Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wild Ride

I had a crazy dream last night. I usually don't remember my dreams, but I remember this one. I dreamed that I was on a wild boat ride. People were standing all around watching me, but no one was saying anything--just watching. I wanted to stop the boat, but I couldn't. Finally the out-of-control boat hit a big rock, bringing it to a stop. Then I discovered a hole in the boat where it had rammed into the bolder. The boat was taking on water. I began apologizing for the wild ride and the damage to my boat--which I could not control, but I apologized anyway.

I don't own a boat, and I never go boating. I think this dream must be about uncharted waters, and my fears about the possible wild ride ahead. I decided to write about it because I have been eating like crazy the last two days. I have a lot on my mind right now, and I'm stressed. These are typical conditions that lead me to overeat...I can't control what's going on around me, but there is one thing I can control--my eating. So I take control by eating out of control? Now that's crazy.

Here's to getting a grip today.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Pat. You seem to have an insightful interpretation of your dream, and your eating. Understanding your feeling and actions is a powerful thing many people cannot achieve. I hope today is better, and you feel stronger and less stressed.

Byron said...

There must be something in the air as I have been feeling the same way. I seem to be stuffing down emotions with food! As the recession worries get more severe, my workload is increasing. I listen everyday to people explain to me pain that I cannot even imagine, and I seem to be taking on some the feelings. I need to remember that I can only do so much to help people, and people have to be willing to help themselves. I do believe we are in for a wild ride indeed where the economy is concerned so I must keep my eye on my ultimate goal . . . People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive! LOL! Thanks, Gnomes, for the vote in yesterday's blog! I am launching my lobbying for next year now!

I used to have a dream that involved an elevator flying out the top of a building, swirling uncontrollably around the air above the building where I needed to be. I lacked the insight to see what it really meant, but I think the wild boat ride summed it perfectly. Pat, thanks for sharing the insight. Just keep your eye on the prize and remember the brick wall scenario. Sometimes, a step back helps us get that running start needed to bound to the next level. We can all do it together! There is strength in numbers.

Shana A. said...

I love dreams!

There's a book about the meaning of dreams at Lotus, Pat. Although it always sounds like BS when I read it. Occasionally I get and Aha! from it, but rarely. I think usually your instincts are right. It sounds like fear to me and the water makes me think of no dry land to stand on if the boat sinks/ so security issues. Also, uncharted waters and rocking the boat could all be relevant phrases to garner meaning from...
... AND I can relate. But I refuse to ever let myself sink even if my boat does!

Shana A. said...

PS -- really sorry about the absenteeism yesterday... I had such a LONG nap and forgot where I was!

Pat said...

I used to have an elevator dream too. I was in an elevator, and it was falling and spiraling at the same time. It was a scary dream! I was always so glad when I woke up and realized it wasn't real. I haven't had that dream in years. Come to think of it, I think it was during the time I was considering leaving the big corporate job...and I continued to have it for a while after I left. It's nice that I no longer have that dream!

Sheryl McCalla said...

Dreams. My dreams are more vivid lately -- since the summer. (they say only crazy people dream in color, but I don't buy it. Everyone I've ever asked claims to dream in color) The Lotus folks claim to be responsible for my vivid dreams. They say they've unleashed whatever.

I gotta tell you though, Pat and Byron you dreams sound at least a little fun. At first Byron's dream made me think of Willy Wonka and the Wonka-vator. My panic dreams were always something boring, but stressful like showing up at school, realizing there was a math test and knowing I hadn't studied all semester. I had those well into adulthood, but haven't had one for a while.

Rachel Nye said...

I love analyzing dreams! I dream pretty often and I always amaze myself what my brain puts together in my sleep. My first speech I gave in speech class was about dreams, I remember that dreams are suppose to be a combination of your innermost thoughts. Lately I have been havinf crazy wedding dreams, the last one was my dress I bought wasn't in SSI (St Simons Island)and I had to put on this dress with big puffy pink sleeves, it was hideous! I hope these don't continue all the way to the wedding, we still have 4 months to go!