Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Words are Like Seeds

Cover of 1898 Burpee Seed Catalog

The following is an excerpt from Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen.

Jose Lima started as a pitcher for the Houston Astros for several years in the late 1990's. Jose is an outgoing, energetic, likable young ballplayer who usually exudes a positive attitude. But when the Astros built their new ballpark, now known as Minute Maid Park, Jose was upset. The fence in left field was much closer than the fence at the Astrodome. In fact, Minute Maid Park has one of the shortest distances from home plate to the left-field fence of any ballpark in Major League Baseball. The hitters love it, but the short left field makes it tougher on the pitchers.

The first time Jose Lima stepped onto the new diamond, he walked out to the pitcher's mound, and when he looked into the outfield, he immediately noticed the close proximity of that left-field fence. "I'll never be able to pitch in here," he said.

The next season, despite the enthusiasm of the fans and the excitement of playing in that brand-new ballpark, Jose had the worst year of his career. He plummeted from being a twenty-game winner to being a sixteen-game loser in back-to-back seasons. Never in the history of the Astros franchise had any pitcher experienced such a pronounced negative turnaround.

What happened to Jose? The same thing that happens to many of us everyday--we get what we say. Our words become self-fulfilling prophecies. If you allow your thoughts to defeat you and then give birth to negative ideas through your words, your actions will follow suit. That's why we need to be extremely careful about what we think and especially careful about what we say. Our words have tremendous power, and whether we want to or not, we will give life to what we're saying, either good or bad.

Sadly, many people are living discouraged lives because of the their words. They say things such as:

  • "Nothing good ever happens to me."
  • "I'll never be successful."
  • "I don't have what it takes. I can't do it."
  • "I'll never get out of this mess."

Some people even call themselves names! ... They don't realize it, but their own words are paving the way for failure.

Words are like seeds. By speaking them aloud, they are planted in our subconscious minds, and they take on a life of their own; they take root, grow, and produce fruit of the same kind. If we speak positive words, our lives will move in that direction. Similarly, negative words will produce poor results. We can't speak words of defeat and failure yet expect to live in victory. We will reap exactly what we sow.


Lunch Sunday at Ted's Montanna Grill after the workout.

We'll workout at noon and then head over to Ted's for lunch. If you can't join us for the workout, plan to meet us at the resturant at 2pm. Please let me know if you can make it for lunch so I have an idea of the size of our party.


Pat said...

Really big happy grateful bit: IT RAINED OVERNIGHT! As someone who works in the green industry, I am profoundly aware of the drought we are in and it's repercussions. I am very grateful for the rain and hope it continues all day long!

Pat said...

Everyone, please see Byron's comment from last night and make sure he knows we love having him on our blog!

Byron, I'll email you--need to know what's going on with your family.

Rachel Nye said...

Byron, my thoughts ands prayers are with you and yours. I love hearing from you in Savannah, I don't know if you know but I am from the beach in Fl and next March I will be getting married in St. Simon's Island! Every time I see you post I think, ahhh someone by the water
(maybe a little jealous too!)
Pat, where did you get that pic??? Are burpees a flower? How can you turn that word into a pretty picture, hehe! Love the post, so true!
Like I said on the main site, I will take this 5 pullup challenge and tackle it to the best of my ability and see what happens, that is what we can all do right, just do the best we can and be proud of ourselves because we know we gave it are all!

Pat said...

Rachel, that's funny about the Burpee catalog cover. I didn't even think of the word "burpee" and it's crossfit meaning. I was thinking of seeds which is the metaphor for today's post, and these old Burpee Seed catalogs are beautiful...I just thought it made a beautiful picture, and I liked the caption, "The Plain Truth About Seeds". But now that you have pointed it out, this will be my new mental image for burpees, and maybe I will grow to love them.

MelissaR said...

Byron~ We love having you on our blog. I am impressed by your bike rides. There must be beautiful scenery to enjoy along the ride.
I hope everything turns out okay with your family. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Man...This "Burpee" word is just flying around everywhere. New rule, WOD, blog...JEEPERS...make it go away!

So, I like today's blog...again...of course. I have many negative seeds planting that I'm hoping don't come true. I am trying to reverse the thought process.

Pat~ I am grateful for the rain as well. However, it was bad on traffic this morning. It's like people forgot how to drive. Anyhoo, I hope the rain helps with the fall foliage. I love to see bright colors, but I heard that with the lack of rain, they may not be as bright?? Don't know if that is true...I hope not. The seasons in Georgia are one of the best things I like about it. We don't really have seasons in Southern California. Pretty much just a palm tree gets brown and looks dead. Other than that...not much else.

The Orkins said...

Love the post today. I just want to reiterate that I will do a real push up and pull up by the end of the challenge. It will happen. Shut, I might get 2 in a row!

Byron - when can we road trip to visit you in Savannah? I want to nap on the beach!

MelissaR said...

Rae~ I'm with you on the pull-ups. That is one of my goals as well. I need to form a plan of attack. I find myself boy-cotting pull-ups during the warm-up because they hurt my hands. But if I keep doing that, I will never get better. So, I need to work on those.

Byron said...

Thanks for all the nice comments! Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside you." Seeds of hope and the positive thoughts and prayers of friends will get me past the difficult times.

It is nice to share the TOOTS and HGBs with everyone here. It is nice to have a place to plant a few seeds of hope and find the encouragement needed to make them grow!

Just let me know when you want to make a road trip to Savannah. We'll plan a nice bike ride and then spend the afternoon snoozing away the hours on the beach! Maybe we can try a bit of crossfitting on the beach! I think Savannah needs a "Muscle Beach" like they have in California. There is a seed of hope! LOL!

Erica said...

Wow, I missed some wonderful posts yesterday. I regret not finding the time to get on the blog. It is SO nice to hear everyone talk about what they are proud of. So I'm a day late, but here's mine:

*The fact that I can do 100 pullups baffles my mind and i am very proud of it.
*My 5K pr: 22:55 after the POSE clinic (thanks Shana)
*Once I did Annie and Helen both RX in the same night
*My first and only karen time: 8:26
*That I have managed to keep a positive attitude through this nasty back injury
*That I really do make an impact on people's lives through my work.
*That I surround myself with such wonderful people, and it makes me feel so fulfilled.

Byron, I am not sure we've met, but that doesn't mean I won't keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
And I am very impressed with your bike rides and the huge improvement you've made. I know that a 17mph average is very tough to maintain - especially with all the hills around here!

Hope you are all having a great day. I am so grateful for the rain...

Pat said...

Really quiet blog today.

The Orkins said...

Erica introduced me to a great site yesterday - Lots of recipes (even recipes for cooking healthy for 2 - so not too many leftovers for me!). Anyway, check it out if you do not already get it.

MelissaR said...

It looks ugly outside. Driving home from work is not going to be wonderful. Or is it?
Hmmmm...The drive home will be smooth and I will not get stuck in any traffic!! So there! :o)

Pat said...

Love it, Melissa. Practicing that positive talk! And even if you do get stuck in traffic, just chill out and enjoy the ride. :-)

Rachel Nye said...

I agree with Miki on the weather affecting moods, although I loved having the rain today all I could think was wanting to : cuddle up in bed and sleep!
I think that is why I feed off the sun so much, I know there is all this info about sun cancer, but remember who is giving out that info : dermatologists and sunscreen manufactures. I think anything in excess is not good, but we all need sunshine here and there, 15 minutes a day is all we need! I truly believe it helps when you are feeling blue and it supplies your body with very important vitamins. So if your feeling down, get out in the sun, have some fun!
PS I thank my mom and the sun for my freckles because :
A face without freckles is like a night without stars, hehe!
PPS Pat or anyone else let me know if you want to makeup tonights WOD at any time, I needed a real rest day today :)

Pat said...

Loooong day for me today.

Rachel, I might be interested in making up today's WOD...let's see what comes up tomorrow.