Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Put a Piece of Cake on That; You'll Feel Better

My dad died in June, 1998. That following December, my sister and I attended his family's reunion, something we had never done while my dad was alive. At the time of the reunion, our grief was still fresh, and attending the reunion was part of our grieving process. My dad's surviving siblings were there along with other relatives; some we had seen at the funeral in June. Others we had not seen in many, many years--if ever. I recall vividly when my cousin, Paul walked into the room. He is about the same age as my dad even though he is my dad's nephew. He looked so much like Daddy--his stature, his hair, his eyes, the way he carried himself, even the way he was dressed. My sister and I were taken aback--she more than I because she had never met him. It was a shock to her to see this man walk through the door. For a moment it was like seeing Daddy walk through the door. She immediately welled up with tears--the painful, uncontrollable kind that get caught in your throat and make you choke if you don't let them out. She was trying to regain her composure, and I was trying to help her. We were in a large room surrounded by tables of food that had been prepared for the reunion, and we just happened to be standing beside the dessert table filled with beautiful cakes. Without thinking, I said to her, "put a piece of cake on that; you'll feel better." We both burst out laughing. We laughed and laughed about that and still laugh about it today.

My joke worked; it broke the sadness and allowed my sister to get control of her grief. But the joke did more than that; it spoke volumes about my script for dealing with painful emotions. Put some food on it, and you will feel better. Rather than feeling the emotion and experiencing the pain, we often want to make the pain go away by escaping, distracting ourselves, or numbing our feelings. Food can do all those things temporarily, but of course the pain returns along with all the consequences of having used food inappropriately.

So I'm learning to deal with emotions in a more constructive way. I want to make better choices and find healthier ways of taking care of myself. I'm trying. Sometimes it seems I fail more often than I succeed, but I'm making progress. Progress. Yes, progress.


The Orkins said...

Yet another great post Pat.

Melissa - if you do not post today and do not show up at the gym, I am coming to get you...(scared?) This is not like you...where are you?

Rachel Nye said...

Pat what a story. I could only imagine how the two of you felt at that moment, so sad.
I will remember your advice as I find myself more and more stressed with all I have on "my plate" now
(last projectS in school, wedding paying for and preparing, moving, Eric graduating....), even though they are miniscal things compared to your experience they still give me reasons to overindulge, like last night after I booked a flight for a honeymoon, than found a better one without a lay over argh, luckily I have a wonderful fiance' who joked and said he will make the best time of our layover!!!!
Have a wonderful day all, I'll avoid the cake today :)

Byron said...

I hope you are not getting tired of my little quotes, but the terrific post today brought this one from Greg Werner to mind:

The road to your championship will not be a smooth, wide and easily traveled freeway. No, great accomplishments are never realized without first having to endure steep climbs, hard falls and sharp turns. The key to your success is perseverance and focus. Keep your focus on that which you desire to accomplish, your championship, and continually discover ways to, and ways not to, achieve your goals. Fall down and/or get knocked down 10 times and get back up 11..., and in so doing learn, grow and move closer to your championship.

The afternoon holds another 20 cases on the Court calendar, but today is the last day of Court this week! I have my eye on that long bike ride this weekend! The ride will be my "piece of cake"! I will have a couple of hours to sort out things! At the end, I will feel invincible - - my championship one step closer. A 12-mile climb cannot be far away! LOL!

Pat said...

I love your quotes, Byron! So don't hold back. And I'm anxiously awaiting the submission of your article for the main page. A Hallowee treat perhaps?

Pat said...

Rachel, you do have a lot going on...all positive, but change is stressful even if it's positive change.

Thanks, Gnomes. =o)

Shana A. said...

Pat, thanks for making that picture of cake not look too delicious! hahhahaha

Pat said...

Yeah, I tried to pick a pretty generic piece of cake that wouldn't send anyone over the edge.

Byron said...

I definitely will work on something for us for Halloween. Halloween is one of my favorite times, but it can be can be especially "spooky" for those of us trying to eat healthy, lose a few pounds, and stay on a workout schedule. I find that when I realize I am not alone, I am not nearly as frightened! Thanks to all for helping there! Off to Court. Enjoy your afternoon!

Pat said...

I removed the picture of the cake. Sorry. Now no one can use it as an excuse to plunge head-first into trouble.

Pat said...

Be would have had it anyway. Don't blame me.

MelissaR said...

Hello. Gnomes, don't come get me. I am posting briefly. I have been in training the past two days and away from the office. Now I am back in and trying to play catch up. I'm still in a bit of a funk and I know that I just need to come to the gym and DO IT. I will try and make it today. not sure what time I am leaving the office. Need to see what I can get done. I have about 4 different projects that I am trying to do all at once. It's not going very well at the moment.

The Orkins said...

Ok, no need for us to go find Melissa. Welcome back! Just know that we miss you when you are not around (at the gym and on the blog).

Sheryl McCalla said...

Yay Melissa! I'm sorry your projects aren't going so well, but selfishly I'm happy to have you back, even briefly. Hope to see you at the gym this evening. I plan to go at 5:30 and do something.

MelissaR said...

I'm still at work. )o: Won't make it to the 5:30p. I'm still going to try for the 6:30p. We'll see. I'm in Vinings at the moment.

Byron said...

This afternoon was tough. I did not get out of court in time to make my workout. So I came home and tried to avoid eating everything in the house. I finally settled on something reasonable for dinner, but still wanted more. I ate a handful of peanuts. Not so bad you might say, but alas I was not done. I then broke out the trail mix, followed by a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich! I think I shall go to bed now and start anew tomorrow! My championship shall be postponed yet another day, but I will get back on track tomorrow! I will chalk today up to a lesson in the way not to achieve my goals