Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back from the Edge

Okay, I'm back. I got so crazy busy that I just let the blog go for a while. And then everything seemed to get in a mess. Work has been very hectic. It's spring, and I work for a nursery so that's to be expected. On top of that, these are busy times at CFED. I traveled to Jacksonville to watch Shana and the others compete. I also picked up some extra work last week to allow Shana to focus on the competition. All good stuff, but in the process I didn't take care of myself. So by yesterday I found myself exhausted, depressed, and very unhappy. The good news is that I managed to make myself get in a workout last night--something I had not done since Wednesday of last week. Ugh; I hate to admit that, but it's true. I worked out again this morning, and I've eaten well today so I am already feeling tons better.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have taken some other positive steps to move myself in the right direction. I'll share more about this in a future post--maybe tomorrow. So even though I slipped off the face of the earth for a week or so, and even though I ended up in a mess, my general report is positive. That's how I choose to look at it. I'm making progress; it's certainly not linear and it is surely NOT fast, but there IS progress.

Did you read the post on the CrossFit Affiliate blog today about how CrossFit and clean eating are helping one woman change her life? It's a great article. Read it here.


Rachel Nye said...

Pat! I was just thinking how much I missed reading your blog! You have been super busy and I know it is stressful. Miki and I have been talking about how the stress just literally wipes you out, it can be quite debilitating. I just know you got to keep trucking and working out and eating healthy actually helps. I had a great day of eating today, I have kind of gotten off track since the wedding and eating while stressed out moving, looking for a place and job. I hope this blog stays active, it is nice to converse more intimately here with all my friends, even while I am in FL!

Pat said...

Thanks, Rae! I'm glad to have you back on the blog. I need to keep the blog going; I see that it helps me and keeps me from "hiding". And knowing that it helps others is a major source of satisfaction...I need to remember that.

Sheryl McCalla said...

Those pictures are gorgeous. A hidden gem 10 mins away. I think the kids and I will go to Lullwater this weekend. The vision of me strolling with them, coffee in hand ;), is delicious.

"I can't forget or abandon the journey I started at age 40 to connect with nature and find a simple, less harried life... I need to restore balance in my life and make room for that which truly nutures and re-energizes me." Pat, my friend and business partner, you know why this line from your last post deeply resonates with me. Others, I'll share soon. I don't think there are mid-life crises; I think they are mid-life awakenings.

Pat said...

Sheryl, I totally agree that it's mid-life wisdom, not mid-life crazies, and we need to listen. ... funny you should mention taking the kids to Lullwater...when I was there that day taking those pictures, I thought that it would be a great outing for you and the kids. Park at the Clifton School.

Pat said...

I just ate steamed asaparagus, chopped apple and turkey bacon (organic, no nitrates) with my coffee & soy creamer. It was very satisfying. Could it be that this new way of eating is really something I could do for a lifetime? is starting to seem "normal", and I like the way I feel when I eat this way.