Friday, October 17, 2008

Looking for Hilda

I'm retreating to my cabin in the woods this weekend. It has has been calling me all week--the quiet, the calm, the solitude, the rest, and the fresh air--all calling me to escape the rush of Atlanta and my persistent insomnia. My work has been overly burdensome and stressful of late, exacerbated by my inability to sleep, and my inability to sleep aggravated by my work. As the week has progressed I have become increasingly out of kilter and frazzled. Denied the escape of sleep, I have slipped reluctantly into unhealthy ways of comforting and caring for myself--mostly with food. And do I feel comforted and cared for? No. I feel disappointed in myself. I feel frustrated by my continued failed attempts to change the way I cope with life's ebb and flow.

And so I'm escaping to the country in search of a fresh perspective and inspiration. I need to amble in the woods and hear the crunch of leaves underfoot, collecting treasures for the shadow box--an acorn, an interesting rock, a fallen leaf. I need to nap. I need to listen to nature and feel the breeze. I need to gaze at the stars. I need to snuggle in front of the kerosene heater, sleep between flannel sheets, look for deer, and watch the birds. I need to walk along the dirt road and pick the wild golden rod and asters.

I need to remember that everything is okay and that I am enough just as I am. I need to find Hilda.


Sheryl McCalla said...

I need a cabin!

Rachel Nye said...

Oh Pat that sounds lovely!!!! That has been my biggest problem since moving to Atlanta is the lack of wide open spaces, where I can just be a part of nature. My mood lately has been positive and I know it is because the holidays are approaching and I will head home to FL for them. My dad actually lives on and island in Crystal River, FL. It is not luxury, but being able to sleep under the stars in a hammock is the most perfect retreat in the world. I dream of his home and my mom place near the beach often and that is how I keep going. I think we all need "our place" of relaxation especially when you live in a big city. I often feel the pressure of city life and have that urge to get away, I am so happy for you Pat, that you found "your place!"

PS Pat I want you to know how much I adore your blog, it is incredible to me that you are able to come up with so many wonderful topics and matching adorable pictures, you rock!!!

PPS Sheryl you are up early with me, terrible I can't sleep in on the one day I don't need to get up!

Sheryl McCalla said...

Rae, spending a couple of nights sleeping in a hammock was one of my most peaceful experiences.

I may have posted this before, but about a year and a half ago my son coined the phrase "cool your core." We use it to mean take care of yourself in whatever way works for you -- wide open spaces, the country, early morning splendor (like now), candles, long hot shower, bubble bath, music, writing, whatever. But it's important to know what cools your core and to make sure you do it from time to time. Hurray for you Pat.

Pat said...

You ladies ARE up early. But I'm happy to report that I SLEPT late this morning. It was so good to sleep. I was up late, but once I got to sleep, I slept thru until about 8 o'clock.

Pat said...

"Cool Your Core". I like that. That's a good blog topic! We can all share our favorite ways for taking care of ourselves. That may be one of my posts for next week so think of (and save) those ideas. Of course I will give credit to the author of this quote when I use it so please give me the proper spelling of his name, Sheryl. =o)

Erica said...

What a wise little guy you are raising, Sheryl. I also love "cool your core." I agree it would make a great blog topic. I know my core could use some cooling quite often. So while I travel this weekend, I am going to make a list of things that cool my core and do them more often.

Pat, I know you'll get the core cooling you need at your cabin this weekend. What a great picture you painted of what your weekend will be like! Seems as if yesterday's writers block has subsided...

Meeks said...

A cabin is a great place for this weekend as it starts to really feel like fall. Have a great weekend Pat C. I need to find my way to "cool my core" around Atlanta. I'm not good at recognizing the signs of core meltdown before I'm in the midst of it. I may get the chance to practice several times between now and Christmas. Have a great weekend!