Saturday, April 4, 2009

Choose it Everyday

I am feeling better. With just two days of proper eating under my belt, combined with a couple of good workouts, I am feeling like a different person. This is not a new learning for me. I have been at this same place observing and appreciating this exact same discovery many times before. And yet I continue to slip into the abyss of out-of-control eating on a regular basis. I say this not to be negative, but to be real. I don't have this figured out. I know generally what the solution is. Maintaining it as a lifestyle is the part I have to conquer. Maybe it's as simple as choosing it everyday. I choose it again for today.

Below is my food journal from yesterday.

7:00 am, Breakfast
2 egg veggie scramble
turkey bacon
coffee with milk

10:30 am
12 oz non-fat latte

12 noon, Lunch
lean ground beef patty
steamed broccoli
grape tomatoes

3:30 pm, Snack
apple and cottage cheese

5:30 pm, WOD: "Nancy", 26:42 with 45# OHS

9:00 pm, Dinner
2 oz lean beef, 2 oz turkey breast
steamed broccoli
steamed carrots

10:30 pm, Snack
strawberries and cottage cheese

Midnight, Lights Out

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