Friday, January 23, 2009

Back to Basics - Keep on Tracking

My Food Journal

I have recommitted to keeping a food journal. I bought a new one and started fresh on January 11. I have done reasonably well with it. My intention is to write down every bite I put in my mouth as well as track my activity. In the past I have found this to be a very effective tool in weight loss. But, I have tended to take a perfectionist attitude with it. As soon as I would start to struggle or lose motivation, I would let the journal fall by the wayside--as if my behavior wasn't "journal-worthy." Well, that's just crazy because the whole point of keeping a journal is to learn about your behavior and make changes--not just document the ideal days and then "go-dark" the rest of the time.

So I am committed to writing down what I eat, regardless. And if/when I miss a day and fail to write it all down, I'm not going to beat myself up about that either. I'll just pick back up the next day and keep on tracking.


Pat said...

Hope everyone is having a good Friday.

Melissa, I'm calling you out here because I know you can't read the CFED blog from work. Where have you been? We miss you at the gym.

MelissaR said...

Good morning Pat. I like the blog today. It reminded me to write down my breakfast. I too do the same as you and sometimes don't write thinngs down because they weren't the best choices. It's almost a thought process of, if I don't write it down, than it didn't happen. We all know that isn't true.

In regards to the gym, my only reason is that I don't want to go there. I want to work out, just not there at the moment. To be honest, I'm actually considering cancelling for a few months and doing something else for a while. I still want to do the Crossfit workouts but... I don't know. I'm just not happy. No one is harder on me than me. I used to feel good about myself after a hard workout and I don't seem to feel that way anymore. I leave there feeling worse about myself. I feel like if I say these you guys will hate me or something, but that is just how I feel. So, that's why I haven't been coming. )o: I'm sure it's my own issues, so I thought maybe if I went and did something else for a while or at least somewhere else, than...I don't know.

Pat said...

We won't hate you, Melissa. Just do what is best for you. Of course just keep in mind that wherever you go, there you are. So you may need to confront your demon right where you are. Whatever you decide, we love you. And I hope you will stay in touch on this blog no matter where you work out...or even if you don't workout at all for a while.

Kath said...

Melissa, one of the classic symptoms of over-training is lack-of-joy. That doesn't mean to stop... but mix it up & find the love again. I did it by NOT rx'ing -- by keeping the weight really light and going faster. Which made me feel emotionally lighter during the wod, but most especially I didn't DREAD it before (& work myself up into a frenzy, then avoid the whole thing.)
You are very brave to tell how you feel about it, I'm proud of you for that. I know you love crossfit & everyone at the gym. I have been where you are... I wanted to resolve the thing at the root, because I'd just repeat the pattern with the next thing, ya'know?

The journal is the thing that I am very bi-polar about haha. I have 3 or 4 of them and "forget" to write in all of them. I would say I'm trying, but I'm not really. The way I'm covering my ass is to EAT perfectly haha. I'll have to do it next month since we're having a gym "LOCKDOWN". I betta practice.

During bootcamp we had to show our logs to the trainers. Funny, we'd write things like WINE. Instead of a BOTTLE of wine lol.

MelissaR said...

Thank you so much Kath and Pat. You have no idea how much your words help. I was actually crying while writing the previous post, but then again, I'm just a cryer. I cry when I laugh too hard, happy, sad, glad, whatever. Even commercials make me cry. It just pisses me off!!

Anyhoo, thank you again. I am working on getting the joy back. I don't want it to be like a second job that I hate going to.

The Orkins said...

Melissa - want to join me for yoga on Sunday? Actually, anyone can. I am going to try out the place on West Ponce - near Fleet Feet. I am doing the 10 am class Sunday. Not a huge fan of hot yoga, so I thought this might be a good option for me - and it is close to good coffee for after class.

Thanks for all the support yesterday. It's nice to know there are people around me that honestly care and want to help/encourage. Sibling relationships are just rough - and I guess growing apart is part of growing up. I am sick of being the one to make all the effort for our relationship, so I am taking a breather and letting my sister do the reaching out. We'll see how long this lasts.

MelissaR said... it the restorative yoga? I love that place and that class!! It totally helps my joints in my hips!! I would love to join you whether it is the restorative class or not.

I am sort of in the same boat with the sibling issues. I have an older brother. He is 6.5 years older than me so I have always been the annoying little sister to him. He left for the Navy when I was still in middle school I believe. We aren't really that close and haven't gotten along very well in the past. He is very military, and all about school, etc. I am very uum, on the scenic road of life so to speak. We butt heads alot. He seems to have calmed down more in the past 6 months or so. Anyhoo, you are right in saying that sibling relationships are difficult. Expecially when one is trying more than the other to make it work. I hope your sister realizes sooner than later what a great sister she has!!

The Orkins said...

Yep - it is the restorative class. Meet me there on Sunday - then we can head over the Dancing Goats, time/energy level permitting. Yippee!! and now I have to go if you someone is meeting me there. No backing out.

Woo-hoo it is Friday!

MelissaR said...

Okay, no backing out. :o)

MelissaR said...

Did you sign up online for the class?

The Orkins said...

I did. Signed up online and have paid, so now I really have to go.

MelissaR said...

Okay, I will do that too. Can't get on at work though. hmmph.

Rachel Nye said...

You girls enjoy your yoga, wish I could join in ( going ring shopping, hopefully!)
Sheryl I want your happy lamp!!!! I think not seeing any sunny light the past couple months, weeks, brings anyone down, but its actually sunny now, so I'm quitting my bitching and getting out there, have a great day all! PS A DAY of rest and carb loading really improved my workout, I think I shall make sure to do this once each week!

The Orkins said...

Rae - Ring shopping is so much fun! I have found lots of pretty things in Decatur at Worthmore - they are next to Brickstore. Also, if you find something you love and want to get it (or something else) custom made, my husbands cousin is a jeweler in town and they made our rings for a fraction of what Soloman Brothers wanted. They are super nice and great to work with. The guy that actually makes the stuff is onsite. They have a small shop as they primarily specialze in estate jewels and custom stuff. They can get anything you want or make it for cheaper.

Anyway, if you are interested, they are called Golden Fleece and are near the Peachtree Battle shopping center in Buckhead. Lee and Ann are the owners, but Gayla (the other lady that works there) is great too. Just tell them you know me - oh, and they know me as Naomi, not Gnomes. Good luck!

Rachel Nye said...

Thx Naomi!!! I will check them out!