Monday, August 10, 2009

Could It Be?

A Big Salad with Iced Green Tea Makes a Terrific Lunch.
That's 4 oz. grilled steak and a ton of veggies with balsamic vinaigrette.

This weekend I tried eliminating all grains from my diet. I wanted to see how I would feel. I am very concerned with eating a healthy diet, and of course I believe - because conventional wisdom says so - that grains play an important role in a healthy diet. But I also continue to struggle with moodiness and carbohydrate cravings -- which at times feel more like an addiction than a craving. So in my continuing quest to find what works best for me, I decided to try it for the weekend. Actually, I decided to try it for Saturday. I committed to one day of no grains. No oatmeal or Ezekiel bread (two of my favorites). And of course no refined carbohydrates. I just wanted to test it for a day and see 1) if it was even possible and 2) how I would feel.

Saturday went well, and I felt pretty good, so I decided to try it again on Sunday. Sunday went a little better, and I felt even better by last night, so I decided to try it again today. This morning I feel as well as I have felt in a long time. Calm and content.

What surprised me most was that it really wasn't that hard to do. There was plenty of good food to eat without eating grains. And it got easier as time went by because the cravings lessened and my mood improved. Could it be that eating no grains is easier for me than eating some grains? I know it has only been two days, but the thought that this could possibly provide a solution to my food cravings, emotional eating, and depression...well, I would be ecstatic if that were the case. And losing body fat would be a fantastic side effect!

Brussels Sprouts tastes good with eggs and bacon.
There is no rule that says you can't eat them for breakfast!

Almonds and decaf coffee with milk make a satisfying dessert.
Serving it in a pretty dish helps!

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