Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time to Toot Your Own Horn

Toot Your Own Horn

Today we are tooting our own horns. We are doing some shameless bragging about our CrossFit accomplishments. I don't want to hear what you can't do or what you wish you could do. And no discounting is allowed--you can't say you are proud of something and then go on to explain why it's not good enough.

I'll start by tooting my horn.
  • I'm really proud of my back squat. My back squat PR is 200 lbs.
  • I've got a good deadlift too. My PR on the deadlift is 225 lbs.
  • I'm good at dumbbell swings. I can usually do 25-30 unbroken swings with a 35# dumbell. And I was really proud that I could swing that 50 lb dumbbell for 8 consecutive reps in "Nate" last week, on 6 of the 7 rounds that I completed.
  • I was really proud of the intensity I put into the workout last night.
  • I'm very consistent with my workouts.

Toot, Toot! That's what I'm proud of. What about you?

"She who tootith not her own horn, the same shall not be tooted."



Sheryl McCalla said...

*I'm still doing it! It's been just about one year and I'm still doing it!
*six consecutive unassisted bar dips
*a ring dip
*my effort on Nate the other day. I fought tooth and nail to finish my last round before time was up
*my 105 shoulder press PR

Sheryl McCalla said...

By the way, my comment should begin, "CF accomplishments I'm really proud of:" (or, of which I'm really proud ;)) But really, I should have made each point a full sentence 'cause I think that's better for tooting.

Pat, this is another really great post.

Pat said...

Sheryl, your awesome pushups should also be on your list! And remember, no explaining or discounting is allowed--I'm going to let you slide on the editorial and grammatical discounting you did on comment #2, but that's borderline. :-)

Pat said...

Byron, I just read your comment from late last night. I love the story about the pink elephant treats you used to make with your grandmother!!

And please "toot your horn today". I know you are making tremendous progress in your workouts...so tell us about it!

Rachel Nye said...

Toot Toot, this is so cute!
I am proud of my pullup and pushups, and of any weight I lift that is over 50 pounds, I don't think I ever lifted more than that at the old gym!

From yesterdays : Miki I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend going back home, you will be missed around the gym. For lunch one Sunday, count me in!
Have a great day all!
I have been very good about my challenge diet aspect, but as far as 5 consecutive pullups, I don't know, maybe set the bar too high!

Meeks said...

*My 30# weighted pull-up yesterday- only 6 weeks after doing my first pull-up

*My 225# deadlift

*80% Zone diet x ~2 months (started when the jwods started)

Have a great day!

MelissaR said...

I am consistent with my workouts.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Pat, I was trying to toot more in my second comment. I like the way you began each item with phrases like "I'm very proud of..." "I'm really good at..." "I rocked it on..."

Speaking of tooting more, Melissa...

Rae, the goal, 5 consecutive PUs, is in sight. Stay the course.

Shana A. said...

Melissa also has unassisted pullups, can put 105# over her head multiple times, does full plank pushups, and her back squat has increased by an amazing amount since starting CFED.

Pat said...

Melissa! I need more bragging and tooting from you! Let me prime the pump and get you started...

Melissa said, "I'm really proud of my handstands and the fact that I was able to do handstand pushups during "Nate" last week."

Shana A. said...

I'm also pretty sure Melissa did Fran Rx which is something many people wish they could do...

The Orkins said...

I am very proud that I can do FGB as RX'd.

Like Sheryl, I am proud to still be doing it. This is the longest I have stayed with any fitness program - I am in it for the long haul.

I can put my suitcase in the overhead compartment without any help - and I am a heavy packer.

MelissaR said...

Thank you all. I tried to look back at my food/exercise journal to find some positive, but with every WOD I wrote down, I can remember it exactly and remember all the negative. So, that's why I didn't write anything else.

I think I need therapy.

Shana A. said...

Um, Naomi also swung a 40# dumbbell in Nate last week and is never going to do modified pushups again. She also has an amazing kip and is already down to the blue band (not for long, though...)

MelissaR said...

I guess one good thing is that I no longer think of workouts as "How many calories am I going to burn?".

I go, I sweat, I breathe hard, I cry sometimes, I curse sometimes, I bitch and moan, and then I go home.

Pat said...

Melissa, practice makes perfect. So today's your opportunity to practice pointing out the positive. Give it a try. It feels really good. =o)

The Orkins said...

Thanks Shana - I meant to mention the blue band.

I am also getting more and mroe range of motion wach time I do my push-ups on the plates.

I can also run a complete mile - and not stop. That is a big deal.

Shana A. said...

Meeks has excellent double unders...

MelissaR said...

Shana~ Where are yours?

MelissaR said...

Pat~ I think you guys said plenty for me. Isn't that enough?

Pat said...

Well, Melissa. The title of today's blog is Toot Your Own Horn.

MelissaR said...

I know )o: I'm just uncomfortable doing so.

I like reading everybody else's though. They are GREAT!

Pat said...

Melissa, that's the whole point of today's topic. Nobody is comfortable with it, but it's a good exercise towards being more positive and focusing on your strengths. You'll be amazed at the difference a positive view of yourself can make in your life. Try it. I'm going to stay on you to try it. Even if you repeat what others have said, give it a try.

MelissaR said...

Okay, I guess I'll try. Sorry if it's repeated.

* I can do Fran Rx.
* Deadlift PR is 205 lbs.
* I can do unassisted pull-ups.
* I can sort of do a hand stand pushup.
* I increased my back squat by 20 lbs. from the previous time I did it.
* I can clean 95 lbs. and push-jerk 105 lbs.
* I am strong.
* I've never NOT completed a WOD, no matter how long it took me, tears or not.

Will that work??

Pat said...

That's excellent, Melissa! It made me feel good to read it. Hope it made you feel good to write it.

MelissaR said...

Thanks Pat.

This comment: "And no discounting is allowed--you can't say you are proud of something and then go on to explain why it's not good enough."

I have discounts to everything that I wrote. )o: So somehow, I feel like I am lying.

Shana A. said...

Okay, you asked for it. I'm very proud of my CrossFit accomplishments!

* 6 consecutive muscle-ups
* I can do pistols
* I can clean and jerk 135#
* I can do 22 unbroken pullups (last time I checked)
* 80 unbroken double unders
* Shoulder Press is 110#
* Deadlift is 245#
* I can do 2 OHS at 130#, 10 at 115#, 13 at 95# and 50 unbroken at 45#!
* 1 mile run PR: 5:59
* Fran PR: 5:21
* Grace PR (w/95#) 3:30
* I can do L-sits, L-pullups
* I've done "Kelly" with 30" box hops.
* I'll kick your ass in any workout involving dumbbells, especially Marshall.
* It takes me 42 frog hops to make 100 Meters.

Damn, I'm good at tootin' my horn. Hmmmm....

MelissaR said...

YAY Shana!! You ARE impressive!

Pat said...

Now isn't it interesting that Shana is the best CrossFitter we know AND the best Tooter we know. :-) That's the point, everybody! There's a correlation between how we think and how we perform.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Yay Melissa! So glad you did that. Now keep doing it. Regularly. Especially to yourself.

Shana, toot on... those are major.

MelissaR said...

So, I'm sitting here trying not to cry at my desk. I know...I'm just a big baby. I am just wishing I could be like you guys and be happy and proud of myself. There are a few occasions now and then, that I am actually proud, but they are few and far between.

I know you guys are probably tired of hearing me talk. I just think you are all sooo wonderful!

Pat said...

Practice, Melissa. Remember when you first did a clean how weird it felt...it didn't feel natural at all. You may have even thought (like I did), "I'm not sure I'll ever get this move down". But you did. Retraining your brain is the same--it takes hard work and un-doing old bad habits. Practice being positive and shooting down those negative thoughts when they pop in your head. At first it's not natural, but you just have to do it. Overtime you will get better at it, and it will become more natural for you. I'm not naturally an optimist, but I have worked at it. You can do it too.

MelissaR said...

Okay Pat. I'll try.

Shana A. said...

Well said, Pat!!

Melissa, you CAN do it!!!

MelissaR said...

Yay Miki! I can completely relate with the "pulling teeth", though mine feels more like a ROOT CANAL, without anesthesia!!

Anyhoo, those are GREAT accomplishments!!

Shana A. said...

The chili Jonathan made the other night is giving me all kinds of toots...

MelissaR said...

Hhahhhaaa!!! I LOVE toilet humor!! HAha!! PLease release it all before tonight's 5:30p session. It will be appreciated. Thanks! :o)

Pat said...

I was wondering how long before the 'tooting' jokes would start.

Update on Sunday lunch at Ted's: We're doing lunch after the WOD. I hope everyone can join us for the workout at noon. If you can't make the workout and want to meet us for lunch, plan on 2pm at Ted's Montanna Grill. I will post this on the main page tomorrow along with the topic for the day.

MelissaR said...

Sounds good Pat. I'm excited. :o)

Meeks said...

YEAH for noon Sunday workouts- I will be there this week and then plan on heading to lunch!

CONGRATS Gnomes on the pull-ups. RX here you come!!

In case y'all didn't know Shana rocks!!! Hearing her "preach" this AM on thinking stong, believing in yourself, and that anything is possible was inspiring.

The Orkins said...

I am ready to set my goals for the challenge (late, I know). I met with Erica tonight and we talked about my food challenges (pending Shana's approval), I will be sticking with the approach Erica and I have come up with as well as food journaling.

Gym goal: get a stinking pull up and "normal" plank push up.

Already setting myself up for food success tomorrow - gone to the grocery and prepared my snacks for tomorrow. Just need to make my sandwich in the morning. I will be having at least 3 servings of fruit tomorrow - which is 3 times my usual....

myesha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What a great topic today Pat! So often, we don't want to show how proud we are of ourselves. You all have so many accomplishments. Way to go!!!

Sheryl McCalla said...

I have an additional toot. It's non-crossfit, but I'm proud.
*I was tasked with introducing and presenting an award to Mayor Franklin tonight and I did quite a good job.

Shana A. said...

Sheryl, congrats! I'm glad I know you!! You rub elbows with some important people... =o)

Pat said...

Sheryl, that's a double-toot!

I love this blog lingo we are developing. HGB's...Toots.

Pat said...

Myesha, you should have tooted your horn!

Byron said...

Today has been tough, but it is drawing to a close now. I am going to rest and hope for pleasant dreams. I got lots of bad news today about various family members, and I am worried. But, I did make it to my workout tonight which seemed like a huge accomplishment. Since I started biking in the late Spring, I have increased my distance and my average speed. I now finish a 30 to 40 mile ride and maintain an average speed of about 17 mph. I can even get up to a maximum speed of about 27 mph! For me, this accomplishment seemed so far in the distance a few months ago when I could barely hold 12 mph. I continue my fitness training, and I continue to be inspired by everyone here! Thanks to all for sharing your HGB's and your Toots! I hope you do not mind me dropping by from Savannah! And, Shana, I still cannot jump rope! When I get that one, I shall definitely be tooting my own horn! LOL!