Friday, January 9, 2009

Motivating Factors

“People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”
~ Zig Ziglar ~

I am trying to get back to basics now that the holidays and my birthday are behind me. One thing that always seems to help me get re-focused is to think about why I want to lose weight. Here are some of my reasons:
  1. I am now a gym owner, and I really don't want to be an overweight gym owner!
  2. A very special friend is getting married in March, and I would like to buy a new dress and look really good for her wedding.
  3. My 30th High School Reunion is coming up in June. Need I say more?
  4. All my CrossFitting will improve when I lose weight.
  5. I want new clothes.

I am sure there must be lots of other good, motivating factors. It's late, and I am having trouble remembering what they are. Maybe you all can help me out by sharing your list.


Anonymous said...

To feel healthier
To be healthier
To enjoy the beach and pool more
To feel confident
To make my kids and wife proud (insert family members as needed)
To get in those size 36 paints hanging in the closet with tags still attached

Pat said...

Kenny! Thats a great list. Thanks for sharing it. How is the running going? We need to meet for coffee soon!

Anonymous said...

Coffee sounds great. I'm jobless so the calendar is free, therefore, you just name the time and I'm there.

I run 4 miles 5 times a week and feeling good for about 5 months now. Struggling to get below 215 Lbs but I'm confident it will happen soon.

Pat said...

Kenny, I'll email you about coffee. I'm anxious to hear how the job search is going. I'm sending positive vibes your way everyday!

The Orkins said...

I like Kenny's and Pat's lists, but I would also like to add getting into those stinking designer jeans...why do I let them haunt me?

Kath said...

I want my body to be my best outfit.
When I'm at a certain weight, I'm just feel more zesty & motivated.
When I look at pictures, instead of scrutinizing I want to think WOW.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Easier dips and pullups.

Rachel Nye said...

a certain wedding that is approaching :)
and ditto what Sheryl said easier dips, pullups, pushups, rope climbs, and hand stand push ups!

myesha said...

These lists are great. For me? My motivation for losing involves a desire to feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit in public, a goal of an unassisted pullup, and the desire to finally say I DID IT.