Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saved by a Salad

I was saved on Saturday by a Big Spinach Salad!

Yesterday after the WOD, I tossed some healthy food choices in a cooler and headed for the cabin. On the drive over, I mentally prepared myself for the food challenges at the cabin and at my mom's house. The challenge at the cabin is falling into the trap of thinking I'm on vacation and deserve to eat whatever I want. The challenge at my mom's is that she often wants to love you with food. So I prepared my mind for these hurdles and determined that I would remember what I really want and think beyond the moment. I decided to stop at my Mom's first to say hi. When I arrived, to my surprise, my older sister, Myra and her family were visiting. Myra was cooking lunch and her husband Phil and possible future son-in-law Tad were working outside, clearing fallen limbs and trees leftover from the snow-storm in early March. It was a very nice surprise. And just as nice was the wonderful meal my sister prepared. She made pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and a huge spinach salad. I was thrilled when I saw the salad because I knew I could be successful with a lean protein and a big salad. The meal was gluten-free because her husband and son both have celiac disease, so I didn't have to worry about resisting the bread or other grains. My biggest challenge was staying away from the Magic Bars she made for dessert. She had cut them into itty bitty bars, so having one would not have been that big a deal. For a normal person. For me, a taste can lead to big trouble...the kind of trouble I found myself in earlier this week.

Success! Not so much as a crumb of the Magic Bars touched my lips. The day wasn't perfect, but so much better than it could have been.

Breakfast, 7:30 am
2 eggs
turkey bacon
coffee with milk

9:30, WOD: "The 555", 26:00

12 noon
coffee with milk
Balance Bar
1 oz almonds

pork tenderloin
small serving of mashed potatoes
big serving of spinach salad
coffee with milk

4:00 pm, Hike in the woods

6:30 pm
way too many peanuts

7:30 pm, Dinner
Tukey-Vegetable Soup

1o:00 pm
1 oz dark chocolate

1 comment:

The Orkins said...

Great job Pat - that salad looks so tasty. So much so that I am going to have to find a spinach salad for lunch. Yum.

I would love the recipe for your turkey veggie soup if you don't mind sharing. Seems like it would be a good thing to have on hand for a Saturday/Sunday.