Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seeing is Being

Have you heard of this idea of Deliberate Creation? It goes hand-in-hand with the Law of Attraction. If you believe that your thoughts determine your reality, then it follows that you can create the reality you want by being deliberate about your thoughts. Too wacky for you? Well, think about it a little longer. We all know that visualization is powerful. The field-goal kicker pictures the ball going through the uprights before he kicks it. The ice skater visualizes a triple axle with the perfect landing many, many times before she delivers it. We've all heard the stories of the power of visualization, especially related to sports achievements, and maybe we have even experienced it ourselves.

The most amazing story I have ever heard about the power of visualization is that of Major James Nesmeth. He was a so-so golfer with a typical score in the mid-90's when his life was interrupted by seven years in a POW camp in North Vietnam. During his seven-year imprisonment, he was kept in a small 5x5 foot cell. For nearly the entire length of his imprisonment, he saw no one, talked to no one, and was allowed no physical activity. During the first few months, he did nothing but hope and pray for his release. And then he realized that he had to find a way to occupy his mind or else lose his sanity. So he began playing golf in his mind everyday. He visualized every stroke, every step, every detail of the game. Four hours per day everyday for seven years. After his release from prison and return home, he shot a 74 on his first game of golf. That is an amazing testament to the power of the mind and our thoughts.

So I am trying to visualize the change I want. I sat down earlier tonight to write about it--to document how I want to look and feel without this extra weight. Talk about writer's block! I had no words to describe it--no picture in my mind. Now that is telling! Bingo!! I think I'm on to something here. I will be working on creating this visualization, documenting it, memorizing it, and going over it in my mind everyday. Because, as with everything in life, if I cannot see it, I cannot be it.


Rachel Nye said...

Pat, I do not think this thought process is wacky at all I am a true believer that "you create your reality". Visualizing myself doing a pullup has really helped me get them. I take each movement in my head and focus on it and try to put it together when I'm at the bar.

Unfortunately sometimes our realities are not what we really want, that is the battle trying to get things in the place we want them (our weight, our attitudes). But I believe you have to have a positive attitude about it, I think negativity can only hinder any progress.
Pat, thanks for this reminder about life, it is so important, good luck creating "your" reality, I think you are so close!

Rachel Nye said...

I came across this blog last night as I was looking for wedding stuff. I really like her message about food and fitness, she doesn't cut anything out, but lost 10 pounds and has become a faster runner ( my goals too!). Check her out:

Unknown said...

Dear Pat,

Good morning and an excellent start in this wonderful creation process of who you feel inspired to be!

I am raising my imaginary hat in your honor!

In honor of this amasing, brilliant and sensationally good looking woman!

Life is wonderful, isn´t it?

MelissaR said...

Good morning all. LOve the blog today Pat. I can totally relate.

First, I went back and read the comments from last night...Sheryl...you made me laugh out loud at the purple toilet water!! I'm hoping you're starting to feel beetter today.
I know when I am really sick, I lose my taste buds and then I would eat horribly. You would think, "Hmmm, I can't taste it, so I might as well eat healthy," but no, that doesn't work for me. I turn to things that I KNOW are terrible, but that I can remember tasting good, or almost sedating me in a way. Ramen noodles, taquitos, and Kraft Mac & cheese are my choices. Even though eating Ramen noodles and mac & cheese when you can't taste it is like eating a pile of mush, I can remember or Visualize it tasting good.

Anyhoo, Pat, I think I need to work on the same thing. Visualizing how I will look, how I will feel, how strong I will be, and how much better my lungs might work. Yayy for breathing!!! :o)

Shana A. said...

Can I get an "Amen!" ...? Visualization IS powerful! Even more powerful is imagining how you will feel when you realize your wishes!

I see potential in all of us!!

MelissaR said...

AAAAMEN!!! and a Hallelujah just for sh*ts and giggles!!! :o) Am I allowed to say that on here?

Rachel Nye said...

"See bride run" had this great article today about running and your brain, read it, interesting!