Monday, August 3, 2009

A New Toy and a Fresh Start

Breakfast in a Red Bowl
Oatmeal with Blueberries, Almonds, and Cinnamon

I discovered a new tool to help me keep track of my nutrition -- The CEO of my company recommended it. He has lost more than 50 pounds over the past year using MyFoodDiary. Based on his recommendation, I decided to give it a try. I started with it this past Saturday. There's nothing ground-breaking here. It's just an online food diary. But it's a really good one. It's easy to use and provides lots of good feedback. It has been proven over and over again that keeping a food diary is key to successful weight loss and subsequent weight maintenance. I've tried the Weight Watcher online journal several times, but I find it a pain to use. So I end up attempting to keep a hard copy journal, but I haven't been very good about that lately. MyFoodDiary has provided a boost of motivation that I needed. It's like having a new toy. And who doesn't love a new toy?

I joined CFRX on Sunday. Yay! I have a gym now. The month of gym-less-ness is behind me. Now I have the chance for a fresh start. And who doesn't love a fresh start?

P.S. I had two soy sausage links with that oatmeal...for those of you about to comment that I need to have some protein at breakfast. =o)

1 comment:

LoveKatt said...

Sweet!!!! Say "hi" to Damon and Laura for me!!!!