Monday, April 6, 2009

Forget Little Debbie

Fallen trees block the foot bridge.

And more fallen trees block the path that leads to my mom's house.

I had a great Sunday clearing more fallen trees from last month's winter storm. There's still lots more work to do, but at least the path is no longer blocked and the footbridge is back in use. I love working in the woods, and I am so much better at it now than I was BCF (before crossfit).

I had a pretty good day eating-wise, especially considering I was out of my normal routine and just making do with what was available. My big victory for the day was resisting a Little Debbie Cake. If you think about all the refined carbs and unhealthy fat in these, they really are disgusting. But in the moment, it's hard to remember that. I was just thinking how I would love the taste of something sweet with my coffee after lunch. What really kept me from eating it was remembering that it would trigger a craving for more sweets, setting off the vicious cycle of eating sweets, followed by depression, followed by eating more sweets to feel better. So I took my after-lunch coffee into the den, away from the temptation. Mama followed me, we started talking, and pretty soon I had almost forgotten about Little Debbie.

8:00 am
coffee with milk

9:30 am, Breakfast
2 scrambled eggs with roasted asparagus
2 slices canadian bacon
coffee with milk

10:00, hike in the woods

11:00 to 1:00 pm, WOD: clear fallen trees

1:00 pm
2 oz tuna with lite mayo
~1 T peanut butter
1/2 handful of peanuts

1:30 to 3:00 pm, WOD continued: clear fallen trees

3:30 pm
Spinach salad with blue cheese dressing
(spinach, strawberries, mushrooms, carrots, onion, bacon bits)
coffee with milk

4:00 pm, hike back to cabin

7:30 pm, Dinner
Turkey Vegetable Soup
strawberries and cottage cheese
1/4 cup walnuts

9:30 pm
1/4 cup walnuts


myesha said...

Now that seems like a great day!!

Byron said...

Excellent job "choosing" the right game plan to meet your goals! I love seeing the pictures from your day of working in the woods. Funny how the older we get the more we go back to our roots! (Yes, all puns were intended!)