Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reinterpretation of an Old Standard

Roasted Beet Salad with Walnuts and Goat Cheese
Steamed Asparagus
Sliced Tomatoes with Salt and Pepper

I'm trying to eat more vegetables. And not just more of the same old thing. I've had enough broccoli and mixed greens to last me for a while. It is time for some variety so tonight I roasted fresh beets and made a beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese. I served it with steamed asparagus and fresh tomatoes. An updated version of the "vegetable plate". Growing up, a vegetable plate meant peas, butter beans, corn, and a big piece of cornbread. And don't forget the iced tea. Sweet of course. But I like this fresh, light, simple reinterpretation of an old standard.

Fresh Beets, Purple and Gold

A word of warning if you are going to cook or handle purple beets. Don't wear white. I had purple beet juice and stains everywhere!

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