Monday, April 20, 2009

Balance in All Things

A family of Canadian Geese at Lullwater Park.
Look closely and you can see the two babies following the mother.

I don't feel like writing about food or diets this morning. Bleh. Sick of it. I will tell you about the terrific weekend I had instead. I worked in my yard a good bit; so much is starting to pop. It is a very rewarding time for the gardener in me. And both days I took Melvin for a long walk at Lullwater park. Saturday morning I stopped at Dancing Goats for a cup of coffee first; walking those trails with coffee in hand, listening to the birds. Very nice. And we hit the nature jackpot. We saw geese, baby geese, ducks, ducks sitting on nests full of eggs, turtles, and even a snake which caused me to scream! He was a harmless black snake, but still he scared me. Melvin found him very interesting. I shuddered and left the scene as quickly as possible, pulling Melvin behind me.

I was reminded again how much I love gardening and nature. And how it nurtures me. I love CrossFit, CFED, and my life in Decatur, but I can't forget or abandon the journey I started at age 40 to connect with nature and find a simple, less harried life. I've been out of balance for months now. So I shouldn't be surprised that I have been struggling with eating well and losing more weight. I need to restore balance in my life and make room for that which truly nutures and re-energizes me. I must have time away from the computer, the crowds, and yes, even the gym and crossfit. Balance in all things.

Melvin and I startled a mother duck sitting on her nest.
She sought the refuge of the lake until we passed.

Turtles sunning on a branch.
Several jumped off before I could snap the picture.

Melvin poses on the suspension bridge.

View from the suspension bridge.

Off the beaten path -- one of the more rustic trails at Lullwater.

1 comment:

Rachel Nye said...

Pat, sorry I missed this post, but I loved looking at the pictures, they made me smile!