Friday, August 21, 2009

Bring on the Eggs

I've been eating a lot of eggs lately. I have two for breakfast almost every morning. Once I decided to experiment with eliminating refined carbs and grains, eggs quickly became the obvious choice for breakfast. Instead of my usual oatmeal, cereal, or english muffin, I now have eggs. I had some lingering concern about having eggs nearly every day. I'm sure it goes back to the bad rap they got back in the 90's due to the cholesterol content. I remember a time when Weight Watcher's restricted these to four per week.

The Country Hen eggs available at Publix and Whole Foods. You can probably get them other places too, but I know for a fact these two stores carry them. These certified organic eggs are high in omega 3's. The hens live in sunlit barns, have access to outdoors in good weather, and lay their eggs in real nests. Visit the company's website to read more about their obvious love for the hens and commitment to delivering a very high quality product.

Then I did a little reading to bring my egg-knowledge up to date. Here's a link to an article from Mark's Daily Apple that provides a good overview and summary of current thinking on eggs -- "Smart Fuel: Eggs". Bottom-line: I am comfortable with my two-a-day egg habit. If starting my day with eggs for breakfast helps me eat a healthier diet overall, lose excess body fat, and therefore reduce assocaited health risks, then I say, bring on the eggs.

About the bacon -- I plan to address saturated fats in a future post.

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