Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lose the List


Life is too short to spend one minute listing your perceived flaws. While you are making your list and checking it twice, reciting it to anyone who will listen and providing hard copies for those who won't, life is grooving on by. And who knows what (or whom) you are missing in the process?

I'm done with pointing out my flaws. And when that voice inside my head attempts to remind me of them (like right now), I'm just plugging my ears and shouting at the top of my lungs, "I can't hear you anymore!" I like me. And I don't even need to make a list of reasons why to convince myself or you. I just like me and think I'm pretty cool.

Now I think I'll go outside and see if anyone is calling my name. ;-)


Rachel Nye said...

awww, How cute!
I think once we let go of that list we begin to heal and move forward!

Pat said...

Hey Everyone,

Hopefully you read Bryon's comment yesterday about his New Years Eve party. He lives in Savannah, but still maintains a house here in Atlanta. The NY's Eve party will be at the house here in Atlanta. He has invited our little group of bloggers to the party. I gave him emails for those who have commented here recently...so watch for your evite from Byron. If you don't get it and you want to go, don't be bashful...just let us know. (that last sentence sounds very Dr. Suess-like).

The Orkins said...

I love the post today. We focus so much on what we don't like about ourselves and need to shift that to why we love ourselves. I immediately thought about the toot your horn post from a few months ago - I think we need to toot our horns more often - and what better place to do it than this blog?

Kath said...

That video is awesome.

I think it would help to remove ourselves from the situation -- some days when I'm down, I try to think of the reasons why my friends like me. ...That I'm funny, and kinda crazy, but I'm REAL, and I laugh very loud. What's to not like about THAT?! haha
Never once have I heard "well that Kath... ya'know how she has that cellulite on her ankles, we probably shouldn't invite her to the party" LOL
That video is really good. Today I'm going to focus on seeing what other people see -- how God sees me.
I also wanted to see if one person is willing to be my lifeline. I need someone to call and who will call me when we get into a little food trouble (like getting ready to eat the fridge)

Shana A. said...

Great post today! I wish you all could see yourselves the way I see you. I think you are all fabulous just as you are!

Byron said...

I love the post today! Thanks for posting!

I sent out invitations via e-vite to the e-mails provided today. We always have a great time ringing in the New Year, and of course, champagne at midnight! Hope all can join us. And, believe me, if we overlooked anyone who wants to join us, please let me know. I assure you no one was omitted intentionally. :-)

Day Two of Audit . . . So far, all is going well. Keep your fingers crossed! Exit conference is tomorrow! AHHHHH, I love audits . . . NOT! Only four days until the cruise! YEAH!

Pat said...

Byron, I expect you to check-in everyday during the cruise and share your food and beverage intake. =o)

Pat said...

Kath, I could possibly be your lifeline.

Kath said...

Aw PatC that would be great! I'd really like that. I have your phone number, do you text?
Put mine in your cel 404-272-1774 and we will chat!

Pat said...

Not much of a texter, but Shana says I must become one. Problem is that I don't want to do the texting on my work cell #. So until I resolve that, we'll have to communicate the old fashioned way.

I'll enhance my life with unlimited texting soon.

Byron said...

I never eat or drink too much on these family cruises. You know my whole family is so health conscious (tongue firmly planted in cheeck)!

I will commit to trying to get in a couple of workouts in the ship gym over the week and to drop anchor before consuming the entire midnight buffet or drinking the entire contents of bar! LOL!