Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

The Cabin
(picture taken 11/08/08)

It is a beautiful, cold morning here at the cabin. I am sitting in my comfy, cozy, second-hand swivel rocker sipping the best cup of coffee you can imagine. The sun is breaking through the trees which are already nearly bare. Winter has come early this year. The woods are still and quiet. Melvin is sitting in front of the kerosene heater, looking out the french doors, woofing under his breath at something...not sure what.

My family is gathering at my mom and step dad's house today for the Thanksgiving celebration. My brother, Jack is coming. My sister, Jolyn lives next door to my mom, so she is already present. Also coming are my sister, Myra and her husband, Phil along with their children, Abbie and Joseph. Abbie is 21, and Joseph is 16. Hard to believe. Time is flying by.

I am missing Daddy this morning. He always loved Thanksgiving. He loved the family-time and the big meal. He especially loved the dressing and the sweet potato pies.

We will be overrun with dogs today. Mama and Lamar have big 'ole hearts when it comes to animals, so they regularly take in strays. Their current herd is comprised of Rodie, Pearl, Shilo, and Josie. Jolyn has two dogs, Tucker and Sonny. Jack is bringing his dog, JC. Of course, I have Melvin. Nephew Joseph just got a new puppy, Ami. You get the picture. We love dogs! And they all love it here because they can run around free on the 24 acres. It's a dog's paradise.

And then there are the cats. Alice is a Siamese first rescued by Jack back in the 1990's. We don't know how old she is, but we know she is old. She is now Mama's cat, and Mama loves that cat! Then there is Lucy, a big, beautiful calico. And the youngest is Mimi, also a calico. Jolyn has two cats, Katie and Boone. I also have two cats, Teddie and Rudy. But if you know anything about cats, you know they don't travel well, so Teddie and Rudy are at home in Decatur.

I had not planned to write anything for the blog today, but I felt inspired by this day, what it means, and all the memories it evokes. I truly have a wonderful life, and my heart is full of gratitude today.


Leela said...

What a blessing to live such a beautiful life ... and what a lovely picture, all these dogs and cats, running free and all of you gathering together on this special holiday ... you are all very kind people.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

I am with you in my heart...

Sheryl McCalla said...

Glad to be a beneficiary of your inspiration Pat. Absolutely lovely. This wonderful day is done. The kitchen is clean -- at least enough so for tonight. The house is quiet. The kids are snuggly and aspleep and quitely, almost soothingly, snoring. I can relate to your sentiments of gratitude and to your sentiments of missing loved ones.

Everyone: Pat's pies are as tasty as they look. Yummy. :)

Sheryl McCalla said...

Must've been pretty sleepy last night -- that's "asleep" and "quietly".

Today continues to be wonderful. My house guests left for a a few hours to visit family. Khalid went outside to play with a neighborhood friend. Naiya is taking a bubble bath. And I...have a moment.

The Orkins said...

Pat - Your Thanksgiving sounds like it was wonderful - lots of 2 and 4 legged family around.

On another note - the picture of your pies...I need a lesson. How do you get the crust looking so pretty? Mine never looks that nice.

Pat said...

Gnomes, here's my secret...I used pre-made crusts. Who has time to make their own crusts? I usually like to buy those crusts that you roll out and put in your own pie plate, but this year, I didn't even do that. I just bought frozen pie time. (Martha would not approve.) But everyone loved them just the same.

The Orkins said...

Good call Pat. I use the kind you roll out and they never look that year I am trying your method.