Saturday, October 4, 2008

Now, That's Zesty.

photograph by Jack Culpepper

I love this picture of the orange butterfly on the hot pink wild flowers--not colors you typically think of as occurring in nature. So the next time someone tells you to decorate your home with natural colors, feel free to use orange and pink. Now, that’s zesty! Just like Kath.

Have a great weekend everybody! Be sure to slow down, find a few moments of serenity and notice those happy grateful bits.

Look for another post from me on Monday.


Rachel Nye said...

What a pretty picture!

I stopped by a local health food store on the way home from CFED today. I began talking with a man who worked there and he asked what blood type I was, I sadly do not know! He says I seem like a may be an O, due to my reaction ( pimples and bloating) from some of the foods I told him I had recently consumed. So I have decided to go give blood tomorrow, which I tried to do once many years ago but I was too anemic and they would not let me. Hopefully I won't pass out, but hey if I can make it through Barbara today, I can give some blood for a good cause!

Sheryl McCalla said...

That's great Rae. I'm an O. Universal donor. Let me know if his guess/conclusion was right. And, you mom, Barbara, would have been proud of your performance at CFED this morning.

Pat, wonderful picture. The butterfly almost looks like it was photoshopped in. YOu can't beat nature.

Remember to notice those HGBs everyone. Happy weekend.

MelissaR said...

Rae~ I would bet you might be an "O" too. O's tend to be good runners, or at least better than most.

I'm just making it a point to check in today since I haven't really checked in on the weekends in the past. Clearly my laptop is still wokng, so that's great news.

I HATED the WOD today, as you might know if you were there. My hands are ripped. Meh!!

Anyhoo, have a great weekend everyone!! :o)

Byron said...

Just stopping by to say hello from Savannah! I got in a 30 mile bike ride this morning and a little nap on the beach! My HGB for the weekend: Napping while the waves lap at the sea shore and the ocean breeze cools me from a hard bike ride! Kudos to all for your great work today! Enjoy the balance of your weekend! Do something ZESTY! :-)

Shana A. said...

So next time someone asks me if this is my natural haircolor, I should tell them "yes."

Pat's Mama said...

This is Pat's Mama; just checking up on her and checking to see if I can enter a comment.

Pat said...

Hey Mama, you did it. I'm back home now. I enjoyed our visit today.

I had lunch with my mom today, and then went over to my cabin this afternoon. I opened up the french doors and took a nap. The woods were beautiful...not too much color yet, but beautiful nonetheless.

I drove back home tonight because I have lots to get done here at home tomorrow. I have a busy work week ahead and need to get ready for it. The good thing about coming back tonight is that I won't miss the Sunday CFED WOD -- my favorite of the whole week.

MelissaR said...

Hello all. I wanted to apologize for my outbursts today at the gym. I didnt mean to offend or disturb anybody. I just get very frustrated with myself. I clearly have a problem and I'm not quite sure what to do to fix it. It seems no matter what I do, in my mind, it is never good enough. I will keep my frustrations to myself from now on and continue working on my own issues.

PatC, Shana, Sheryl, and Rae~ Thank you very much for your kind words. I know I probably don't seem very appreciative at the time, but I really am and I'm glad and lucky to be able to workout with you wonderful and strong women on a daily basis.

Pat said...

Hey Melissa. Absolutely no need for you to apologize for anything! Sheryl said it best on the CFED blog. We love you "just as you are". The only thing we want you to do differently is to be kinder to our good friend, kind to her as you are to the rest of us. She deserves it.

MelissaR said...

Thank you Pat and everyone else who chimed in. I appreciate the kind and honest words.

Kath~ No need to apologize at all. I'm a big baby, but it was probably what I needed to hear to make me realize that my issues might be a little bigger than I had thought.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for such a wonderful blog. Although I don't often post, i enjoy reading your thoughts and the comments that are spurred as a result. I hope you had a great weekend.

Take care!

Pat said...

Myesha! Great to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to comment and thanks for the feedback on the blog. I'll see you at the gym this week.