Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Next Step

Spring is fleeting. Be sure to enjoy each day, each blossom, each smell.
That's Melvin's philosophy. He's excellent at staying in the moment.

I've decided to track my Weight Watcher points for the upcoming week. I'm in a good habit now of writing down everything I'm eating. It's not overwhelming to me anymore to think about weighing and measuring and tracking the points. I have continued to attend my Weight Watcher meetings over the last few weeks. Yesterday at the meeting I was talking to several women who are at their goal and have maintained it for a while now. All looked great. Healthy and fit. Not cross-fit, but generally fit. I talked to them before the meeting started to see what I could learn. One woman said, "it started to work for me when I realized that I just can't eat that much." Profound, right? It struck a cord with me. Focusing on the quality of food I'm eating is very important. Eating less refined sugar over the last couple of weeks has helped me least now I am more aware of what it does to my body and mood. But to lose weight, I've got to focus on the quantity too. So that's the next step for me; that's what I am working on starting today.

Yesterday's food diary follows...

6:30 am, Breakfast
1/2 ezekiel english muffin
1 T peanut butter
2 soy sausage links

8:30 am, WOD, "Danny" (20 minute AMRAP)

10:00 am
1/2 ezekiel english muffin
1 T peanut butter

12 noon
Weight Watcher 1-point bar

2pm, Lunch
Spinach salad with 2 oz salmon, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, balsamic vinaigrette

4:30 pm
strawberries and banana with dollop of greek style yogurt

6pm, Walk Melvin

7:30 pm, Dinner
turkey burger salad (2 oz turkey burger, greens, tomato, bell pepper, strawberries, balsamic vinaigrette)
cottage cheese and apple

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