Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Big Scary Change

"Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for what you could become".

Yesterday when I was feeling so discouraged, Shana had me name specific qualities about myself for which I am grateful and why. This was a great exercise. I sat down last night and wrote a list of five things. One of the items on my list got me thinking about my past goals and accomplishments.

I have a degree in Management Information Systems from UGA, and for years I worked in the software technology field. As I approached my mid-thirties, I knew that I did not want to stay in this field forever. I wanted to make a change. But I was in a great position making lots of money, and it was hard to walk away. There were dozens of reasons to stay right where I was, but my heart wanted something else. So I started planning and preparing to make a change. When I was 40, I resigned my position as Vice President of Development. I was not exactly sure of my next step at the time, but I knew I wanted a different life. I remember someone asking me what I wanted to do next. “I want to combine my love of gardening with my business skills. I would like to find a position that allows me to work from home with a high degree of autonomy and flexibility, and I would like to make a reasonably good income in the process.” The person replied, “well, good luck with that!” Their meaning was clear—you’ll never have what you want.

After my resignation, I took six months off, and then went back to school to study horticulture. While in school, I took a part-time job with McCorkle Nurseries to get some experience and make contacts in the green industry. After finishing school, McCorkle offered me a position in sales, which I took. Over time, I was able to create the analyst position I currently hold—the position I had described years earlier. I envisioned what I wanted and set about creating it.

Thinking about this reminded me that I have been successful in the past at creating big change in my life. Big scary change. The kind of change that is out of the norm; it’s not safe, secure or easy. The same courage and skills that allowed me to walk away from my big corporate job and follow my heart will also enable me to reach my current goals.

We have inside us what it takes to bring about change in our lives--even big scary change.


Shana A. said...

Pat ... the best thing about that story is that you didn't let your friend convince you that your dream was impossible!

Sometimes our minds are the ones that try to convince us we'll never get to where we want to be... often we say worse things to ourselves than we'd ever say to another human being!

For me, the most powerful tool for overcoming that voice is to remember what I want, WHY I want it and then to visualize myself as having it. Sometimes it helps to write it down.

Pat, you'll get what you've always wanted ... you have it in you and you deserve it! Stay the course!

Rachel Nye said...

How inspirational Pat and what a beautiful butterfly! Yes change is very tough, I am coming up on a lot of changes, wedding, graduation, moving, I often hear a voice that says, "there is no way you can manage this, your gonna have a break down or something!" I just have to remember what both you and Shana have said and think positive that everything is going to work out fine.
A feel a lot healthier today, I believe it was you Pat who said it only takes one day to get back in the game, well I ate very healthfully yesterday ( besides a small snack while doing school work), had an awesome WOD @ CFED and Kyla and I took our normal run around the neighborhood (which we have not done in a long time) it is amazing how much better I feel after just one day!!!!

Pat said...

Thanks, Shana! That was a great exercise you had me do. Maybe I'll post it for all of us to do later this week. It's similar to others we have done, but I found it even more powerful.

Rae, I'm glad you are feeling better today. You can manage all this stressful change. Cut yourself some slack--everything doesn't have to be perfect, including you. And keep taking care of yourself.

Meeks said...

Great story Pat! It makes me remember that big changes don't happen overnight. You have to believe, plan, and work hard. Some days are much easier on this than others. It's been the harder part of a things the last couple of things but looking at the bright spots---I did 55# real squat cleans yesterday without feeling them in my knee. My first week attending on our main service went really well. I'm playing golf today (well depends on the definition of golf) instead of working today.

Shana A. said...

Amen, sisters.

Erica said...

Pat -I love this story. I love knowing this about you. Stories like yours are exactly what makes me know that being a life coach is what I really want to do. To help people ignore those who tell them it's not possible, and also to get out of their OWN way, and proceed with building the life that really fulfulls them, and that they really deserve. You are extremely courageous. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.

MelissaR said...

Just dropping by to say hello. Kind of grumpy at the moment. I woke up at 4 in the morning with a fat lip. Allergic reaction to something, not sure what really. Took a Benadryl. Now I am just a little sleepy, dopey, and grumpy with a fat lip. I could be the 7 dwarves all by myself!

Shana A. said...

That would be an interesting Halloween costume..

Pat said...

I'm missing Miki.

MelissaR said...


MelissaR said...


The Orkins said...

Where is Miki?

Someone just brought me a candy apple. Luckily I don't like them, so it is going in the trash...

MelissaR said...

I'm going to try and make it to the 5:30p session. So far it's looking pretty good.

Miki~Sorry you're having a hard time. I went through that last week. Feel much better this week though. :o)

MelissaR said...


Sheryl McCalla said...

Hey Miki, glad you made an appearance. You're allowed to take a SHORT break from us if you need to. :) Did you read yesterday's bitchy bloggigng? That might help.

Rachel Nye said...

Miki congrats on those push ups, that is so awesome!!!!!!

Pat said...

Good morning, everyone. Sorry I didn't get a new post up for today. I didn't get home until almost 10 last night, and I didn't have anything ready to go.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Miki, congrats on the pushups! Awesome work.

Byron said...

No apology required, Pat. You are entitled to a day of "rest"!

Here's a quote for discussion today:

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
- Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury

I sometimes feel guilty about the pleasure I get from sitting and watching the squirrels play or the moss swinging from the trees, but I remind myself that those times allow my "core" to replenish its inner strength! Yes, I have concluded that rest is essential! What do others think?

Pat said...

I have a tendancy to think I always need to be productive, and sometimes I am not comfortable just chilling out or taking a day off. That can often lead to me eating -- I think because I'm uncomfortable with the lull. But I'm working on that and getting better.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Excellent Miki! It's like magic isn't it? I experienced the same thing with my ring dips.

Byron, I always LOVE your posts. I think that many of us on this blog have the tendency to feel like we should always be prodcutive and push forward. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't love CrossFit so much. But mental and physical rest IS productive. We have to remind (convince) ourselves that quiet productivity is still productivity.

I've been walking down memory lane on Facebook lately and one thing I recall is that in H.S. some my track team's best times (time as in clock times, not as in "good times were had by all")were after having taken a break.

Pat said...

Well, I'm glad you all love Byron's posts because he is writing the post for Friday. He's providing the Halloween treat!

Kath said...

All things work out as they're supposed to -- and Pat, I was probably supposed to read THIS particular blog haha. So thanx.

I am in the boat Miki said yesterday. (sigh) But I do miss y'all. Unfortunately hermit-ness is also one of my addictions.

Yea Sheryl I just got on facebook too (hi fren! hee hee) and I've reconnected with people from wwaaayyy back. so weird. And cool.

I will try hard to read later. For now it's a step just to write.
I'm not doing terrible... I'm just ahh kinda "stuck".

Byron said...

In my prior life (as I refer to my former career now), I bought into the quote my grandmother used to say all the time: "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." I spent time in pursuit of education and career. I clerked for a federal judge right out of law school, joined a firm in Atlanta, grew the firm from 5 lawyers to more than 300 people. I spent most of my weeks traveling the country, marketing the firm to the mortgage lending industry. In the midst of all that insanity as I see it now, I tried to find time for working out and seeing friends and family.

Then, one day it hit me! I never heard anyone say as their last statement: "I wish I had spent one more day at work!" A job opening came available in Savannah. I applied, and I was lucky enough to be offered the position. The job really is my dream job most days. I was able to slow the travel, leave the office at a reasonable hour, and have time for me!

I now allow my dear, dear grandmother and her old quote to rest in peace as I watch the waves lap against the sea shore as the sun sets over the Atlantic. Sometimes, I see the sunrise, but as you may have figured out from my late night posts, I am a bit of a night owl!

The Orkins said...

I enjoy your posts too Byron. I truly enjoy sitting on a Sunday afternoon and doing nothing - that's what they are for. I used to feel guilty about my naps and no desire to do much of anything on Sundays. I told my husband - who quickly informed me that that is what Sundays are for.

Pat - you do not have to post every day. We love your posts, but do not feel obligated to do it every day.

Byron said...

Thanks to all for your kind words! I do appreciate you letting me hang out with you here on "The Blog". It has kept me from "Losing It" on more than one occasion!

Kath, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling "stuck" today. During one of my many periods of self-analysis I remember discussing with an old friend (Pat) how I felt like I was taking steps backwards. She quietly reminded me that when we want to jump a hurdle or break through a wall, we first back-up and take a running start. Sometimes, going backwards is rewarded by giant leaps forward. I remind myself of that conversation and find comfort in it when I am feeling stuck. As Pat wrote in an earlier post, "Progress, yes, progress!"

Pat said...

Kath, it's good to see you back on the blog. I have missed you here, but I've also seen you on the CFED blog so I know you haven't been totally awol.

I think Hilda may make an appearance tomorrow...yes, that 's a blatant tease to get you all back on the blog tomorrow. That Hilda, I delcare! She's such a tease! Wait 'til you see what she's up to now.

Byron said...

I am excited to see what Hilda has been doing, especially following the day of "rest"! Hilda is quite inspiring and fun, too!

Shana A. said...

Ya'll sorry, I've been MIA today...

our internet has been all screwy... now apparently I can get on all sites except google for whatever weird reason... so I haven't been able to check email all day!! AUGH.

Pat said...

Good to hear from you, Shana. Missed you.

I just have to say that Meeks was looking very lean at the gym tonight. Looking good, girl!