Sunday, July 12, 2009

Small Handful

The Shasta Daisies and the Phlox are blooming.

Oh Lord. I just ate a whole bunch of pistachios. They have since been removed from the house along with the other nuts left over from the party. Apparently, I do not understand the words, "small handful." . . . Oh well. At least it wasn't the junky sweet emptiness that I so often get into trouble with. It could have been worse. And what's done is done. Move on.

I'm feeling good today -- more positive and hopeful. My mood has been up and down over the last [nearly] two weeks since I sold my interest in CFED. At first I just felt relieved. Happy to be able to sleep and to have my life back. Then came the feelings of loss and sadness. And I have felt some anger, although I tried not to hang out there. Nothing good comes of it. Really, nothing good comes of looking back at all. Not for long any way. And all those emotions – sadness, loss, anger – can only be kept alive by looking back. So I’m learning what I can from the experience, growing from it – hopefully becoming a better person – and choosing to move forward. Even starting to feel a little excited about what’s next.

It is not lost on me that my improved mood coincides with an improved diet. Unfortunately, I'm not able to do the intense CrossFit workouts right now because of my knee; nothing helps me keep depression at bay better than a bust-a-gut workout. I've written about this often. But since I'm limited due to the knee, all the more reason to focus on clean eating. And nutrition is the foundation for all health and fitness anyway. So I'll view this little challenge with the knee as an opportunity to give my diet the scrutiny it needs – the chance to go back and lay a proper foundation.

The latest on my search for a new gym: I’m leaning towards getting a short-term membership at a place like the Y so that I can swim and use the elliptical. I know that is sacrilege to you hard-core crossfitters out there, but both are easy on the knee, and I’ve got to find a way to get my heart rate up since I can’t run, jump, hop, thrust or row right now. The doctor recommended both of these as good options for me until I take care of the knee. Meanwhile I’ll do what I can with CrossFit so that I don’t lose too much strength – more sit-ups, pull-ups, and pushups. I was thrilled when I saw today's HQ WOD posted. Five rounds of 30 situps and 25 back extensions. I did this at home in the driveway. Of course I subbed abmat situps and good mornings since I don't own a GHD.

CrossFit Lamont
No Gym Required

1 comment:

The Orkins said...

Looking good/sounding good Pat. Glad I got to see you long enough to wave as we drove from new house back to old house....hopefully I can actually stop and visit with you next time.