Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wish List

by Pearl Jam

I wish I was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off.
I wish I was a sacrifice that somehow still lived on.
I wish I was a sentimental ornament you hung on
the Christmas tree, I wish I was the star that went on top,
I wish I was the evidence, I wish I was the sound
of fifty million hands upraised and opened toward the sky.

I wish I was a sailor with someone who waited for me.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
I wish I was a messenger, and all the news was good.
I wish I was the full moon shining off your camaro's hood.

I wish I was a living being, at home behind the sun,
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on.
I wish I was the pedal break that you depended on.
I wish I was the verb "to trust", and never let you down.

I wish I was a radio song, the one you couldn't turn off,
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I guess it never stops.


My Wish List

  1. A lean body
  2. Kipping pull ups
  3. My "Mark Darcy"
  4. Way more than "enough"
  5. A long, happy, healthy life without decline
  6. A gracious, kind, patient spirit with everyone
  7. Success in all my endeavors
  8. Running water and plumbing at the cabin
  9. A clean, orderly home and office (right now!)
  10. A good nights sleep!

Identifying what you want is half the battle. Saying it out-loud to yourself and others must account for another 10-20%. Expecting and believing gets you the rest of the way. I never understood that saying, "when you least expect it...". Well-meaning, misguided folks have said that to me over the years, especially in regards to meeting my "Mark Darcy". These people had no clue what they were talking about, and it always really aggravated me when they said it. No one could possibly have had less expectation in this regard than me. And that's the problem. Expecting your dreams to come true is absolutely required. I expect to have a lean body in 2009. I expect to get pull ups in 2009. I expect to have "way more than enough", to have a wonderful relationship, to live a long, happy, healthy life up until the moment I die.

I'm expecting good things. What about you? What's on your wish list?


Rachel Nye said...

You shouldn't have asked me this, this year's wish list is super long and my needs are extraordinary, I'll try to break it down:

1. That my new nephew comes into the world healthy and happy and preferably not when I am walking down the aisle, any other time would be exceptable, even if we all have to bail on the reception to go to the hospital, just not those 15min when the priest is marrying us, please:) ( Wedding date: 3-14, expected birth date : 3-24, my sister is my maid of honor)
2. That our wedding is full of joy and love
3. That my soon to be mother in law who is moving BACK in with me today after a second bad relationship finds herself and creates a life for herself that is productive and loving
4. That Eric finds a wonderful job, he has worked so hard, so far the best offer he has is in St. Pete, and he may start by April
5. That when we move I find a wonderful job like the one I have, so far there has not been one dental hygiene job open in the St Pete Tampa area in months
6. That if I have to move I will find friends like I have here and that I will always cherish the memories of the wonderful people I have met in Atlanta, especially all of you!
7. That you allow me to continue on the blog when I move
8. That the world finds peace, happiness, love and hopes for brighter days
woo, glad I got that out, now on to the rest of this year, still have a lot to do, Have a great day!

Pat said...

Good job putting it out there, Rachel. Keep expecting. It's all going to work out. Now take a deep breath ... and exhale. Everything is going to be all right.

I think your nephew's birth will not occur during your wedding, but I can tell you even if it does, I'll be at the wedding to see YOU. So no bailing. Your wedding is just as important as the birth of your sister's child. She and he will be fine. This is your moment...allow yourself this once in a lifetime experience without interruption...regardless of what's going on with them. If she simply must give birth at the exact moment you are walking down the aisle, then she simply must, but it would be a shame for her to miss the wedding. Does this sister have a history of upstaging you? =o)

Good luck with your M-in-L today. Maybe you need to drag her to CFED for a workout and let Shana kick her ass.

MelissaR said...

Awe, I love this post. And, I'm not sure why Rae, but your "wishes" kind of made me tear up a little bit.
Here are my wishes/thoughts/hopes:

1) Have a lean, healthy, and pain free body.
2) Travel out of town at least 3 times next year.
3) See my grandmother at least one of those times. (I promised has been over 10 years)
4) Find my "Mark Darcy" too.
5) Read more books, watch less TV.
6) Paint my condo.
7) Save, save, save to travel, travel, travel.
8) I wish for my brother and sister-in-law to be able to get and sustain a healthy pregnancy/baby.
9)To bake and decorate more cakes. It makes me happy.
10) Take more cooking classes and cook more elaborate, healthy meals.
11) I wish that Rae has the best wedding ever and that she finds a great job.
12) I hope that Pat finds her "Mark Darcy" and gets indoor plumbing at the cabin.
13) Be happy and not leg EGO/complaints get the best of me.

Sheryl McCalla said...

1. That my kids and I are happy, safe and healthy.

2. That I have more time to do productive things that are non-law related. E.g., do things for my kids' school, more involvement with my board and community work.

3. That my creative side gets to see more light this year -- art, cooking, acting, whatever.

4. Financial security

5. The secret wish that shall be revealed shortly.

6. My Mark Darcy. Here's the funny thing about this one. If I really believed I could have a Mark Darcy I'd really want one -- now. Deep down I just don't believe it. And for now, I'd rather no relationship than anything less. So I usually say I'm not interested in a relationship. More accurate would be to say that I'm not interested in anything other than a fantastic relationship right now. So the lesson this exercise has taught me: I have to work on believing.

Rae, there is nothing extraordinary about your needs. It's what you deserve and what you should expect.

Another great post Pat. I love hearing about everyone's wishes.

Kath said...

Pat you have a cabin??!! Why aren't we there? (haha)

That song is amazingly poignant. So simple... yet, stirring. I love things that speak to my soul.

Here's my list:
1.) get recto-cranially-uninverted in order to appreciate how hot I am. ;)
2.) be available and receptive enough for my 'markdarcy' to find ME.
3.) be present & live in the moment and love harder.
4.) be willing to be vulnerable enough to share my art (loudly and with confidence) with the world.
5.) remember the joy. Even in the shitty stuff.
6.) be aware that my mind & attitude have a direct correlation to the HEALTH & PHYSICALITY of my body. (I see "illness" or "dis-ease" as a lapse in that clarity/focus)
7.) for my family, friends, myself to glorify in learning & contributing to their own life, and for karma to not be too hard on them.
8.) that my circle knew how profoundly their love impacts me (it saves me) -- and knew how much I loved them.

Kath said...

Sheryl I wanna know about #5!!! haha

MelissaR said...

I think her #5 relates to her #6??

Shana A. said...

1. I wish I didn't worry about what other people think about me so much.
2. I wish I really believed I could go to the CF Games and be a contender.
3. I wish I could stop worrying about money and feel safe and secure and know deep down I am provdided for.
4. I wish I could open my own fitness clothing boutique (because I don't have enough to do already!)
5. I wish my left arm would feel normal again.
6. I wish I had just a little more energy.
7. I wish my hair would stop coming in gray.
8. I wish for a magic wand to make all these wishes come true!

Pat said...

I have a "#5" too. Sheryl's not the only one with a "#5." Mystery and intrigue on the blog...I love it.

Sheryl, I totally agree with not wanting a relationship unless it's a really great one. My life is too fabulous to mess it up with a less than wonderful relationship. I'm living proof that it is possible to be exceedingly happy going solo. I think you are too.

Pat said...

Shana, you are the magic. You're the magic for a lot of us.

Pat said...

Kath, I want to see your art. Share it with me, please.

The Orkins said...

1. I wish this conference call would end before is not looking like it right now

2. Will think about my real wishes as soon as this call ends...

The Orkins said...

1. I wish to be pregnant by this time next year. Can't believe I just put that in writing..but that is the plan.

2. I wish to fit into designer jeans before AND after wish #1

3. I wish to become more domestic. I have been working on keeping plants alive the past year and I think that is the first step. By being domestic, I mean keeping a cleaner house and cooking more (I do not clean or cook now...almost never).

4. I wish to re-new my committment to the gym. And not get discouraged and whiny when something seems hard.

5. I wish to control my spending/shopping/budget and be better about saving money.

6. I wish that everyone else's wishes come true! I can't wait to look back at this post in a year and see where we are with our wishes.

MelissaR said...

Awe, Yay Gnomes!! That's exciting.

Pat said...

A baby gnome. How fun.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Naomi,you know your baby better have your sense of humor since s/he will be inundated with cute little gnome outfits. And, don't worry, if there's a change in your plans, we'll simply dress up your plants!

The Orkins said...

Don't you worry...when/if the time comes for Baby Gnome to enter the world, he/she will be all decked out in Gnome apparel. I hope it has my husbands hair - super thick and curly. It will look great under a gnome hat.

Kath said...

(Here's my art... writing ;)

In all the universe, as many stars in the sky are my wishes for you.
Prosperity, serenity... a sense of confidence and quiet knowing that with you in the world -- it is a more righteous place.
As all the many grains of sand that hold the ocean -- so are we a part of one other, a part of the whole.
Of each moment of every day, my wish for you is to know love as I am sending to you...
And it wouldn't hurt if your damn MarkDarcy would just ask for friggin directions and find you quick.


Rachel Nye said...

I love all the posts, it sounds like 2009 is going to be a good one, so many dreams and I feel we all have all worked so hard in '08, '09 is our time!!!!!

PS Shana I thought your hair grew in pink....

Meeks said...

Great blog today! A little Gnome would be so much fun- we'll be sure to get he/she crossfitting early.

1. That all of us are healthy, happy, and at peace with who we are and our places in the world.

2. That I trust that inner voice to take care of my body and to live in the moment.

3. To recommit to full participation/intensity in WODs

4. To open myself up to more people so that if my "Mark Darcy" is out there I won't be hiding from him:-)

I can't wait to hear Sheryl and Pat C's #5s!

Pat said...

Kath! Love it. You have to be a guest host on the blog one day soon!