Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to Basics - Remembering What and Why

New Leaves
by Duy Huynh

It's time to get back to basics. The holidays are over. My birthday has come and gone. The new business isn't quite so overwhelming now. It's the third week of January already. Yes, it is definitely time to get back to basics.

So this entire week will be devoted to the fundamentals. For me, fundamentally, it starts with remembering what I want and why I want it.

And what I want is a healthy relationship with food. I want to use food to nourish my body, not my heart and soul, and not as a means to punish myself. I want to reach and maintain a healthy weight. I want to look and feel great. I want the lightness of being that comes from taking care of myself, regardless of the number on the scale. I want to load up the back of the truck with all my fat clothes and dump them in front of GoodWill. (What I really want is to set them on fire in the front yard, but I'll be a good citizen and donate them to GoodWill.) I want to shop for an entire new wardrobe. I want to walk into the 2009 holiday season at my goal weight. I want to ring in 2010 in the best shape of my life. I want to be one good-looking, life-loving, crossfitting, inspirational, victorious woman. I want to defy all the odds, surprise myself, blow my mind, turn my world upside down and complete my transformation--the transformation which has already happened on the inside--my physical form is just slow to catch up to what I have already become. But it will. Soon. Very soon.


Byron said...

I read that Carl Sandburg once said, "Nothing happens unless first a dream." You have a dream, and you can achieve that dream! Never give up! Change is coming this week in so many ways!

I am glad you are back! I hope everyone has a terrific week!

Leela said...

Good Morning, beautiful Pat!

I salute the wonderful woman you are and I am so proud of you and so inspired by your words ...

Yes, I am admiring you for your character and I am loving you just the way you are ...

And I cannot stop myself notice what historical times we all live ... back to to Basics for USA, for mankind, for each and every one ... this happens once in a few hundred years maybe ...

I am watching CNN non-stop and I am crying every few hours, because I am witnessing these glorious moments of Barack Obama´s Innauguration, symbolising a new era of togetherness and hope and returning to great principles that lead to the very foundation of this amasing country ...

This impacts me in ways that I can only start now to imagine and your post of today made me also consider what I want and why I want it ...

I want to fulfill my dearest dream of having a happy and peaceful family life because this is who I am ... like each and every one else, I have so much love to give, I need at times support and encouragement from the ones for whom I count and if in your own family there is a warm atmosphere of true communication and shared feelings, then the sky is the limit and you can teach your children and any child that every dream comes true, with your own life model.

Be blessed and enjoy your dream coming true every unique day!

It is your time now!



Kath said...

You said everything that was perfect for me to hear.

A friend came over for coffee this morning and he surfed the web while I cleaned the kitchen. And I cleaned out EVERYTHING that wasn't paleo -- took it OUT of my apartment. Anything that would tempt me, any label that said wheat/gluten/or msg on it, I threw it away. I accidentally bought dry-roasted sunflower seeds that I felt immediately swell up my eyelids. Did I not want to "waste" it and pawn it off to a friend? NOPE. If I'm a real friend, I don't want anyone to ingest something that I deem as toxic for ME, right?
I plan on curing myself of lupus.