Friday, December 5, 2008

Burning it at Both Ends

I burn my candle at both ends,
It will not last the night.
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends,
It gives a lovely light.

by Edna St. Vincent Millay

I have been burning my candle at both ends for a while now. When you do this, you get more done in the short term of course. The "light" you produce is brighter. But then comes the burnout if this goes on for too long. I'm looking forward to this weekend so that I can burn my candle at just one end.

Sorry for neglecting this blog. Hopefully, today's post provides an explanation.


Sheryl McCalla said...

HA! I saw the caption of today's post and didn't need to read any further. I feel ya.

Good morning everyone. Great quote on today's CFED blog. Very simple, but says a lot. Check it out.

Byron said...

When people used to tell my grandmother that she was burning the candle at both ends, I remember her always saying, "Don't tell me that I am burning the candle at both ends. Tell me where I can get more wax!" I am sure it was not original, but I remember her fondly whenever I hear that someone is burning the candle at both ends.

I think you find more wax by taking time for yourself! Here's to the weekend and recharging our candles so they may burn bright another day!

Despite my limited voice, I must conduct hearings this afternoon. I hope my voice holds up! This cold has been hanging on far too long. I am ready to get back in the game on both workouts and diet.

MelissaR said...

Dear lord I have never seen so much sugar in my life. We had a bake -off today. Some entries, others just brought sutff. THREE tables worth of SUGAR!! I think people will be comatose this afternoon.

Byron, I hope you feel better soon. Tea with honey for that throat/voice. Maybe a shot of liquor too. :o)

Pat~Hope you get some much needed time for yourself this weekend. Tonight is another baking night for me. Brownies, cookies, and fudge OH MY! After seeing all this stuff at the office, I'm sure there will not be any temptation for me to eat the stuff I make tonight.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Melissa, what are you baking for?

Pat said...

Yeah, Melissa what are you baking for? You are quite the cook.

If I know Byron, he will opt for the liquor.

MelissaR said...

Baked the Key Lime cheesecake last night for a bake-off here at work today.

Tomorrow is my step-dads 50th birthday. We are having a party. In lieu of a cake, I am baking chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and fudge, all his favorites.

Byron said...

Does Long Island Tea with lemon count as a health drink?

Hope all are having a great weekend!

Pat said...

Byron, If it makes you feel better, it counts.