Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ice, Advil, and Rest

I fired up the grill tonight.
Now I have chicken, steak, and veggies for several meals.

Today was a good day. I ate well and kept my food journal. And I did a noontime workout at CrossFit Decatur. It was a good experience -- a small lunchtime crowd which was the perfect setting for me right now. I was pleased that I just went on in there and did it. I'm not sure where (or when) I will land, but it was good to get back in a gym today.

The knee is really bothering me from today's "Tabata Something Else" and from last night's exam and initial treatment. The doctor said he thought air squats would be fine, but apparently I need to hold off. It is inflamed and hurting again. I have another appointment tomorrow for followup and physical therapy. We'll see what they say. For now, it's ice, advil, and rest.

1 comment:

Byron said...

Hope your knee is feeling better soon. Knees can be very troubling. We take them for granted when they work well, but when they don't, boy, do we know what they really do! It sounds like you are on the right track to improve. AND, I am so glad to be able to read your blog! You inspire me! Thanks for doing it!