Monday, October 20, 2008

A Country Weekend

It was a fantastic fall weekend in the country. Restful, relaxing, and filled with simple, fleeting moments that capture the essence of a grateful life.

I wanted to write about the wonderful coat rack I made from salvaged lumber this weekend. The wood had a terrific patina, weathered gray from years outside. I used nails leftover from the cabin construction for the hooks, and I topped the rack with a shelf made from the same wood. I laid a wildflower bouquet and two long leaf pine cones atop the shelf. A denim shirt and binoculars hung from two of the nails. Country still life. Begging for a snapshot. And I obliged.

And then I thought I might write about the walk my sister and I took Sunday morning. Melvin, my sister’s two dogs, Tucker and Sonny, and my mom’s dog, Josie frolicked all around us as we walked. We hiked over to the far side of the property to checkout the color on the sourwood trees. Sourwoods are known for early, vibrant fall color, and they did not disappoint. The light was just right, and I snapped several pictures.

I even thought I might write about the cozy swivel rocker I bought for $25, bargained down from $40, at the Potter’s House on Saturday. Its old fashioned style hugs you in comfort, and the 360 degree swivel allows you to take in the views from any direction. Draped in a plaid throw, it made a charming country picture.

I considered writing about my stroll with Melvin Saturday afternoon. Melvin sniffed along in front of me, nose to the ground on the grassy drive, his tail up and wagging. Low hanging limbs framed him just right—the perfect picture to speak a thousand words.

Towards the end of the weekend I decided a picture of the cabin would be best for the blog, and so I took several shots of the cabin surrounded by trees just beginning to hint at shades of yellow, orange, and red. Satisfied, I loaded up the truck and headed back to Atlanta. On the drive home I thought about possibly using several pictures from the weekend because I captured so many moments that I wanted to share.

Upon arriving home, I discovered I had left the camera behind. Melancholy swept over me, thinking of the camera with all those heartfelt moments locked inside—waiting in the empty, still cabin for my return. And so today's photo is from some earlier trip, but captures the feeling I get everytime I turn onto this little country path. The cabin sits beyond the horizon, out of sight. The uneven drive forces me to slow down, if I haven't already, and I can feel my cares peel away as I creep along the bumpy lane.


Byron said...

I love the description of your weekend at the cabin! I cannot wait to see the pictures when you retrieve the camera after your next trip to bring the country cabin back to life! I hope you found some peace and gained some perspective on the work issues. If I can do anything to help, please let me know. Sadly, I have a bit of experience with insomnia and work-related stress! LOL!

My weekend was quite different. I spent it in Athens with 90,000 others all wearing red and black while celebrating Homecoming at UGA. It was a terrific weekend for football, and it was great to spend the weekend with family and friends reminiscing of the younger years! I too enjoyed the fall foilage since we have no such thing here in Savannah. The giant moss covered oaks surrounding the house drop a few leaves, but the colors remain mostly brightly green. But, it is nice to be back sitting under the moss covered oaks on a cool morning, sipping coffee, and reading the blog before starting another hectic day! I hope all have a terrific day and can find some peace in the memory of "a country weekend"!

Rachel Nye said...

I love it, Pat sounds like you "cooled your core!!" I too tried to get outside as much as possible, I wanted to try two places in Atlanta I have not been to since I moved here. Kyla and I went to Chastain Park on Saturday, she was hilarious, she tried to pull me over a railing, to get to the golf balls and almost accomplished her goal, it was a sight! Than on Sunday I woke up and trained for my half marathon goal on a new course that passes the Atlanta White House. Than Sunday afternoon Eric, Kyla, and I took a trip to Kennesaw mountain and we were lucky to be there during an air show at Dobbins AFB. It was great getting outside and enjoying nature!
I unfortunately some how stress sprained the side of my foot ( why I will be limping at the gym and not running at all!)! But that is okay I got to "Enjoy Being" and had a great weekend all in all!

Rachel Nye said...

Good morning Byron, it seems we are righting in unison this morning!

Pat said...

Good morning, all. How was your weekend? Fill us in...we want details. Thanks Byron and Rachel for leading it off.

Byron, I thought about you on Saturday--I listened to the game on the radio while I was building the shelf. I'm so glad we won.

Rachel, did I know you were training for a half marathon? I think I'm suppose to know this already, but can't remember. (filter joke about age and forgetfulness). When is the race you are planning to do?

The Orkins said...

What a great description Pat! I would be happy to run up to your cabin today to pick up your camera, although I might not come back as it all sounds so wonderful!

Had a great weekend. We went to the beer festival and had some great people watching. I got to see Melissa too - always funt o run into people you know out and about.

Yesterday was a great relaxing day. I am forever working on "cleaning up" our house (i.e. getting rid of my husband's pre-married things). I am working from home today - which is always a nice change of pace.

Enjoy the Monday.

Shana A. said...

Pat, I'm so jealous of your forest hermitage!! I kind of did the same thing this weekend. I'm a voracious reader of fiction (and occasionally non-fiction) and completed two novels by Sunday evening. That puts the grand total up near 12 or 13 in the last 3 months.
I'm off again today and really have not done a real workout since Tuesday... and I don't even feel bad about it.
I'm starting to feel better... more like my regular self.

Pat said...

Shana, what did you read? I think we need your full reading list. Someday (read when I have plumbing at the cabin), I'll send you there on a weekend getaway of your own and you can read, read, read.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Ya'll I needed these descriptions this morning. Thanks.

Rachel Nye said...

Pat I am not training for any race in particular, just seeing just how far I can run :)
Shana I envy your reading, I wish I could keep up with your pace, yes let us know what books you are reading! I just picked up my newest book from the Book Nook and the language is very heavy English format, I wanted to return it, but I think it will be a good challenge and help keep those brain cells active.

MelissaR said...

Holy writing BATMAN!! Pat, you really are a WONDERFUL writer. Sorry I'm so late checking in today. I've had an orientation today and will be in a store all day tomorrow, so I really didn't have computer access until now.

My weekend was a bit busy. The traffic Friday night was horrendous and took me one hour and 45 minutes to get home. I was so frustrated that I went to the PUB instead coming straight home. Somehow managed to get two different men to buy me dinner and drinks. Didn't spend a dime, flirt, give out a phone number, or anything. It was just lovely conversation, and really the first time that has ever happened. However, I did staay a bit too long and didn't get home until very late. Needless to say, i didn't make it to the gym on Saturday morning. I did however make it to the Beer Festival with a bit of a hangover. Sunday evening I went to see the play "Wicked". It was very good.

Anyhoo, I'm glad everyone had a good weekend. Rae, sorry you hurt you ankle. Hope it feels better soon.

On another note, I feel like I am in a bit of a workout funk. After missing Friday and Saturday WOD's, I just assumed I would get right back to it today. But...I'm not feeling it...AT ALL!! I'm not quite sure why. Could be the weather? I've been freezing cold all day long. So now I just want to snuggle up and do nothing. Could also be because I felt like my weekend was sooo busy that I didn't get to relax or rest enough.
Am I just being lazy? Am I allowed to not workout? I actually don't feel bad about NOT wanting to workout.
Anyhoo, I'm probably talking too much. I'll check back later.

Sheryl McCalla said...

So Melissa, I'll see you at 5:30?

Pat said...

Melissa, I understand how you feel. I haven't worked out in 4 days, so I'm definitely going today before this becomes a habit. I'm sure you'll be back soon, if not today then tomorrow.

MelissaR said...

Okay, I *think* I'll go. I'm trying to bribe myself with Java Monkey afterwards.

Shana A. said...

Sounds like something is in the air. I haven't worked out since Tuesday!! That's FIVE days off for me.
Somebody make me feel better. I started feeling a little under the weather on Thurs and MADE myself take TH and FR off, then I took SA and SU and today was my day off and I wandered around the bookstore for too long and lo and behold - NO workout today either!
I am a little headachey and congested but I'm feeling like I'm starting to using it as an excuse...

Rachel Nye said...

So I couldn't get to CFED due to my foot, so I was feeling down but I did just spend the last couple hours working on school stuff (which I normally save for the weekend) maybe my weekend will be brighter!

Byron said...

I love hearing the stories of everyone's weekend adventures. Sorry to hear that some are feeling under the weather and hope all are back in the saddle soon. I had a tough day preparing for a lengthy court calendar, but I did stop at 6 tonight to make it for a workout. I felt better afterwards, but a bit exhausted. Sleep should come easily tonight, and I hope to awake refreshed in the morning, ready to tackle another hectic day! Pleasant dreams to all!