New Orleans style food; Gumbo, Jambalaya, etc.
So, definitely need to get back to basics. That for me is getting on a schedule for my workouts and getting the food prepared and made for breakfast, lunch, dinner snacks. Lately I have only been doing snacks, fruit and nuts or seeds. The rest I have been buying at work which is NOT good. I have been having trouble getting out of bed in the morning early enough to cook breakfast, so I end up buying food at work. So, that is priority for me to get back to my basics.

Pat said...

Melissa, it's good to have you back. I've missed you.

MelissaR said...

Awe, thanks Pat. I missed you too. :o)

Rachel Nye said...

Pat your back to basics sounds just like something I have been saying sub a few words like school, wedding, Kyla.. that is what I need to do too. I do not like being a slave to the computer and need to not jump on it first thing in the AM (unfortunately Crossfit has feed this addiction). I need to wake up breathe, read, relax, or go to Crossfit, walk Kyla when I get home, take a real break during lunch, and just let my mend relax! Yes, Melissa good to see you back!

Byron said...

This post raises more questions than I have answers today. I think that means I really need to do some work to determine what I need to do to get back to the basics by putting first things first.

Today has filled me with hope and optimism. I am excited about what the future holds for our country, and I am excited about doing the work to find what I need to do to put first things first! Let the journey begin! I hope I have the strength to weather the disappointments and the courage to celebrate the victories!