Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Difference a Day Makes

Some of the fruits and veggies I bought at the market.

It really is so true that one day can make all the difference. When you are having a hard time, when you are way off track, when you can't even see the track from where you are, just remind yourself that one good day can make all the difference. I feel 100% better than I did this time last night. Than this morning even.

My turnaround started with the decision to attend a Weight Watcher meeting last night. I went to my meeting, faced the scale, and held myself accountable for my actions over the last few weeks. Then I sat down in the chair to learn from and be encouraged by others. Sue, my leader, issued a challenge that we eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Specifically, eat a minimum of 3 different colors of fruits and veggies every day over the next week. Not just apples and broccoli everyday. Mix it up. It's more nutritious. And more interesting and satisfying.

So today went well eating wise. I made good choices and kept my food journal. I also kept my appointment to have my knee checked out. Good news. I'm going to live and my knee will recover if I will let it. The prescription is massage and physical therapy. Working out is fine, but I have to continue to modify/scale the workouts and absolutely stay away (for now) from things like thrusters and box hops --power moves that put a lot of stress on the knee.

So my next big challenge is to start gym shopping. . .


The Orkins said...

Good job Pat. Proud of you. We close on the house today (in a little under 2 hours actually), so I will be doing what I can to pinch pennies until we are done with renovations and sell our current am going to be checking out the Y...they have a pool - which would be good for the knee. Let me know if you want to check it out with me - they give a free 7-day pass too!

Pat said...

Thanks, Naomi. I'm so excited about having you in the neighborhood and watching the construction! About gyms, I am going to visit CrossFit Decatur, and Erica gave me a gift certificate that she had won for Urban Body Studios...doing a little yoga and pilates right now would be good for me I think. Would love to visit the Y with you and see if that would be an option for me. In the long-run I still think a coached/CF style workout is best for me, but it's worth a visit to the Y for sure. And a 7-day pass, who can pass that up? And I had thought a pool might be a good option for me while I heal the knee. But the thought of this body in a bathing suit...maybe permanent knee damage is not such a bad thing. ;-)

LoveKatt said...

Your food pics are SO beautiful!