Thursday, April 16, 2009

Flirting with Trouble

Strawberry Pickin' at Prescott Farms in Wrens yesterday.

Can't you just taste 'em?

I'm starting to spin and spiral. I'm not out of control yet, but I'm flirting with trouble. I was too busy today to keep my food diary. I didn't pack a lunch for the trip to the farm as I had planned, but it would not have mattered anyway. I was held captive in a van all day, and the van was being driven by the CEO. He took us all to lunch so there wasn't much I could do, except do my best. Of course we went to Peggy's for southern cooking. I opted for a veggie plate and unsweet tea. We stopped to pick strawberries after lunch which was a great treat. By the time I started the 2.5 hour drive home about 4pm, I was sleepy (from too many carbs probably) and tired. I needed a pick-me-up so I stopped for Starbucks coffee and somehow managed to get a chocolate chip cookie too. Starbuck's cookies are the size of saucers, you understand. I ate the whole thing. I had already had lots of strawberries! And a handful of trail mix that someone passed around in the van. This evening I stopped at Whole Foods to pick up a piece of salmon for a salad. Good idea, but I also got a handful of chocolate covered almonds for dessert. I'm glad this day is over.


Moira said...

Well, look at it this way:

You flirted.
At least you didn't wake up shamed, awkward, and guilty as you may have been if you'd taken both Ben _and_ Jerry home last night.

Flirting seems good by comparison, no?

Pat said...

I like this analogy. What I consider "flirting" you may well consider full fledged "infidelity." Oh, it's such a struggle! But as bad as yesterday was, that's an improvement for me! Sick, I know. But after I ate the Starbuck's cookie, I was tempted to just dive head-first into a major sweets-binge. and I didn't so that's a big improvement. Today zero-tolerance for the sweets!

Pat said...

Mo, thanks! I was feeling really discouraged, and you helped me. Thank you!

Moira said...


I love being the encourager for a change! I'm mostly just punchy today from lack of sleep...and that flirting analogy just cracked me up when I thought of how we do think of food in terms of "cheating," "flirting," etc. and how ridiculous it was to think that the protein and veggies are sitting there in the fridge sad and dejected while the "sweets" are getting all the lovin'

The Orkins said...

Thank you - you both just made me laugh out loud. Pat - you look great in that picture - so happy, and the strawberries look AMAZING! You are clearly on the right track.