Friday, October 10, 2008

In the Days of the Golden Rod

photograph by Jack Culpepper

In the Days of the Golden Rod

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Across the meadow in brooding shadow
I walk to drink of the autumn's wine.
­The charm of story, the artist's glory,
Today on these silvering hills is mine;
On height, in hollow, where'er I follow,
By mellow hillside and searing sod,
Its plumes uplifting, in light winds drifting,
I see the glimmer of golden rod.

In this latest comer the vanished summer
Has left its sunshine the world to cheer,
And bids us remember in late September
What beauty mates with the passing year.
The days that are fleetest are still the sweetest,
And life is near to the heart of God,
And the peace of heaven to earth is given
In this wonderful time of the golden rod.


Rachel Nye said...

Such a beautiful picture and poem, is Jack a relative Pat C?
This morning as I woke up and thought about my accomplishment of getting 43 unassisted pullups yesterday, one person came to mind : Shana! Yes, I appreciate everyones support at the gym and everyone is so helpful pushing each other towards our goals. But Shana as our fearless leader has a true gift in seeing someones abilities and leading them in the right direction towards their goals. I would not have chosen to do so many unassisted if she had not set the bar for me. I appreciate everything you do, Shana, I have never met any trainer like you, you have the perfect balance to inspire and push people, it is a wonderful quality!!!!

Rachel Nye said...

On a diet note I have been following the O type diet, not strictly, but most of its guidelines. I really like it, its is kind of paleo, zone, but I do not have to worry about counting. I have an O friendly shopping list and the main things I have to stay away from our dairy(no more Whey!), wheat (Ezekiel bread is my friend) and no more nuts besides walnuts and pumpkin seeds. It is funny a lot of the foods like cauliflower and drinks (ie liqour and sodas) that are suggested to stay away from I never really liked anyways.
Hope everyone has a beautiful day! Miki, have a great trip in London good luck working out with your brother!
PS Can you guys tell I have a break from school!!

Shana A. said...

Thanks, Rae!! It means a lot to me to hear that. It's what I endeavor to do. Sometimes I worry that I make people angry and this morning Gary told me no one signed up for the 6:30 because Chuck told them I'd be there in the morning. I was feeling a little down this morning but your comment makes me feel great! My first HGB of the day!

Congrats on that landmark! It's huge ... can't wait to see the day you hit 100!
ps.... LOOOOOVE Ezekiel bread. It's Paleo, 'cause it's flourless...

Pat said...

Good morning, all!

Rae, yes, Jack is my brother. He is the forester for a national wildlife refuge, and photography is one of his hobbies. He sends me some beautiful photos. He took this one of the golden rod just the other day. -- I love that you aren't swamped with school right now and have time to blog everyday. -- Congrats on your pullups! -- Great news about your diet. Ezekiel bread is my friend too. I love it.

I second everything Rachel said about Shana. She has a great gift for seeing a person's potential and helping them see it too.

Miki, have a great trip!

Pat said...

Shana, that's crazy crap about no one signing up for 6:30 because Chuck is away. Surely Gary was joking! You ARE CFED; there would be no CFED without you. We all followed you around for months working out wherever we could, waiting for CFED to open. I remember there were pretty good crowds in the park in the dark and cold, and you were the only trainer. Don't listen to crap like that. It's Friday, and Friday is often a lighter day. That's all.

MelissaR said...

Awe Shana, I'm sorry you were down. I feel that same as Pat and I think you are wonderful!! He HAD to be joking. My bet is that everybodys arms were WAAAYYYY too tired and sore to drive themselves to the Gym.

I probably seem like I get angry sometimes, but it is always at myself, NEVER at you or anybody else.

MelissaR said...

Oh...And Rae...CONGRATULATIONS on your pull-ups!! Wahoooo!

MelissaR said...

Slooooow board today. Where is everybody??

What ya doing?

Pat said...

I'm at Java Monkey. I needed a change of scenery, so I packed up my computer and came here to work for a little while. The work I'm doing is very detailed and is making me a little bug-eyed. I'm feeling a wee bit blue today, and I thought getting out of my house would be good for me.

MelissaR said...

Why so Blue Panda Bear?? :o)

I like Java Monkey and wish I could be working from there too.

Sorry you are feeling blue today.
Hope a nice cup of coffee and some people watching makes you feel better.

MelissaR said...

Job is going good Miki. MUCH busier than my last role, though I am still kind of doing that one too, at least for now. But, I am all official now, so Yay! I don't have to stress about it or worry anymore that I might not get the job.

I wish I could be going to London too! No fair! :o)

Shana A. said...

Miki, couldn't you take us ALL to London with you?

Pat said...

Well, I think I'm blue for a few reasons:

1. I ate sugar last night and sugar depresses me. The less often I have it, the more sensitive I seem to be to it.

2. I weighed at WW yesterday, and I was up .8. Shana told me not to weigh everyweek, but I weighed anyway, and even though I had a pretty good week, it bothered me for the scale to be up. I guess I was hoping for a 4-pound loss every week! =o) I'm still down over 3 pounds ln the last 2 weeks. I am making good changes and headed in the right direction. I choose to not let this bother me and when negative thoughts about it pop into my head, I will shoot them down!

3. I've lost a lot of $ this week. The stock market is tanking, and since I'm a little older than many of you, it can be especially worrisome to watch your retirement account dropping day by day. So it's a challenge to not think about/worry about that.

I feel better to have stated what's bothering me. EATING won't make any of this better. I need to keep that in mind.

Erica said...

Good morning everyone...well, almost good afternoon. Where is this day going? I guess that's a good think since it's Friday!

Shana, that's the silliest thing I have ever heard about people not showing up because Chuck said you were going to be there. I remember a while back when you took a few days off (rare), and it just wasn't the same being at CFED without your silliness, encouragement, and tough love. I agree, you ARE CFED!

Pat, I love that picture and that poem. Your brother is really talented. And I hope you find a HGB that turns your frown upside down!

Miki, have a safe and WONDERFUL trip home.

Rae, Congrats on your pullups!

Melissa, belated congrats on the new role! I'll bet you're enjoying being busier. Not sure if you're like me, but the less busy I am, the less I accomplish!

My HGB for today...on my run this morning I went "playground hopping" and ran from playground to playground in my neighborhood. I found 3 great places to do pull-ups,and did 20 at each stop along with squats and pushups and wall-jumps. It felt great...and I think I am really ready to come back next week!!!!

Pat said...


I just got home from my morning at Java Monkey and then a trip to the chiro. Melvin and the kitties (Teddie and Rudy) surrounded me and greeted me like I had been gone a week.

Encouraging words from all of you...reminding me to notice the HGB's.

Shana told me that I have already made a difference for her since I started helping with some of the CFED office stuff. That made me feel really good.

Shana said my clean is much improved!

MelissaR said...

Awe, Yay Pat! I'm glad you were able to find some HGB's this afternoon! Kitties and puppy love is the best!! :o)

Thanks Erica. I do prefer to be busier. The days are just flying by at the moment, which is much better that sitting here wondering why to clock has barely moved.

Rachel Nye said...

Miki this is the site where I got my food list :

I didn't notice before but it looks like an interesting site, I am going to go back and look at the other info they have.

Pat, I feel for you, I think we all are trying to stay positive with this economy stuff, but it is hard as reality and the numbers keep getting worse. I think the only way to make it through is to really try to focus on other things( crossfit, friends...), when my mind wanders to our current economic situation I try not to reflect too much, because I know it is anxiety inducing. At least we know we are all in this together and many of us feel the same worries. That is why it is so important we tell how we feel but at the same time we all have to try really hard to keep positive energy in the air. Chin up buttercup!

Erica glad you are up and running again that sounds like fun! I love that type of WOD it is adventurous and outdoors my fave things!