Thursday, April 2, 2009

By Invitation Only

I'm getting ready to start my blog back up, but it will now be by invitation only. That's because if I'm going to do this damn blog, I've got to get real and use it more as a daily report card. Even a confessional if needed. And frankly, I don't want to bare my soul to just everybody everyday. Maybe I'll feel differently later, but that's how I feel right now.

Here's who I have invited to participate: Shana, Byron, Rae, Sheryl, Shannon (aka Meeks), Naomi (aka Gnomes), Kath, Mo, and Myesha. If there is someone else you think I should include, shoot me an email at

Stay tuned for a new post.


The Orkins said...

I feel honored to be part of it! Thanks.

About that report card...toady is day 1 of no candy! This is HUGE after the past few days...the EAs that sit outside my office have a DRAWER FULL of little Hersey's and I pick up about 10 over the coarse of the day. No more...stay away Hersey's and your cute little packagine.

Pat said...

Good job staying away from the candy, Gnomes! I feel honored that you feel honored! I feel like you guys must be sick of hearing me work on the same shit day after day. I am grateful that you all keep hanging in there with me.

I like that I have tightened this thing up. I now feel free to curse and swear, damn it. I might even say the f-work.

Kath said...

Killer. Does that mean we can use the F word? HAHAHA

I did the lockdown "perfectly"... and now I've laxed off a bit, nothing too-too out of control -- but like Shana put it so poetically "I can't be trusted with nuts" lol. And I've found my own way to binge on paleo stuff (shrug). Gimme an inch haha.
So I'm happy to have y'all back again...

Kath said...

LMAO, I wrote my thing before I read yours Pat hahaha!

Pat said...

Kath, you don't need permission to use the F-word. As I recall, you used it quite liberally without permission.

Moira said...

Hey, PatC and all.

Thanks so much for the invite! I love that you're starting it back up.

I'll try to be more "talk"ative...on here. Just tough since I know so few of you in person/haven't met some. But, I think even being in the virtual presence of such badassladies should inspire me to improve in my crossfitting (as long as I don't continue to cause furniture-moving induced injuries). Sigh.

BTW. Mo = Moira (finally reactivated my google/blogger identity)

myesha said...

Thanks for including me in your Blog. You are very brave to do this, and I am honored to be a part. As always, I will be on the sidelines with pom poms.


Meeks said...

I'm glad to see the blog is back and honored to be a part. The accountability (and also the freedom) to put it all out there takes courage PatC so "by invitation only" it is.

**BTW none of this crew was in the 5:30 AM grp this AM but I got all 5 pullups unbroken for all 5 rounds!!